1.0 MACHINE IPC SPECIFICATION Advantech IPC-6608BP Desktop/ Wall mount Chassis 1 ISA, 4/ 6 PCI, 1 PCIMG, 1 PCI/ISA slot Advantech PCA-6194VG Core 2 Duo SBC Board Intel Core2 Duo 2.93Ghz E7500 1TB WD Enterprise HDD Apacer 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz (1x4GB or 2x2GB) DVD-Writer Win7 Pro license, downgrade to XP Pro license Slot Exhaust Fan (optional) Advantech IPC-510BP 4U Rack Mount Chassis 1 ISA, 10/ 12 PCI, 2 PCIMG, 1 PCI/ISA slot Advantech PCA-6194VG Core 2 Duo SBC Board Intel Core2 Duo 2.93Ghz E7500 Slot Exhaust Fan
Main GUI Application for Intotest Type M/C (Sorter/ Taper) 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO TEMISS Main GUI Application for Intotest Type M/C (Sorter/ Taper) Is an executable application in Window XP. Used to communicate with PLC for Machine Action. Include various features of background processor such as OSRAM Starnet Feature, Osram Master, Osram Tester & necessary equipment communication.
1.2 TEMISS MAIN INTERFACE DESCRIPTION Use to Store Reel Setup Info Use to Store Prolab files Use to Store Error Message History Stepper, Servo Motor Reference Machine Action Tape Reel Info Floating Form Section Information Bar TCPIP Status
1.3 TEMISS MAIN INTERFACE LOGIN DESCRIPTION - When there is a “X”, it means user has not log in to system. User will not have rights to use the function in TEMISS unless user has log on . - When there is a “X”, it means user have log in to system. User can use the function provided accordingly to the level of each user.
2.0 TEMISS BASIC OPERATION Refer to picture (right) for the basic operation guideline for TEMISS application. User will need to start lot (mainly to register lot information) User will need to perform stepper motor reference. Once done for stepper motor reference, user will need to perform servo motor reference. Upon completion of servo motor reference, the machine is ready to run as usual.
2.1 TEMISS BASIC OPERATION – START LOT Refer to picture (right) for the guideline to start a lot. Continue Test Program – Temiss will continue with previous selected device. All the bin counters will clear to zero but existing tape reels qty will not be reset to zero. New Test Program – User need to choose new device to run in this lot. All the bin counters & tape qty will clear to zero. Load From Scanner – User can auto select the device by using tape station barcode scanner (QX-870). All the bin counters & tape qty will clear to zero.
2.2 TEMISS BASIC OPERATION – CHANGE TAPE STATION Refer to picture (right) for the guideline to change tape station. Use when user need to change tape station/ tape grouping in the lot. This action will use together with (Microscan QX-870) to scan a barcode label. After successful scan, it will auto select for a new tape grouping with new grouping result.
2.3 How to Continue Lot? Click the icon shown below. Click “OK” when require & Click “Cancel” if want to cancel. This action would continue to run the machine with previous test program and lot number. Normally, this action only done when user need to continue for machine run after Temiss Exit and re-launch back.
2.4 How to Do Stepper Reference? Click the icon shown below. Click “OK” when require & Click “Cancel” if want to cancel.
2.4 How to Do Servo Reference? Click the icon shown below. Click “OK” when require & Click “Cancel” if want to cancel.
2.5 How to Do Servo Reference? Click the icon shown below. Click “OK” when require & Click “Cancel” if want to cancel.
3.0 ACCESS LEVEL Basically categorize into 3: Operator access level (Level 5 and below) Maintenance access level (Level 6) Engineer access level (Level 8) Administrator level (Level 10) For different access levels, user may only access to certain applications. Access would be denied if the user are not logged into the appropriate access levels.