Budget West Long Branch School District 2017-2018 Presented by: Ms. Corey J. Lowell, SFO Business Administrator/Board Secretary April 18, 2017
What is a budget? Planned expenses and expected revenues An organizational plan stated in monetary terms The financial expression of the District’s educational needs and priorities A “living document”
Vision Our vision for the West Long Branch School District is to produce socially responsible students who are life- long learners equipped with the necessary skills to succeed at the next level of secondary education. Mission Our mission for the West Long Branch School District is to put students first! In collaboration with all stakeholders, we will provide a safe and secure learning environment free from bias, increased academic rigor, cutting edge technology, and state- of-the-art facilities.
Budget Goals Academics (Focus on Grades K-8 Science/Grade 8 Mathematics) To support the achievement of district goals by providing staff members with content specific, job embedded in-district and out-of-district professional development. To write curricula aligned to the respective content standards as mandated by the New Jersey Department of Education. To purchase instructional materials and resources in conjunction with the cyclical review process. Technology (Focus on 1:1 Chromebook Initiative) To purchase hardware and software relative to the District Technology Plan inventory and replacement cycle. Finance To develop a fiscally responsible budget that meets the overall needs of the district
Budget Variables & Concerns Declining enrollment Special education costs Ch. 78 “funding cliff” Facility concerns Unfunded mandates
Academic Highlights BME Continuation of Fundations K-2 word study program, which includes a three tiered RTI approach. Continuation of enVisionmath2.0 in grades K-4. Adoption of grades K-4 science textbook series. Continuation of Edmentum (Study Island) in grades 2-4 as a diagnostic tool for ELA.
Academic Highlights FAS Expansion of elective programs. Continuation of enVisionmath2.0 in grade 5 and HMH in grades 6-8. Adoption of grades 5-8 science textbook series. Continuation of Edmentum (Study Island) in grades 5-8 as a diagnostic tool for ELA and in grades 6-8 as a diagnostic tool for mathematics.
Transportation Completing transition of coordinated transportation services with Shore Regional High School District Shifting employees saved salary and benefits (including workers comp and pension costs) Transferring buses saves fuel, repairs, and insurance costs Finalized sale of buses to generate revenue to WLB No decrease in levels of service
Facilities Referendum project will be complete by September HVAC upgrades Science lab upgrades Security upgrades Interior doors New gym floor
Our Funding Sources
68.68% DIRECTLY IMPACTS STUDENTS Where the Money Goes… 1.34 % Co-curricular & Athletics 5.03% Tuition 4.42% Transportation 16.4% Employee Benefits 45.01% Classroom Instruction 12.88% Support Services 8.19% Operations/Maintenance 6.49% Administration 0.24% Equipment 68.68% DIRECTLY IMPACTS STUDENTS
Based on the average assessed value* of $420,497 2017-2018 Estimated Tax Impact 2016-2017 Tax Rate: 0.7775 2017-2018 Tax Rate: 0.7770 Estimated Taxes 2016-2017: $3,269 2017-2018: $3,267 $2 decrease Based on the average assessed value* of $420,497 * SOURCE: Monmouth County Tax Assessor
Cost Saving Measures Shared services – Superintendent, Business Administrator and payroll services, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Director of Guidance, Transportation Supervisor, Director of Security, in-district professional development and curricula writing Continued participation in ACES and ACT for bulk pricing of energy and telecommunications Property and casualty insurance through a pooled insurance fund (MOCSSIF/NJSIG) Program Review
How do we Make it Happen? Board of Education Administration Teachers/Staff Parents Students