Five ways to earn college credit while in high school…
Why take college-credit courses in high school? The money savings are significant: tuition for college classes taken in high school is much lower than it is for the same classes taken on a college campus. You can finish college in 3-4 years instead of 6 and can be earning the salary of a college-educated person by the time you’re 22 or 23. You can focus your attention in college on courses YOU want to take, especially ones in your chosen major, because you’ll have many of your “general education” required courses completed before you even start college. Maridella
Why take advanced-level courses in high school? Here’s the cost of “remediation” in higher education: 62% of Missouri 17-19 year olds at 2-year community colleges enrolled in remedial courses in their first year: the college required them to take these courses because of their low ACT scores. 40% of the students who take remedial courses at college also take six years to complete a college degree. Maridella Carter
Dual Credit: What It Is and How it Works “Dual” means you earn both high school and college credit for successfully completing the course. Earning the college credit is contingent on enrolling in and paying the reduced tuition fee for the course to the college or university offering the credit. The requirements for registering vary but are generally these: 3.0 overall GPA junior or senior status (11th or 12th grade) Maridella
DUAL CREDIT Blue Springs high schools offer several college credit courses through area colleges. The courses are taught by a high school teacher who has been approved to teach a college class. The student must apply to the college, be accepted, and pay a reduced fee for college credit to be awarded. Upon completion of the course, students earn both high school and college credit. One other plus…you don’t pay for the textbook!
Dual Credit: Courses are offered on the Blue Springs campuses for dual credit through the Metropolitan Community Colleges, the University of Missouri, Kansas City, Drury, or the University of CentraMissouri A Capella Choir (MCC) Advanced Debate/College Debate(MSU) Aeronautics (UCM) Business Principles (MCC) College Accounting (MCC) College Algebra (UMKC) College Business Calculus I (MCC) College Debate (UMKC) College Entrepreneurship (UMKC) College Marketing (MCC) College Statistics (UMKC) College Trigonometry (UMKC) Communications I (UMKC) Culinary Skills ProStart II (MSU) Debate II/College Speech (MSU) Dual Credit Biology (UMKC) Dual Credit Chemistry (UMKC) English Comp 110 (UMKC) English 214- Writing about Lit(UMKC) FAA Private Pilot Ground School (UCM) Forensics IV (MCC) French III (UMKC) French IV (UMKC) German III (UMKC) German IV (UMKC) Hospitality and Management I (MSU) Hospitality and Management II (MSU) Intro to Teaching (UMKC) Leadership (Drury) Observation of Children (UCM) Orchestra (MCC) Private Pilot Ground School (UCM) Symphonic Wind Band (MCC)
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses The Advanced Placement (AP) program is a nationwide program of college level courses sponsored by the College Board. Students can earn college credit while in high school by earning a satisfactory grade on a national exam. Students who enroll in AP courses are expected (but not required) to take the AP exam in May. Each exam costs approximately $95.
The following 15 Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered in Blue Springs high schools: AP American Government AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature & Composition AP Environmental Science AP European History AP Music Theory AP Physics A AP Physics C: Mechanics AP Psychology AP Spanish AP United States History
Articulated Credit Students can take articulated credit courses in high school; however, they only receive college credit after they graduate from high school AND after completing 15 hours at the Metropolitan Community College (MCC) or North Central Missouri College for Ag classes. If you take an articulated credit course in high school, you must earn at least an 80% grade in the course in order to earn college credit later on.
The following articulated credit courses are offered in Blue Springs high schools: College Accounting Business Principles Advanced Marketing or College Marketing Some Agriculture Courses Various CTC courses Various Summit Tech Academy
2 other ways to earn college credit 1) Credit by examination – applies to Project Lead the Way (PLTW) courses – Engineering and Biomedical. 2) Enrollment for high school students – students take courses at the college campus of their choice. (with counselor approval)
REMEMBER……………. When considering dual credit and/or advanced placement classes……… Keep in mind that you must check with the college or university you plan to attend, as well as the department in which you intend to enroll regarding acceptance and transferability. With dual credit courses, students are starting their college transcript while in high school. Which means their College GPA begins… Rigorous classes always help prepare students for work, college, and the ACT or SAT tests.
SET YOUR GOAL Don’t be afraid to take risks and challenge your student. A college would rather see a student who tried the harder classes and may have a lower GPA than one who took the easy road and has all A’s. The one who took risks is more likely to complete college and not drop out when they find a struggle.
Academic Resume 617 NW Wildcat Dr. Blue Springs, MO 64014 ELIZABETH JAGUAR WILDCAT 617 NW Wildcat Dr. Blue Springs, MO 64014 (816)123-4567 Education: Blue Springs High School GPA: 4.006 2000 Jag Drive Class Rank: 5/543 Blue Springs, MO 64015 ACT: 31 (816)-874-3200 High School Extracurricular Activities High School Honors National High School Honors Community Service Awards and Honors
High School Extracurricular Activities Include clubs, sports, lessons, parts in plays, etc. include if captain or lead etc. And year of high School involved. Football Cheerleader – Junior Varsity 9
High School Honors include any awards, certificates, elected offices, letters, conference, and years. Student Council Representative 9, 10, 11, 12
National High School Honors include any national recognitions Who’s Who of American High School Students 9, 10, 11, 12
Community Service, Awards, and Honors include hours if you have kept track of them, volunteer work, church or mission work, scouting Octagon Club Member 10, 11, 12
IMPORTANT Fill in as much under each section as possible. Brag! Remember any award or activity your student has been in since beginning High School. This resume can help with college admissions, scholarships, and job applications.
BSHS/BSSHS Counselors The high school counselors will be at the Freshman Center ALL DAY on February 14, 15 and 16 to meet with students individually and go over the Personal Plan of Study and enroll students in classes. Barge
Help Along the Way *College visits – Throughout the year: -College Representatives visit our High Schools -During Senior year students can take 2 pre-ab days to a visit college campus *College Fair each year in the fall – Over 100 colleges are represented *Financial Aid Night each year in January for help with FAFSA information