Year 10 into 11 Subject Selection Information
Overview of evening Session A 6:30pm – 7:05pm The process for subject selection at Model Farms J Pledger (15min) The range of English Courses J Coffey (5min) The range of Mathematics Courses M Dawson (5min)
Overview of evening Session B Presentations (hall) Meet with Staff 7:10 – 7:30pm ATAR and HSC presentation – M Grady Staff in TLC 7:35 – 7:55pm VET and TAFE Presentation – M Cooper & K. Tiedemann 7:55 – 8:15pm
Decisions 1. RoSA 2. Decide if you want to return to school for 2 more years to up-date your qualification to a HSC 3. Decide what you want your HSC for – Work, University or TAFE 4. Decide on options: HSC only OR HSC + Certificate II OR HSC + ATAR OR HSC + ATAR + Certificate II
You can’t be good at everything
Terminology A subject is the general name given to an area of study Terminology A subject is the general name given to an area of study. A course is a branch of study within a subject. eg - Standard Mathematics, Extension Mathematics I & II are all courses in the subject of Mathematics
Terminology Units. All courses have a unit value Terminology Units All courses have a unit value. All units count towards a ROSA However not all units count towards an ATAR Most courses are two units. Each Unit is marked out of 50 and has an allocation of 60 hours per year at MFHS 2 units = 9 lessons/ cycle 1 unit = 4 lessons/ cycle
Types of Courses Board Developed Courses (yellow pages) VET Curriculum Framework Courses (white pages) Board Endorsed Courses - Content Endorsed (green pages) Courses Board Endorsed Courses - TAFE Courses (pink pages)
Board Developed Courses. Same state-wide Board Developed Courses Same state-wide Examined externally (HSC exams) May have an Extension Course eg: Maths, English, Music, History. English and Maths each have an extension course in Year 11 and two extension courses in HSC Count towards the ATAR calculation
Board Endorsed Courses. Count towards the HSC Board Endorsed Courses Count towards the HSC No state-wide examination Do not count towards an ATAR
VET Courses Board Developed VET Courses:- HSC OK & ATAR OK if from Curriculum Frameworks and optional exam taken eg: Hospitality, Information and Digital Technology, Construction (blue pages of booklet) Board Endorsed VET Courses:- HSC OK, ATAR: No eg: Hairdressing, Animal Care, Horticulture
Requirements for the HSC Preliminary Course minimum of 12 units successfully completed HSC Course minimum of 10 units students must satisfactorily complete the Preliminary course before they are eligible to commence the corresponding HSC course
Requirements for the HSC Both the Preliminary and HSC Courses must include: At least 6 units from Board Developed Courses including at least two units in ENGLISH At least 3 courses of two units value or greater
Requirements for the HSC Both the Preliminary and HSC Courses must include: At most six units of courses in Science can count towards Higher School Certificate eligibility At least four subjects (including English)
ATAR More on this in the talk following Eligibility based on completion of at least 10 Board Developed units in HSC Calculated on maximum of 10 best Board Developed units
ATAR Must include 2 units of English Only includes 2 units of Category B courses (currently VET courses)
Example Students - Preliminary Kerry Narelle English Standard – 2 units Maths – 2 units IPT – 2 units Business Studies – 2 units Modern History – 2 units Biology – 2 units Senior Science – 2 units Chemistry – 2 units PDHPE – 2 units Photography – 1 unit SLR – 1 unit 6 subjects = 12 units 7 subjects = 12 units
Example Students - HSC Chris Barry English Advanced – 2 units English Ext 1 & 2 – 2 units (1 each) Maths – 2 units Maths Ext 1 – 1 unit Maths Ext 1 – 1 unit Ancient History – 2 units History Ext – 1 unit Studies of Religion – 2 units HSC - No Why? Only 3 subjects HSC - Yes, ATAR - Yes
Example Students - HSC Nikki Martin English Standard – 2 units General Maths – 2 units Music – 2 units IT (VET) – 2 units VET -Hospitality – 2 units TAFE Course – 2 units Visual Arts – 2 units SLR – 1 unit Business Studies – 2 units Ceramics – 1 unit Drama – 2 units HSC – Yes, ATAR - No HSC – Yes, ATAR - Yes
Compulsory Subjects Two units of English Nothing else !
Will all courses run? No Courses running depends solely on student selection Courses with minimal students will not run The vast majority of students will get almost all of the courses selected
Course completion criteria To complete satisfactorily a Preliminary or HSC course a student must have: followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board applied himself/herself with diligence and sustained effort to set tasks and experiences in the course achieved some or all of the course outcomes
Course completion criteria HSC: Made a genuine attempt at assessment tasks which contribute in excess of 50% of the available marks
Key considerations for choice 1 Key considerations for choice 1. Abilities – choose subjects in which you are capable of doing well 2. Interests – choose subjects which interest you Motivation – choose subject areas which you want to study 3. Career aspirations and needs – be realistic about your career choices and about your subject choices 4. Select your pattern of study carefully as most courses extend over two years
Need help? Head Teachers Teachers Careers adviser Deputies Outside agencies (including TAFE careers counsellors) Mentor
Advice 1. Choose wisely based upon your interests and abilities, not your friend’s, neighbour’s, parent’s……. 2. Do not choose courses that are beyond you. They will cause significant grief 3. Be wary of choosing several courses that have major works. This can cause grief around the time they are due 4. Year 11 is a big step up from Year 10. You need to be prepared to work harder, longer
What now. 1. Select your courses 2. Fill in the yellow coloured form What now? 1. Select your courses 2. Fill in the yellow coloured form. Your parents must sign this. If you are doing a TAFE course Mrs Tiedemann must sign this form. 3. Students meet with the subject selection panel during Week 10 Term 2. 4. Do your online selection, print it out, attach to yellow form and bring to your interview.
What now? Mrs Coffey and Mr Dawson Then Talk to staff (the experts) or listen to a talk that interests you
Overview of evening Session B Presentations (hall) Meet with Staff 7:10 – 7:30pm ATAR and HSC presentation – M Grady Staff in TLC 7:35 – 7:55pm VET and TAFE Presentation – M Cooper & K. Tiedemann 7:55 – 8:15pm