Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan Revised Terms of Reference BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 1
Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 2 Background The Draft TOR were first presented to BRBC members at the June 12 BRBC Forum and forwarded via e-mail to all BRBC members for input. All comments were reviewed, discussed at the SC & TC level, and incorporated to the best ability possible. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 2
Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 3 Background Based on the comments, the SC revised the Draft TOR on August 14 and forwarded a revised version of the TOR to the BRBC BOD for approval. Copies were also mailed to key agencies, municipalities, and First Nations in the Bow Basin with the intention that these groups would be asked for their support of the plan direction (via an authorized representative). **TOR is step one, only, in the full process of preparing the watershed management plan. It allows objectives to be set to be fleshed out in the plan itself. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 3
Recap - Plan Objectives Recommend site-specific water quality objectives (WQOs) for key parameters for the: Bow River mainstem Nose Creek and West Nose Creek mainstem WQOs for the Nose Creek and West Nose Creek mainstems will be considered by the Nose Creek Watershed Partnership in their current and/or future planning initiatives. Elbow River upstream of Glenmore Reservoir WQOs for the Elbow River mainstems will be considered as part of the Elbow River Water Management Plan. Even though Nose Creek is further into their plan the science coming out of the joint technical committee will be useful to their implementation. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 4
Recap - What are Water Quality Objectives? Water quality objective (WQO): Numerical concentration limit or narrative statement which has been established to support and protect a designated water use at a specific site. (CCME 1996) WQO is a provincial definition. The point here being that water quality guidelines developed for all of Alberta may not be specific enough for all reaches and tributaries. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 5
Recap - Plan Objectives The plan will also recommend: an action plan including both regulatory and non-regulatory tools such as policy changes, best management practices, identification of future research priorities, etc. and, an implementation plan Including performance monitoring requirements, accountabilities for each identified strategy, timelines and priorities for implementation). Since all these early wmp’s are really test cases, it is our opportunity to learn from each one drafted. Therefore we are including both the action and implementation plans right in the document. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 6
Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 7 How Will WQOs Be Used? The WQOs will be : used as performance indicators for future state of watershed reporting, and; considered by decision–makers for decisions that will have the potential to impact water quality. More uses may appear as we get into the plan itself. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 7
Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 8 Expectations It is the expectation that representatives from various agencies and members of the BRBC are: Actively engaged, and Communicate within their own agencies throughout the planning process to help ensure implementation of the plan within their jurisdictions / agencies. We are even considering copying the ERWMP and formalizing a representative’s report-back system every 3rd meeting. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 8
What SC Proposed in March 2006? March 2006 - Establish a “Water Quality Technical Committee (Done ) March to May 2006 – Coordinate the development of the initial draft Terms of Reference (TOR) for Phase One (Done ) June 2006 – Initial draft TOR presented at BRBC Forum. (Done ) June to Sept. 2006 – Coordinate initial review of draft TOR via BRBC membership (Done ) BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 9
SC-Proposed Next Steps August 2006 – Copies of SC-Final TOR sent to municipalities and key agencies for support / sign-off. Sept. 2006 – BRBC BOD approve Final Draft Terms of Reference and Joint BRBC BOD and BBWMP SC Meeting December 2006 – BRBC BOD announce release of Final Terms of Reference June 2007 – Complete First Draft BBWMP Including holding sessions and ensuring support of all groups tasked with implementation. The Sept. “alignment” meeting may now become part of the board retreat in Oct. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 10
Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 11 Summary Work on the plan is continuing, largely on schedule. The plan is being conducted in a phased manner with a focus on “water quality” for Phase One. Enhanced public involvement and collaboration methods are currently being developed. Future phases will be determined, in 2007, as the project progresses. If results from Nancy and James – report them. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 11
Comments on Final Draft TOR Comments on the Final Draft TOR (or any aspect of the planning process) are still being accepted. Please forward all comments to Mark Bennett at “Still” I.e. always because this is an open process – and – a planning document is a living document. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 12
Questions or Information If there are any questions, please contact: Gloria Wilkinson, Chair, BBWMP at or Chris Vermeeren, Vice-Chair, BBWMP at BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 13
Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 14 Thank You! BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 14
Hidden Slides If Required BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 15
Survey Results - Broad Priorities BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 16
Survey Results - Broad Priorities Water quality ranked as the highest priority by a 20% margin. This was followed by land use management and source water protection, and water quantity. All of which are strongly linked with water quality. BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 17
Survey Results – Water Quality WQO = Water Quality Objectives BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 18
Performance Management Planning Process Public Involvement & Education Identify Desired Outcomes (Goals) Current Conditions & Future Trends Environmental Indicators Knowledge, Actions, Timelines and Accountability Implement, Monitor & Evaluate Thresholds are values that should never be exceeded. Targets are longer term values that are set as long-term goals. Thresholds & Targets Recommendations BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 19
Water Quality Process Outcomes Water Quality Objectives Thresholds and Targets Recommendations Water Quality Recommendations Riparian Areas Recommendations Land Use Recommendations Implementation The point here is that although the focus is water quality, the outputs (recommendations) may be much broader and may include recommendations on water quality, riparian areas, water quantity, land use planning, groundwater, wetlands, etc. It is anticipated that the selected indicators for each phase will be used in successive State of the Bow Basin reports. Monitoring Evaluation & Adaptive Management BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 20
Water Quality Links to Other Topics Wetlands Riparian Areas Water Quantity Water Quality Any significant changes to water quantity will have clear implications on water quality and vice-versa. The same concepts applies for wetlands, riparian areas, land use management, source water protection, groundwater… And we also need to be open to go to wherever the greatest gains may be found (main stems?, tributaries?, upland ecosystems?, etc.). This relates to the concept of “critical areas” previously discussed. Groundwater Land Use Management Source Water Protection BRBC Forum – September 13, 2006 Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan 21