South San Antonio Early College Academy New Student and parent orientation- may 8, 2017
STUEDENT EXPECTATIONS Student/Parent & School Agreement Outlines student and parent expectations Highlights: Be punctual and maintain good attendance Maturely handle the freedoms, flexibility, and scheduling of a college setting, and be able to make productive use of time Understand that you must be in good academic standing in order to be enrolled in dual credit courses Understand that I may be referred to another SSAHS program if I do not maintain the required grade point average in high school and college classes; and if in violation of SSAHS/PAC rules and student code of conduct Ask for personal or academic help and attend tutoring
MIDDLE SCHOOL TSI PREP AND TESTING May 15th through 19th- TSI Prep Week on middle school campuses Online based TSI prep tools TSI Campus Test Dates: Zamora MS- May 22nd Kazen MS- May 23rd Shepard MS- May 24th Dwight MS- May 25th Make up date- May 26th
SUMMER BRIDGE Palo Alto College- July 31st- August 4th Team building activities College Knowledge and Orientation Character and social development Academic and TSI support TSI Retest Each incoming early college 9th grader will attend a summer bridge program at Palo Alto College. This program will allow you to meet the rest of your early college students. Together you will learn about college life, adjusting from middle school to an early college high school, and receive academic preparation to help you on the TSI test. This will be a chance for you to prepare for what to expect as an early college student.
Minimum Standards for College Readiness TSI REQUIREMENTS College Readiness Minimum Scores: Minimum Standards for College Readiness TSI Assessment Minimum Passing Scores for College-Level Coursework Writing TSI Score [363+ and Essay of 4+] OR [Essay ≥ 5] Reading TSI Score 351-390 Math TSI Score 350-390
SPRING 2017 COURSE REQUIREMENTS ARTS 1301 (combination of below scores) COSC 1301 (same as ARTS 1301) Writing 310-350 & Reading 343-390 And Math 337 Writing 351-362 & Reading 310-350 363-390 w/ Essay 0-4 & Reading 310-342 Essay of 5+ & Reading 310-342
ADDTIONAL REQUIREMENTS If students are eligible for dual credit courses based on TSI, they must be passing all high school courses with a “C” or better This includes electives and athletics Students must also adhere to school policies and the student code of conduct
DUAL CREDIT PLAN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Semester One Semester Two ARTS 1301 COSC 1301 Year Two Semester One SPCH 1311 HIST 2321 Semester Two PYSC 2301 HIST 2322 Year Three Semester One ENGL 1301 HIST 1301 KINE 1304 Semester Two ENGL 1302 HIST 1302 GOVT 2306 Year Four Semester One ENGL 2322 MATH 1414 BIOL 1406 GOVT 2305 Semester Two ENGL 2323 MATH 2414 BIOL 1407 ECON 2301
DEGREE PLAN Students will have the opportunity to earn up to 60 hours towards an Associate’s of Arts in Liberal Arts. Students will also be recognized for meeting dual credit milestones: 15 hours, 24 hours, 30 hours, and TSI Readiness. College hours are transferable to any public college/university in Texas, and most private universities. Students will receive academic advising from Palo Alto College to discuss majors, careers, and university degree plans. Note, that although college hours may transfer to a university, some majors will require additional course work.
9TH GRADE TEACHERS Ms. Booth- English I Mr. Carrsialez- World Geography Ms. Benavides- Algebra I Mr. Lanier- Geometry Mr. Lizalde- Biology Mr. Serna- Spanish Ms. Read- Art Ms. Vargas- Principles of Info. Tech.
EARLY COLLEGE CONTACTS Director, Xochitl Martinez (210) 977-7400, Extension 7631 Counselor, Anna Neavez (210) 977-7400, Extension 7623 Early College Website