What Do You Use the Internet For? The Internet is an amazing place! In our real lives, it provide us with entertainment, allows us to communicate and helps us learn new things. What things do you like to do online? Do you do anything online that helps others (e.g. share your ideas/tips, answer a question, help a friend in a game)?
What do you use the Internet for? watching TV shows watching online videos The internet can be loads of fun! playing games talking to friends homework finding out things
Useful websites for children http://www.lego.com/en-gb/default.aspx http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies http://harrypotter.scholastic.com/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc http://www.ty.com/
Parents and carers play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe online, and they are one of the first people children turn to if things go wrong. We know it can be difficult to stay on top of the wide range of sites and devices that young people use, so we hope that the following advice helps. Four steps: Have ongoing conversations with your children about staying safe online Use safety tools on social networks and other online services, eg Facebook privacy settings Decide if you want to use parental controls on your home internet Understand devices and the parental control tools they offer in our Parents' Guide to Technology
Digital footprints Respect and manners Who can view their content? Keep their personal information safe Reporting
Why Do I Need To Tell An Adult? They can help to explain what you have seen. They can help you to block or report comments and users. If what you saw upset you, they can help make you feel better. They can help you to find another website to use next time.
Online friends Privacy settings Grooming Cyberbullying Tell someone they trust!
Recent statistics show that 20% of children and young people indicate fear of cyber bullies made them reluctant to go to school 5% reported self-harm 3% reported an attempt of suicide as a direct result of cyber bullying Young people are found to be twice as likely to be bullied on FB as any other social networking site. 28% of young people have reported incidents of cyber bullying on Twitter 26% of young people have reported incidents of cyber bullying on Ask.fm
What can you do to support someone who is being bullied online? Reinforce that no one deserves to be treated in this way and that they have done nothing wrong Ensure that they know that there is help available to them Encourage them to talk to an adult that they trust so they feel they have somewhere safe go to Encourage them to talk to their parents/carers and if this isn’t possible to write a letter or speak to another family member Take screen shots of the cyber bullying so that they have proof this is happening Report all abuse to the relevant social media networks by clicking on the “report abuse” button Keep a diary so they have somewhere safe and private to write down their innermost thoughts and feelings which will help to avoid feelings bottling up Give praise for being so brave and talking things through which will hopefully empower them to take responsibility and get help Sending abuse by email or posting it into a web board can be harassment and if this has happened make a complaint to the police who can trace IP addresses etc
Adult content Hurtful and harmful content Reliable information Illegal downloading
Advertising In-app purchases Pop ups Spam
RESOURCES http://www.childnet.com/resources http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-and- resources/parents-and-carers https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
Sign up to the UK Safer Internet Centre newsletter at: Open dialogue with your child Sign up to the UK Safer Internet Centre newsletter at: saferinternet.org.uk Family agreement Consider filtering and blocking software Think before you/they post Understand the laws Privacy settings and reporting Save the evidence and report the incident Age ratings on apps and games Protect their personal information
#SID2016 We are happy to answer questions! education@childnet.com www.saferinternet.org.uk www.childnet.com saferinternetuk #SID2016 @UK_SIC
Safer Internet Day 2016 Education Packs by UK Safer Internet Centre is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.