HDR Supervisor Induction Part one: Supervisory Framework Professor Garry Allison 20 July 2017
HDR Students – A vibrant and diverse HDR student body is a key component of any Research Intensive University The quality of research training is an important indicator of reputation and standing
HDR Students – the stats Full year 2016 data extracted from BI tool 13 February 2017 1558 EFTSL (2405 Headcount) ~ 44% of EFTSL is International ~46% all EFTSL in S&E >450 International sponsored/tuition fee scholarships students (from 2015 figures) Future targets Sustainable increase in student numbers and timely completions
2016 EFTSL and Headcount Year (Census Date) 2016 EFTSL EFTSL Student Headcount Citizenship* D I Subtotal Faculty or Area (Course Owning) CAS 0.5 1 CBS 86.7 72.9 159.6 171 108 279 GRS 0.1 2 Curtin Sarawak 66.9 90 Health Sciences 202.7 82.0 284.7 348 106 454 Humanities 261.0 73.1 334.1 110 563 S&E 318.7 392.9 711.7 494 524 1017 Total 869.8 687.8 1,557.6 1470 937 2405 D = Domestic I = International * Citizenship (Broad at Course Commencement)
Supervisor Professional Development The supervisor is one of the most important people in an HDR candidate’s life Graduate Research School provides professional development to supervisors to: Ensure you are aware of best practice in supervision Ensure you understand the framework within which Curtin expects you to conduct supervision Provide advice and information on all aspects of supervision To view today’s slides: HDR SV Induction Handouts To view past iLectures of other HDR seminars: Notes & iLectures To see what HDR seminars are coming up: Seminars & Training
HDR Students – the journey Application, admission, enrolment: 2 years for MPhil, 4 years for PhD Application for Candidacy: Within 3 months for Master, 6 months for Doctoral students Research Integrity Professional Development completed Research Proposal including budget Identify hazards and seek any required License/Approval/Permit Ethics Approval All the research and writing; Annual Progress Reports Thesis submission and examination Two examiners Examination of thesis only, no oral except under exceptional circumstances
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Part A: Principles and Practices to Encourage Responsible Research Conduct; Management of research data and materials Supervision of research trainees Publications and dissemination of research findings Authorship and peer review Conflict of interest Collaborative research across institutions Part B: related to Research Misconduct Breach of the code Complaints procedure Investigation and resolution of allegations
Research Integrity Professional Development All HDR’s complete RI training on Blackboard, before candidacy Academic staff engaged in research complete on iPerform see Research Integrity website
Curtin Policies, Rules and Procedures Supervisors must be aware of, and adhere to, the following: Rule 10: Degree of Doctor by Research and Rule 11: Degree of Master by Research Supervision of HDR Students Policy and Procedures Essential Facilities for Higher Degree by Research Students Code of Conduct and Values and Signature Behaviours Research Management Policy Responsible Conduct of Research Policy Authorship, Peer Review and Publication of Research Findings Policy and Procedure Research Data and Primary Materials Policy
Intellectual Property As a general rule the University does not claim ownership of Intellectual Property created by Students There are several exceptions and all supervisors and students should consult the Ownership of Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures http://policies.curtin.edu.au/findapolicy/#I (under “I” for IP) or contact the team: http://research.curtin.edu.au/commercialisation/about-ip-commercialisation/
Policies – Plagiarism View the Management of Plagiarism Policy and Procedures via http://policies.curtin.edu.au/findapolicy/ (Under “M”) Academic Integrity - Staff guidelines for dealing with plagiarism http://academicintegrity.curtin.edu.au/global/staffbook.cfm Turnitin – text matching software to assist students avoid plagiarism. Access is via the Research Integrity unit on Blackboard Students submit candidacy proposal (before candidacy) and thesis chapters (before thesis submission) Incidence of plagiarism must be reported
Australian Autonomous Sanctions In addition to UN Sanctions. Universities must comply Sanctioned Countries: Eg, Syria, Russia Sanctioned Services: Technical advice, assistance or training if it assists with, or is provided in relation to the following activities Military activity An activity involving the supply, sale transfer, manufacture, maintenance or use of an export sanctioned good http://enterprise.curtin.edu.au/planning_policies_procedures/index.cfm
Australian Autonomous Sanctions cont’d Further information regarding the sanctions can be found at the DFAT Sanctions page. Activities that Curtin may wish to continue conducting that come under the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011, UNSC Resolutions or involve materials/substances etc that come under international group control lists such as the Australia Group Control List and the Defence and Strategic Goods List need to receive a permit from DFAT. These permits must be lodged by Bronwyn Bartsch in Curtin International.
