Year 8 Homework Choice Mat Below shows all the tasks that you can choose from when a homework is set. As the tasks go from left to right they get more difficult. You may choose to complete any of the tasks in any order but you must choose at least 2 ‘Hardwood’ tasks and 1 ‘Metal’ task from the mat at some point. You will have to pick a total of 6 tasks from this mat. You will be marked on the effort you have put into the work so don’t leave it till the last minute. Each task completed well, will gain house points for you. Tick them off when completed. Manufactured Board Introducing (1hp) Softwood Testing (2hp) Hardwood Tricky (3hp) Metal Challenging (4hp) 1. Research 4. Knowledge 7. Plan 10. Make 2. Design 5. Research 8. Knowledge 11. Knowledge 3. Knowledge 6. Design 9. Design 12. Design Homework number Poster 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of homework completed Effort marks (out of 10) House points given for outcome
Manufactured Board Introducing (1hp) Softwood Testing (2hp) Hardwood Tricky (3hp) Aluminum Challenging (4hp) Research thermo and thermosetting plastic. Write a definition for both types and list 3 types of each with their uses. Make a Plastics related word search (at least 15 words) You will need to ask your teacher for a grid. Ensure your words interlink. Show the Line bending process as a flow chart. Showing the stages you go through and feedback loops to check quality. Collect a sheet to help Produce a model of a desk tidy in card. It should be able to hold pens / pencils and a rule. You cannot use glue, tape or string. You need to slot parts together so it is flat pack. Produce a poster on A4 that shows how to use a soldering iron safely. Also show the stages used to solder components. Research the ‘Art Nouveau’ design movement. Produce an A4 sheet with images. On the sheet explain what the similarities are and your likes and dislikes. Produce an A4 sheet that explains the five different forces, Tension, Compression, Torsion, Shear and Bending. Use sketches to help. Make a resistant materials tools related crossword. (at least 10 words) You need to write your own clues. Get a grid from your teacher. Produce a diagram to show the life cycle of plastic. Include production of plastic, transportation, production of a product, recycling / reusing. Recently electricity pylons have been redesigned. Draw 2-4 design ideas for new pylons that are based on anthropomorphism. Design 2 – 4 new garden chairs in the style of ‘Charles Rennie Mackintosh’. The design need to be new ideas not copies Design a product that a person with one arm could use to cut or prepare vegetables in the kitchen. Search independent living products for inspiration.