Administration, Finances, and Resources Standard V Administration, Finances, and Resources
V.1 Adequate program autonomy and institutional support Not only this… But also this, for example… “The program resides in XXX College and is administered by the director.” “The University provides XX% of the program’s budget.” Include an organization chart that shows both the programs and others and where they reside. Show some budget rationale: based on tuition income or enrollment, for instance. Provide several years’ data to illustrate the program’s financial trajectory. V.1 Adequate program autonomy and institutional support
Not only this… But also this, for example… “The program has members on university-wide committees.” “The program offers a total of $50,000 in financial aid each year.” Provide a list of faculty, staff, and students and the committees on which they serve. Select a program or two of similar size within the university and show the number and amounts of assistance given, with comparison to the $50,000. V.2 Program represented at institutional level and has equitable resources
Not only this… But also this, for example… “Program head compensation is set by our bargaining unit.” “The program head has xxx years’ experience as a manager.” Include CV of program head. Indicate other similar programs in the same bargaining unit and show salaries and years of service (if public information). Show the program head’s annual evaluations that might show strengths and weaknesses in leadership and management. Provide analysis/highlights on program head’s CV. V.3 Program head is comparable to heads of other units; program head has necessary skills and knowledge
Not only this… But also this , for example… “Students are socialized through professional associations and events sponsored by the program.” Provide programs from the events, statistics as to attendance, names of faculty sponsors. Orientation, professional organization, and awards program agendas, reviews, or media coverage. V.4 Program head nurtures environment to enhance accomplishment of program goals and socialization of students into the field.
Not only this… But also this, for example… Lists of staff positions, job descriptions, and statements of their contributions. Specific examples of staff interaction with students mapped to mission, goals, objectives. Minutes of staff meetings and other evidence that staff, both professional and hourly, are informed by and contribute to development of program goals and objectives. V.5 Staff contribute to fulfillment of program mission, goals, and objectives.
Not only this… But also this, for example… Statements of support and budget figures. Information on the availability of funds for travel, research, professional development, and leaves or sabbaticals. Lists of recipients of support and their accomplishments. V.6 Institutional support adequate to carry out program’s teaching, research and service
V.7 Equitable faculty and staff compensation Not only this… But also this, for example… Statements of equitable compensation within the institution and/or among peer institutions. Comparative data on program salaries and benefits with peer institutions and with similar programs within the university. If not equitable, discussion of efforts to improve. V.7 Equitable faculty and staff compensation
V.8 Institutional funds equitable with other units Not only this… But also this, for example… Statements that program is “on par” with others within the institution. Budgets, budget analyses, and data, along with institutional policies regarding allocation of resources to units. Information on administrative personnel including demographics, salaries, and skills as compared to similar units. V.8 Institutional funds equitable with other units
V.9 Physical and technological resources for program Not only this… But also this, for example… Inventory of equipment and software for teaching and learning Schedule for replacement of digital equipment V.9 Physical and technological resources for program
Not only this… But also this, for example… “The program occupies XXX square feet in YYY library and has three classrooms, ten offices, and a lab.” Add maps, floor plans, photographs, along with descriptions of on-campus and off-campus facilities. V.10 Physical facilities provide functional learning, research, service, & program administration
Not only this… But also this, for example… “Our facilities and services are ADA compliant.” Add descriptions of the compliance or accommodations for all facilities where face-to-face classes or activities (orientation, social, etc.) are held. Provide evidence that all on-line programs are accessible to students with hearing, visual, or other disabilities. V.11 Access to information resources and services, and information technologies
V.12 Support resources meet program needs Not only this… But also this, for example… Provide budgets, assessments, usage data, collection and services for libraries, labs, commons, etc. Provide particulars on support for technology, staff assigned, equipment budgets, etc. Describe institutional facilities used by program regardless of location or mode of instructional delivery. “Library and technology services support students both on campus and online.” V.12 Support resources meet program needs
Not only this… But also this, for example… Description of surveys or other methods for constituent input on administrative policies Examples of policy or fiscal decisions resulting from systematic policy and budget review Examples of changes to facilities or other physical resources to improve program V.13 Administrative, fiscal, and support policies systematically reviewed with constituent involvement
Not only this… But also this, for example… Description of the process for evaluation of resources. Minutes, forms and data collection instruments, and other evidence of evaluation. Performance evaluation data. Usage data for library and lab resources by program constituents. V.14 Data substantiate evaluation of administration, finances, & resources
Not only this… But also this, for example… “Data is used to improve the program.” Examples of how data is used in specific decision making situations – substantiate with minutes, communication of decision, and results of the decision. V.15 Administrative evaluation results used to improve program and plan
Suggestions for Standard 5 documentation Use graphics to represent process Give concrete examples Use tables to organize information Use timelines to illustrate process Suggestions for Standard 5 documentation