WELCOME PRINCIPAL: Mr. Jeff Van Drie ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS: A – F - Mr. Robert Blumenthal G – L - Mr. Brent Martinson M – R - Mrs. Judy Malasto S - Z - Mr. Josh Huwig
COUNSELING ASSIGNMENTS A – Da Mr. Moore De – Je Mrs. Thoms Ji – Mo Ms. Dailey Mp – Sh Mrs. Konopasek Si – Z Mrs. Roytan Dept. Chair/DALC Mrs. Moffett Career Center Mrs. Arthur ** This power point will be available on the Duneland website in the next few days.
YOU HAVE MANY OPTIONS Apprenticeship programs Military Employment Two-year Colleges Proprietary Schools Vocational/Technical Schools Junior Colleges Four-year Colleges
IT’S A PARTNERSHIP Student Counselor Parent
COUNSELOR RESPONSIBILITIES Discuss planning with students & parents Review options with families Coordinate the admissions process Keep families informed Prepare transcripts and recommendations Advocate the student’s best interest
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Maintain grades Work with your counselor Begin the research process early Use available resources Meet with postsecondary resources Visit colleges/job shadow Take standardized tests Get involved in school and community Meet deadlines
PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES Be supportive and encouraging! Discuss plans with student & counselor Discuss finances with student Keep records & copies of forms filed Visit postsecondary resources with student Encourage job shadowing Attend information nights Work with student on meeting deadlines
TESTING PLAN A hand out is available on the website. ISTEP: English and Math at end of this year. PSAT: Take the test again as a junior (Oct.) SAT/ACT: Take initial tests in the 2nd semester of junior year. YOU CAN SEND SCORES TO 4 SCHOOLS FREE!!!!!! SAT Subject Tests: Not required but often started in sophomore year. ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery; meet with a recruiter **Take advantage of sending scores when you take the test. To request official scores be sent later cost $$$. It will add up!!
DUAL CREDIT Dual Credit opportunities are available for many of our classes at CHS and CTE classes. PNC: Applications available in Guidance. Final deadline is May 26, 2017. This deadline is FIRM. We will hold firm on PNC’s recommendation that students have a 3.0 cumulative GPA in order to sign up. Ivy Tech: Classroom teachers take care of enrollment Ball State: Classroom teachers take care of enrollment. University of Southern Indiana: Classroom teachers take care of enrollment.
DIPLOMA TYPES Please take a look at the different diplomas available to your student: Page A-2 and A-3 of Course Description Book – found on the website. See hand out available tonight. Core 40 with Academic Honors Core 40 with Technical Honors Core 40 General Diploma – requires a meeting with counselor and signing a Core 40 opt out form. Junior Year: This is the time when you are selecting from many different options for your final two years: IB – International Baccalaureate Diploma Program AP – Advanced Placement courses CTE – Career/Technical Education courses through the Porter County Career Center.
SCHEDULING FOR JUNIOR YEAR November 14, 16, & 18 – Large Group Meetings with sophomores. Students will come home with a green course selection sheet. Students and parents make course requests through the Skyward STUDENT Access Portal. This is not available on Parent Portal. Starting November 21 – Student Individual appointments with counselors/parents welcome! Bring Green Course Selection Sheet signed by a parent. December 2 – 1st opportunity to visit CTE Programs. We will be providing a bus to some of the scheduled visits.
SCHEDULING con’t You will be able to list and prioritize 3 alternatives to your requests Teachers will be making recommendations in English, Math, and Social Studies – you will be able to see these by March 1. Remember these are only requests and don’t represent your actual schedule. No grade level or part of the alphabet gets a head start on this process. Skyward Log-in/Password: Forgot?? See Mrs. Brown in the Guidance Office.
CAREER CENTER OPEN HOUSE STUDENTS MUST ATTEND AN OPEN HOUSE IF THEY WOULD LIKE TO APPLY FOR A CAREER CENTER CLASS. We will do Field Trips on December 2 to various Career Center classes: AM: All programs at PCCTE plus SELF AM: All programs at Portage HS plus South Haven Elementary AM: Welding at Ivy Tech – can take 14 PM: Landscape/Horticulture at Morgan Twp HS can take 14 students
CONTACT INFORMATION IB PROGRAM: Becky Gierke, Chris Lowery, Bryan Nallenweg PORTER COUNTY CAREER CENTER: Kate Sorenson, Kelly Ellis
HAND-OUTS Learn More Book – Planning for students in grades 9-10. Note pp. 4-7 on planning; pp. 12-13 on money. Career Center visit schedule THE HANDOUTS LISTED BELOW ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE: Campus Visit Tip Sheet – What to do, What to ask College Fair Tip Sheet College Planning Calendar Standardized Tests Internet Sites Focused on College Exploration and Standardized Test Preparation options
BREAK OUT SESSIONS Next, you will have the option to attend two short sessions to assist you and your student in the decision making process for next year: Stay in Auditorium for an International Baccalaureate Diploma and Advanced Placement course information session. Move to the Cafeteria for a Porter County Career and Technical Education Center session. Just before 7 we will have you move to the other session.