Introduction to An Introduction to
Who we are… Raised almost £10 million for good causes Established in 2007 UK’s largest charity cashback site Raised almost £10 million for good causes Team of 60 working from Lichfield HQ Over 3,000 retailers
How we’ve helped cricket clubs 2013: £35,000 raised by cricket clubs 2014: £54,000 raised by cricket clubs 2015 so far: £43,000 raise by cricket clubs
What are clubs saying about easyfundraising? “Using easyfundraising couldn’t be simpler. It’s a real no brainer. We’ve raised so much for AVCC, by just doing what we’d be doing anyway.” Abingdon Vale Cricket Club, raised £376.71 in four months “It costs nothing and is simple to administer. We've made money from doing very little. We would endorse this scheme to all cricket clubs in the country.” Buxton Cricket Club, raised £100 in four months “Members of the club and a business are helping. And it was all free – excellent. As we have just moved to a new ground and new equipment is needed, every little helps!” Thornham Cricket Club, raised £96 in four months
Grand total raised all time for Cricket clubs in the UK: £237,611.43 Total no. of clubs registered: 1,764
So, how does it work?
Go to: How to Register a club Go to: Click register to register a new club
Go to: How to support a registered club Go to: Click support my club
1. Start at Let’s say you want to buy some trainers from Ebay. Instead of going to, you go to first and log in – or you can use the easyfundraising toolbar. 2. Make a purchase Click from the easyfundraising website through to Ebay to make your purchase. The price of the book is exactly the same as if you’d visited Ebay directly. 3. Get a donation After you buy your trainers, Ebay will give you a cash reward that you can turn into a donation for your cricket club. Easyfundraising collect this and send it on at no extra cost.
Shop with over 3,000 online retailers
Get lump-sum donations with certain utility providers Up to £40 donation Up to £20 donation Up to £30 donation Up to £25 donation Up to £25 donation Up to £20 donation
Raise more when you buy for business Buy stationery, office supplies and utilities Book travel – flights, trains and hotels Buy computers, software or phone contracts Do you buy for business or know anyone who does? Bigger purchases = bigger donations for your club
Ask a local business to help support you Free PR Potential exposure to club supporters CSR Staff feel good No extra costs, no extra time/hassle What’s in it for the business?