Working Group on ICCAs Indonesia Annas Radin Syarif 40,000,000 hectares customary land 69,43% is claimed as state forest In collaboration with Partner of the Ecosystem Alliance 191,093,132 hectares of land
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ LAND CONCEPT Indigenous Peoples have the strongest motives and motivation of values to protect their forest and territories . Indigenous Peoples have traditional wisdoms Indigenous Peoples have customary laws Indigenous Peoples have their own management of institution/structure. Many of them already united in organization and network to develop solidarity inter IPs, and capable to organize supports from others. IPs Concept on Natural Resources Management INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ LAND CONCEPT Land is soul Land is Mother Land is Life Land is blood
Threats Land and Territories (Ecological) Degradation Conflicts and Social disintegrated Destroy of livelihood, social culture, customary forests and traditional wisdom Economically Marginalized Human Rights Violations
Story in Ancestral Domain of Indigenous Lusan, Muara Komam, Paser – West Kalimantan Mining Consessions Ancestral Domain (53.542 Ha) Companies Ha PT. RAHAYANA INDONESIA 3081,48 PT. INTEREK SACRA RAYA 6683,06 PT. HAMISAH 21997,2 PT. SATRIA PRATAMA BERLIAN 258,9 PT. TAMINDO BUMI LESTARI 10158,07 Protected Forest (21.750,933 Ha) Remaining areas (409 Ha) HPH Land Cultivation Title (HGU) PT. Trimadu Murni Asri (3.026 Ha) Companies Ha PT. RIZKI KACIDA REANA 18043,16 PT. TELAGA MAS KALIMANTAN 9639,43 Produced by: Riza (JKPP)
ICCAs Documentation and Protection efforts 1996 : Indonesia Community Mapping Network (JKPP) 1999 : Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) 2010 : Ancestral Domain Registration Agency (BRWA) 2011 : Indonesia ICCAs consortium (WGII) Draft Bill on Recognizing and Protection of IPs Rigths 4,2 million ha has been mapped, 3,3 ha of which is forest area (265 maps) 2,4 million ha have been submitted to the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) WGII has documented 11 story of ICCAs 7 cases already publish
Recommendations Protecting and recognition of IPs Rights UNDRIP Review and reform all laws and sectoral regulations that violated the rights of IPs. Implement (FPIC) principles for all development projects and conservation Strengthen the WGII for documentation & promotion of ICCAs Support traditional governance of ICCAs revitalize and enforce customary law and traditional institution