Freshman Registration Night (Insert Presenter name, school, date, time, etc)
TONIGHT’S AGENDA Academics College/Career Readiness Academic/CTE $6,000 scholarship Registration
WHY this stuff matters. . .
The Freshman year is the KEY to predicting who will graduate from high school! Failing just 1 semester course decreases the likelihood of graduating from 83% to 60%; 2 semester F’s – 44%; 3 semester F’s – 31%.
Academics Freshman year is much different than 7th and 8th. ND Graduation Requirements Credit system (Carnegie Units) (Insert School Name) Grading system Transcripts Freshman year is much different than 7th and 8th. Here’s why . . .
North Dakota High School Graduation Requirements The State Requires: 22 Total Credits English/Language Arts ~ 4 credits Math ~ 3 credits Science ~ 3 credits Social Studies ~ 3 credits PhyEd ~ .5 credits Health ~ .5 credits CTE, Foreign Lang, Arts (including music) ~ 3 credits Electives ~ 5 credits
How the Credit System works . . . Grade Level Credit Requirements Each semester = .5 credits Credits are awarded to grades A – D; or 60 – 100% (Adapt to your school’s system) No credit awarded for failing semesters (59% or lower) At the end of the year students need to earn at least 5 credits to advance to the next class: Sophomore = 5 or more credits Junior = 10 or more credits Senior = 15 or more credits
(Your School) HS Grading System Letter Grades GPA – 4.0 System A ~ 90 – 100% (Adapt for your school) B ~ 80 – 89% C ~ 70 – 79% D ~ 60 – 69 % F ~ 0 - 59% A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0
College and Career Readiness What does this mean?
To be prepared Skills & Academics Social & Emotional Financial …for successful entry into college or employment
ND Academic or Career & Technical Education Scholarship $6,000 to help fund your future….
General scholarship Requirements Graduate from a ND high school and attend a North Dakota College/University/Tech School Meet specific Coursework Hold 3.0 GPA (or higher) Meet 24 composite ACT score (or score 5 on three separate WorkKeys Tests) ** Taking academically challenging classes and working hard to earn good grades will establish a great foundation for this scholarship.
Scholarship differences Career & Technical Ed (CTE) Academic 2 units CTE Coordinated Plan of Study 2 units Additional CTE Courses 1 unit Fine Arts/F. Lang OR CTE Algebra II 24+ ACT OR 5's on WorkKeys 3.0 GPA 1 unit Math beyond Algebra II 2 units Same F. Lang OR CTE Coord Plan of Study 1 unit Fine Arts/F. Lang OR CTE 1 unit AP, 1/2 OR 1 Credit Dual Credit Course from college w/ physical presence in ND 24+ ACT 3.0 GPA
It might seem strange to talk about a scholarship to 8th grade students, but Success in high school starts now! Choosing your courses wisely, EVERY YEAR, will help set you up for a successful future after high school.
Freshman Year Coursework Requirements Electives English 9 Math (Algebra I or other) Physical Science PE/Health Computer Apps/ Financial Literacy (Adjust to fit your school) Family & Consumer Science Band Choir Weight Training Study Hall (Adjust to fit your school)
Registration forms Discuss classes with your child Make your selections Both student & parent must sign the form Turn in to (whoever is designated to receive them) Changes must have parent and school signatures
Successful School habits start Now… …so watch your tardies & eligibility!
Stay informed! Know and use the resources available to you!
We have a Rockin’ new Website!! Add a screen shot of your website to this spot See upcoming events Access teacher webpages Access important forms and documents Find unique student opportunities Much, much more!
PowerSchool Find on Apple or Google Play After download, copy & paste our website’s URL to find our school district See (your designated person) if you need Usernames and Passwords for your account. .
We have an App! (if your school has one insert an image) Find on Apple or Google Play Download the App, set up your account, and you’re in!
Coming this Fall… Back to School Night! Events kick off with a short presentation from administration Students will receive their schedules and locker assignments Parents will be able to connect with teachers, receive important information about their child’s classes, dates, etc. Watch for more information in the summer newsletter . . .
That’s all folks! THANK YOU for coming!! Grab a card – contact either of us anytime with questions/concerns