Data Pipeline Town Hall April 16, 2015


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Presentation transcript:

Data Pipeline Town Hall April 16, 2015 The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Data Pipeline support email is

Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

Introductions 3

Today’s Agenda Financial Transparency Vendor Updates Open Collections in Data Pipeline Civil Rights Data Collection READ 11th Grade Alternate Assessment School Discipline and Attendance Teacher Student Data Link Student End of Year Discipline Interchange Special Education Discipline Special Education End-of-Year 4

Financial Transparency 5

Financial Transparency: House Bill 14-1292 Beginning July 1, 2015 Local Education Providers (LEA: School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools and the Charter School Institute) must begin following the financial transparency requirements set forth in HB14-1292: CRS 22-44-105 6

What Comes First? July 1, 2015 In order to demonstrate compliance with financial transparency requirements, the Financial Policies and Procedures Committee (FPP) approved two LEA homepage options: Begin using the Financial Transparency Icon on your website homepage as a link to the July 1, 2015 Financial Transparency Template or Ensure the words “Financial Transparency” are clearly visible on your website homepage – as a link to the required July 1, 2015 Financial Transparency Template Use the required July 1, 2015 Financial Transparency Template: CRS 22-44-304 7

Financial Transparency: Icon 8

Website Homepage Example with Icon 9

Website Homepage Example with words “Financial Transparency” 10

Website Homepage Example with Icon 11

Required Website Template: July 1, 2015 12

Expenditures Tied to Unique School Sites Beginning with your FY15-16 financial data, you need to report expenditures at individual schools CDE has assigned a four digit unique school code to every school in your district: CRS 22-44-105 (e) (1) Your FY15-16 data needs to report expenditures tied to unique schools in your district Individual School Sites are buildings. You might have three schools in one building. That one building is the individual school site. We will be talking more about this requirement at future Town Halls, and in trainings

Expenditures Tied to Unique School Sites Every LEA is unique, and Colorado is a local control state which allows LEAs to determine the appropriate level of budget management and control. The expenditures you report at your unique school sites are decisions specific to you.  However, there are general considerations for you to think about as you determine the correct way to report expenditures at individual schools

Implementation Guide: Considerations CDE is currently working on a Financial Transparency Implementation Guide, to be available for download on the CDE website in mid to late April. This Implementation Guide will address/cover high level considerations for LEAs as they determine expenditure reporting for their unique school sites. We will be discussing this Implementation Guide and other Financial Transparency topics at upcoming Town Halls: BOCES and Members of BOCES Charter Schools Centralized and Decentralized Costs How your FY15-16 data will be used for a Public Website View

Draft Bill: Efficiencies Currently there is a draft bill which would allow LEAs to submit their expenditures tied to their unique school sites via the Data Pipeline. Under current law, all LEAs will need to post their financial data with expenditures tied to unique school sites on the LEA website The draft bill looks to make the process of collecting expenditure data tied to unique school sites more efficient by having districts submit that via Data Pipeline

Financial Transparency Web Resources The Financial Transparency Icon, the required website templates and other Financial Transparency information is on the CDE website:

School Finance Contacts Adam Williams: 303-866-6843: Yolanda Lucero: 303-866-6847: Kirk Weber: 303-866-6610:

10/23/2017 Vendor Update I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.

PowerSchool Colorado State Reporting Update Released April 10th School Discipline and Attendance Discipline by Action GFSA SPED Discipline Interchange Discipline Incident Discipline Action

PowerSchool Colorado State Reporting Update Planned Releases April 24 School Discipline and Attendance Discipline by Demographic TSDL Course Instructor File New setup features for TSDL Course Enrollment May 8 Attendance File Course Enrollment File

Colorado PowerSchool Users Demo Monday, May 4 at 2PM MT Demo and training covering updates and new features of the following reports: School Discipline and Attendance - 4 reports SPED Discipline Interchange – 2 reports Teacher Student Data Link – 2 reports For more information go to PowerSource You must have a PowerSource login. To receive a login, please contact your PS Admininstrator.

Open Collections 23

Open Data Pipeline Collections Year Round Directory 4 day school week application open School Code Changes RITS EDIS Periodic None Interchanges All Interchanges are open 24

Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots 11th Grade Alternate Assessment (Closes May 15th) Student Interchange Directory RITS READ (Opened April 1st) SPED IEP 25

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) 26

Are you ready for the 2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)? 27

Important information about CRDC Launch Date CRDC will open today, Thursday April 16th Withholding certification (approval) functionality Receive account information by 6 pm By April 30th formal hard copy letter with due date to superintendent (e-mail to PCP and ACP)

Colorado CRDC Schedule Colorado 2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection Schedule April 16-17 Districts that want to "Opt-Out" of CDE data provision should go into the system and make their selection to "Opt-Out". April 20 -21 CDE will load data and conduct data checks. Message will be sent when CDE complete. April 22 Districts begin entering data and making corrections to CDE provided data as necessary. July CRDC is expected to close. 29

Opting Out of State Data Provision Districts wanting to opt out of CDE provided data Log into system using e-mail and password Click on the ‘Admin’ link at top right Select ‘LEA Staff’ Look for the SEA staff June Rhodes-Maginnis Jan Petro Margaret Lake Hit ‘Remove User’ for each Thursday, April 16th or Friday, April 17th

Opting Out of Certain Modules or Schools for State Data Provision Districts wanting to opt out of certain CDE provided data Some districts have indicated they want to opt out of certain modules (also have option for schools) Steps are a tad more complex Must complete on April 16-17, if so choose Otherwise, LEAs may overwrite CDE data For TSDL, LEAs would choose modules COUR APIB EXAM This will wipe out all module data, not just TSDL.

