Work Experience and Placement Welcome!


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Presentation transcript:

Work Experience and Placement Welcome!

Welcome to our amazing team Welcome to our amazing team. You join colleagues who help save and improve the lives of people every single day. We hope you enjoy your work experience or placement with us. We are responsible for: Encouraging people to donate organs, blood, stem cells and tissues Optimising the safety and supply of blood, organs, stem cells and tissues Raising the quality, effectiveness and clinical outcomes of our services Providing expert advice Research and development to improve outcomes for patients.

Getting started.... Your manager will: Explain their role as your lead supervisor or manager while you with us. Introduce you to the people responsible for supervising your work experience or placement. Show you the layout of your immediate work area, including where to find refreshments and other useful facilities. Inform you of local fire test and evacuation procedures. Outline your work experience/placement programme and SMART objectives, and our attendance expectations.

Your responsibilities On arrival each day, please sign in at reception. Always wear your ID badge at work & keep it safe when you take it off. If you have any concerns about something you see or the way someone behaves, please raise them with your supervisor. Dress Code: Smart casual – or as agreed with your supervisor. If you are asked to wear protective clothing, you must wear it as instructed. Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is not allowed on our premises. In addition, we have a zero tolerance policy on drugs and alcohol use. While on work experience/placement, you are representing NHSBT and expected to behave appropriately, including treating all colleagues with respect at all times.

Confidentiality During your work experience/placement you may come across confidential personal information about donors, patients or staff. You have a personal responsibility to: Ensure information and data is handled properly Protect privacy, maintain confidentiality & protect our reputation. What information should be protected? Personal information, e.g. name, address date of birth Sensitive/confidential information, e.g. patient/donor/family, lifestyle, health information, test results, diagnoses, treatment.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Are there any health related issues we need to know about to help you have the best work experience/placement? If you feel unwell, let your supervisor know promptly. First aiders are available in each work area. You will have regular breaks and your supervisor will confirm where you can eat and drink, e.g. you cannot chew gum in a lab. NHSBT works with real donor and patient samples. Please only touch items with your supervisor’s agreement. In some areas additional protective equipment must be worn – this is not just for your protection, but also for the protection of our donors and patients.

Your support means A LOT! We hope you enjoy your time with us. We encourage you to discuss blood, organ and tissue donation with your friends and family. If you have any questions or would like more information – just ask!

Any questions?