Defence Trade Controls Act The Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (the Act) regulates the intangible supply of technologies listed in the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) to ensure that sensitive technologies are controlled in Australia’s strategic, security and foreign policy interests (Department of Defence 2013). The DSGL covers defence and related goods, and dual-use goods and technologies. Intangible supply includes transferring DSGL technology by email, facsimile, the internet, or providing remote access via a server (Department of Defence 2013). Variations to the Act coming into force later this year relating to dual-use goods See ORD Defence Trade Control Act webpage
To help SV’s navigate the information maze Online resources - http://postgraduateresearch.curtin.edu.au/ then select from menu
for Improving Research Supervision and Training (fIRST) – resource website Managed by the Australian Council of Graduate Research Inc openly available to benefit all supervisors – includes: online activities that individuals can use to develop their expertise as postgraduate research student supervisors, materials and instructions for providing face-to-face staff development workshops, tools, case studies, a bibliography and links to other relevant websites. No login is required, visit the fIRST website.
GRS Resources webpage for HDRs Footer text - slideshow title
GRS previous seminars See the Notes and iLectures page For students - HDR Orientation; Preparing Candidacy; Conflict resolution; Thesis preparation for Examination; Publishing Tips and Strategies; Turbocharge Your Writing For HDR supervisors - SV Induction; Managing student progress; Thesis examination process; SV Update; Exploring best practices in international supervision; Conflict Management. For all - Authorship – who writes the papers? Footer text - slideshow title
Collaborative Initiatives for HDR Students … AWARE group (5 WA universities) eGrad School ATN universities Publons Academy for Peer Review online module Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) Three Minute Thesis (3MT) – Asia-Pacific competition run by UQ Footer text - slideshow title
AWARE Advancing West Australian Research Education all 5 WA uni’s http://www.waresearch.com/ (Students can join mailing list for upcoming events/joint workshops) InSPiRE = Inter-Uni Summer school for Postgrad Research Excellence: Up to 5 days per year - providing networking opportunities and professional development ResBaz – 3 day workshop on research software tools run by Curtin Institute for Computation and supported by AWARE. Hosted by Curtin in Feb 2017; UWA to host 2018 iPREP provides 6-week industry project experience with stipend for students under examination
e-Grad School (eGSA) Offered by ATN uni’s www.egradschool.edu.au Online resources and modules for HDR students, their supervisors and universities Nine modules (next slide) - develop career-enhancing skills and knowledge Run for 5 weeks, 2-3 hours per week per module, (recommend one module per semester) Do independently OR with a highly qualified moderator
e-Grad School (eGSA) cont’d Nine online modules run each semester: Leadership and Communication Research Commercialisation Global Sustainability Entrepreneurship Project Management Public Policy Developing Your Career Critical and Creative Thinking Practice-led Research in Creative Arts, Media and Design
Publons Academy: Peer Review training online https://publons.com/community/academy/ HDR Students enrol here and Info for supervisors here Students prepare practice reviews, SV’s give feedback; receive certificate of completion Free for students and/staff Footer text - slideshow title
IMNIS: Industry Mentoring Network in STEM IMNIS run by ATSE GRS sponsoring 15 Curtin students to participate in minerals program and energy program for 12 months Students matched with an industry mentor (Perth based) Provides students with pragmatic advice, broad professional network, industry engagement; advice for industry career opportunities Monthly mentor/mentee meeting Five networking events in Perth Footer text - slideshow title
3 Minute Thesis competition (PhD students) Run each year across Australia and beyond Entries close 14 August 2017, 3MT Curtin final on 18 Sept. Winner goes to the Asia-Pacific final at UQ, 29 September Aims to enhance HDR student communication skills Good networking opportunity for HDR students Visit Curtin 3MT website and UQ 3MT
Email Contacts for GRS Associate DVC, Research Training ADVCRT@curtin.edu.au Staff Enquiries (Register of SV’s and non-student related queries) GRS.Academic@curtin.edu.au Prospective students/Application enquiries GRS.FutureStudents@curtin.edu.au Current Student enquiries GRS.CurrentStudents@curtin.edu.au Thesis examination enquiries thesis@curtin.edu.au Training and Seminars enquiries GRS.Training@curtin.edu.au Postgraduate Research Scholarships enquiries Research_scholarships@curtin.edu.au
Important Webpages Forms for Staff Forms for Students http://postgraduateresearch.curtin.edu.au/staff/forms-staff/ Forms for Students http://postgraduateresearch.curtin.edu.au/current-research-students/forms/ Guidelines for Thesis Committee Members http://postgraduateresearch.curtin.edu.au/staff/thesis-committee-members/ Information for Current Research Students http://postgraduateresearch.curtin.edu.au/current-research-students/ Seminars for students and supervisors http://postgraduateresearch.curtin.edu.au/seminars-and-training/ Supervisor Induction Handouts http://research.curtin.edu.au/postgraduate-research/hdr-staff/supervisor/supervisor-induction/induction-handouts/
Other Important Contacts Within Schools/Departments/Institutes Heads of Area Postgraduate Coordinators Chairperson and Thesis Committee Members Other University Staff Library (Faculty Librarians) University Counselling and Health Services ORD Research Integrity (Ethics and Hazardous Materials) Health, Safety and Emergency Management Student Organisations Student Guild and PG Students Committee See Resources listed on GRS Resources link (includes links to eGrad School; The Learning Centre; Library; Careers; CIC and others)