CRDC and Integrated Math Reminder CDE did not include Integrated Math in our CRDC course mappings If your district utilizes these course codes, then please add integrated math students to the appropriate provided total. 02061 52061 These counts may be added to Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or other appropriate math category. Concern would be a deflated number of students in math courses.

CRDC Partner Support Center: (844) 338-2732 CRDC Assistance CRDC Partner Support Center: (844) 338-2732 CRDC@SANAMETRIX.COM 33

CRDC Resources Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Colorado Department of Education 34

Thank you! 2013-14 CRDC has arrived. Two hints: Wait until Wednesday, April 22nd to input data. Otherwise data may be overwritten by CDE! Remember, counts are based on Student October. If attempt to line up special education with December Count, may generate errors! It is here!  Good luck!!! 35

READ Collection Support Documents 10/23/2017 READ Collection Support Documents Business Rules Updated Data Elements posted 4/15/2015 FAQ Document Working on timeline 36

2014-2015 Documents & Resources 37

10/23/2017 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Snapshot Collection I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.

11th Grade Alternate Test Window Open TEST WINDOW APRIL 1-24 Test Administrators will need flexibility to schedule time to administer all of the performance tasks by April 24th. Training Test Administrator/DAC Narrated Powerpoint Training Posted (under 11th Grade Alternate Test Examiners) April 21st 8:00 for LEAPPROVERS Registration link: Upcoming *Create Final Snapshot and Roster PRIOR TO SCORE ENTRY! Score entry April 28-May 7 LEAAPPROVER Webinar – April 21 8:00 AM May 8th LEAAPPROVER submits to CDE by 5:00 PM ALL DISTRICTS SUBMIT SNAPSHOT 39

11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Contacts 10/23/2017 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Contacts Linda Lamirande Exceptional Student Services Unit Accommodations & Assessment Specialist 303-866-6863 Tesia Swanstrom, Program Assistant 303-866-6639 I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate. Tesia Swanstrom is my program assistant and she will be handling the test materials.

School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) 10/23/2017 School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.

School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Discipline Interchange/ Discipline Snapshot School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Interchange Student Level Data ONLY Students with disabilities are included Districts submit data in pipeline under Discipline interchange Two files Periodic Collection School Level Data count of incidents count of students ALL Students disciplined counted and reported Districts submit data and finalize data within Pipeline Four files 42

Identity Management Roles Roles have been created and are available for your Local Access Manager to assign: IdM Role Enables User to: SDA~LEAAPPROVER Finalize, Submit, Modify and View Data SDA~LEAUSER Submit, Modify and View Data SDA~LEAVIEWER View Data 43

SDA Webinar Training Schedule Tuesday, April 28th, 10 – 11 am Tuesday, May 5th, 2 – 3 pm Monday, May 11th, 1 – 2 pm Thursday, May 21st, 3 – 4 pm Wednesday, June 3rd, 3 – 4 pm All trainings will cover the same material Phone number: 1-866-764-6750 44

Additional Information 10/23/2017 Additional Information File Layouts, business rules and templates available at: Opens Monday, May 11th and will close Friday, June 26th Exceptions may be allowed, if school(s) are in session on or later than due date. Please contact me if this is needed. For assistance please contact Annette Severson at 45

Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) 10/23/2017 Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.

TSDL Dates Goals: Snapshot Schedule: Friday, May 1st – both TSDL files uploaded and error free Friday, May 29th – TSDL Snapshot created/error free Snapshot Schedule: April 16th – Snapshot opens August 28th - Approvals must be completed 47

TSDL Snapshot Once TSDL Interchange files are both error free, the snapshot can be created No business rules with snapshot Additional Reports are generated for review for accurate data Access will need to be granted by the LAM to create a snapshot: TLS_LEAAPPROVER – View, create and submit/finalize snapshot TLS_LEAUSER – View and create snapshot data TLS_LEAVIEWER – View data only (not create) 48

Resources TSDL Interchange Documentation found at: Deadlines, File layouts and definitions, Business Rules, Trainings Additional Resources – Frequently Asked Questions TSDL Snapshot Documentation found at: Deadlines, File layouts and definitions, Training Contact: Annette Severson – Chris Vance – 49

Student End of Year 50

Student End of Year Snapshot is open Next Goal: SE083 – Unable to resolve until Seniors graduate or have been retained GED List – Includes sasid and date information received List has been updated Load all three files in student interchange Include the advanced course completion file Only students taking post secondary or AP courses Next Goal: June 5th create an End of Year snapshot. Note: This does not have to be an error free snapshot. 51

