Samsung Pay 1155089782 RAO Lu 1155081944 KONG Shuyi 1155082141 ZHANG Hui
Outline Function of Samsung Pay Details of Security in Samsung Pay Tokenization KNOX
Function of Samsung Pay Credit & gift cards QR & Bar code (Alipay) Transportation cards
Function of Samsung Pay 1. Credit & gift cards Support both Near Field Communication (NFC) and Magnetic Secure Transaction (MST), which means that Samsung Pay can also work on all traditional POS terminals, include terminals those do not support NFC. NFC: a set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices to communication by bringing them within 4 cm of each other. (require POS support NFC) MST: incorporates an electromagnetic transmission system, which means that Samsung Pay can also work on payment terminals that only support magnetic stripe cards.
Function of Samsung Pay 1. Credit & gift cards or 1. Choose card: Slide the screen from the button up to launch the payment function, then choose the card you want to use. 2. Validate: fingerprint on the home key or input password of your phone. 3. Payment: put your phone beside the POS terminal and wait for payment complete.
Function of Samsung Pay 2. QR & Bar code (Alipay) Samsung pay can also bound with Alipay and generate an QR & Bar code card. Follow the previous payment steps to finish payment using Alipay.
Function of Samsung Pay 3. Transportation card After adding the transportation card into Samsung pay, people can use Samsung phone as a transportation card, even the phone is power off. At present, this function is available in Beijing and Shanghai.
Security in Samsung Pay Overview of Samsung Pay Secured Communication End-to-end 3DES encryption plus Tokenization TrustZone: KNOX Framework Reference:
Security in Samsung Pay Terminology PAN: Primary Account Number(16-digit) Token: An authorized voucher to interchange for goods or services. A substitute value of PAN. Also called DPAN. Cryptogram: An element contains ①encrypted data derived from the token;②timestamp;③Application Transaction Counter TSP: Token Service Provider ID&V: Identity and Verification
Security in Samsung Pay Samsung Preference TSP: Global payment networks Key type: Static key Security in Samsung Pay Tokenization Payment Workflow ID&V ① ID&V Token Requester TSP ② ③ ④ t ⑤ t t ④ ID&V t ① ⑤ Acquirer Payment network Issuer ③ ⑥ ② t t
Security in Samsung Pay 3DES Encryption 3DES = Triple DES = Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Symmetric-key Block cipher Applies DES three times to each block Cipher Details Ciphertext = EK3(DK2(EK1(plaintext))) Plaintext = DK1(EK2(DK3(ciphertext))) Block sizes : 64 Rounds: 48 (16×3) Key option1: K1≠ K2 ≠ K3 Key option2: K1= K3 ≠ K2 Key option3: K1= K2 = K3(DES)
Security in Samsung Pay End-to-end Authentication: Fingerprint of PIN Pad Cryptogram computation: Based on the key, only after successful authentication, one cryptogram per authentication Key access: Only particular card network TA Cryptogram security: cannot be brute-forced outside of the card network TA Guarantee Every Transaction using a token is explicitly authorized by the user.
Security in Samsung Pay Token + Cryptogram
Security in Samsung Pay Token + Cryptogram Example 4012300001234567 21041010647020079616 16 digits token 20 digits heart Reference: Black Hat USA 2016,Samsung pay: tokenized numbers flaws and issues, Salvador Mendoza
Details of Security in Samsung Pay KNOX KNOX is Samsung's defense-grade mobile security platform built into our devices. Simply turn on the device, and you're protected. The security platform of Samsung mobile devices since 2013, provides the total approach to mobile security, ensuring that your device is secure, out-of-the-box.
Details of Security in Samsung Pay KNOX Multi-layered security SE for Android Trust Zone Secure Boot & Trusted Boot Hardware Root of Trust
Details of Security in Samsung Pay Three layers of security: Biometric authentication KNOX Tokenization