Trainings Training materials Questions? PowerPoint and Recorded webinar Checklist for student end of year collection Step by step process documentation Questions? Kevin Smith 303-866-6723 52

Discipline Interchange 53

School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Discipline Interchange/ Discipline Snapshot School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Interchange Student Level Data ONLY Students with disabilities are included Districts submit data in pipeline under Discipline interchange Two files Periodic Collection School Level Data count of incidents count of students ALL Students disciplined counted and reported Districts submit data and finalize data within Pipeline Four files 54

Discipline Interchange Load under File Upload in Data Pipeline 55

Discipline Interchange District’s responsibility Districts please start loading data for students with disabilities Discipline Action Discipline Incident ONLY Students with disabilities are included Documentation 56

Special Education Discipline 10/23/2017 Special Education Discipline I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.

Districts without discipline events on children with disabilities Please contact me in writing if your district does not have any discipline events for the current reporting period for children with disabilities. In the subject line please include the following: The four digit District number The five district associated Administrative Unit number List of districts who don’t have discipline events for students with disabilities in their district to-date: AU District District Name 64043 0960 Elbert 300, Agate 1460 Kit Carson R-23, Hi-Plains 1780 Lincoln C113, Genoa-Hugo 1810 Lincoln Re 23, Karval 3070 Washington R-104, Woodlin 3220 Idalia RJ-3, Idalia 3230 Liberty J-4, Liberty 64163 1620 Las Animas 6, Aguilar Reorganizad 64193 0270 Baca RE-6, Campo 1760 Las Animas 88, Kim Reorganized 58

Upcoming Training Discipline Interchange and Special Education Discipline Data Collection Snapshot Process (content repeated) Monday, April 27th, 2015 1-2 pm Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 9-10 am 59

Weekly Updates Fields that MUST be zero-filled Administrative Unit (Incident and Action) Fields that can be zero-filled or populated with a valid code Behaviors (Incident) Weapons (Incident) Reported to Law Enforcement (Incident) Serious Bodily Injury (Incident) Habitually Disruptive Student (Action) Referred to Alternative School or Program (Action) Fields that cannot be zero-filled School Code UNLESS Program Code field has a valid program code (Incident and Action). Both fields cannot be zero-filled or have a valid code. Incident Identifier (Incident and Action) Date of Incident (Incident) Action Length (Action) Action Identifier (Action) Special Education Action Flag (Action) 60

Weekly Updates Either a “Discipline” (Suspensions/Expulsions) is reported OR a Special Education Removal Type (Unilateral Removal by School Personnel or Hearing Officer) is. Both fields cannot be blank and both fields cannot have a valid value in the field for one record A Reason for a Unilateral Removal must be provided when the student was Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel. This is the only discipline event where Reason is reported Received Services is ONLY reported for Discipline “Expulsions”. You may zero-fill the field for other discipline events to be considered NA Date of Action CANNOT precede Entry to Special Education or come after Exit Special Education Incident School and Dates will be checked against enrollment data. Incident Record Expectation clarified in the File Layout to reflect as conveyed in communications - Incident Identifier cannot be duplicated. Single Incidents of ½ day are now included in the Special Education Discipline Data Collection and will roll up to 1 day per OSEP guidelines. 61

Weekly Updates Modify DI05 & DA05 to eliminate reference to program exceptions (testing in QA (BUGs 4670 & 4671). If both School and Program fields are zero-filled error won’t trigger until snapshot is created. DI011 – allow incidences that occurred in the previous collection period to be reported where the action either straddles both years or the action occurs in the current reporting period (BUG 4663 – currently being tested in QA) New Reports Action without Incident (testing in QA) Incident without Action (testing in QA) Incident School Association Comparison Report (development) Report for AUs to see district status (will be available when snapshot becomes available) Snapshot error report for districts (will be available when snapshot becomes available) 62

IdM and Contact Information Be sure every district has a DIS respondent assigned Even if there are no discipline incidents for students with disabilities at your district. If your district falls in this category please let us know. We are in the process of handling this in the system but for now we’re just keeping a record. Be sure every AU has a SPI respondent assigned Snapshot to be available a week earlier on April 27th We encourage districts to begin submitting now For assistance please contact Kristi Gleason at 303-866-4620 Or Lindsey Heitman for technical assistance at 303-866-5759 63

Special Education End of Year 64

Annual Sped EOY Training Special Education End-of-Year Collection Information 2 options (identical webinars) Tues May 5 11:00 – 12:30 Wed May 13 3:00 – 4:30 Call-in number: 1-866-764-6750 *Not necessary to call in Special Education EOY Quick Reference Guide posted: Snapshots/Special Education EOY-Trainings 65

Next Town Hall: Thursday, April 23, 2015 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Thanks for your participation! Have a great weekend. In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours. -Mark Twain Next Town Hall: Thursday, April 23, 2015 9 a.m.-10 a.m. 66