Study program: Computer Engineering (Računarsko inženjerstvo) Ivan Kaštelan, Miroslav Popović University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences
Presentation Outline Introduction Goals of the study program and principles of its design Structure of the study program Positioning of the study program Conclusions and future work 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Introduction “Computer engineering is a discipline that embodies the science and technology of design, construction, implementation, and maintenance of software and hardware components of modern computing systems, computer-controlled equipment, and networks of intelligent devices. Traditionally, computer engineering is some combination of both electrical engineering (EE) and computer science (CS).“ „Computer Engineering Curricula 2016 – Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Engineering“, A Report in the Computer Engineering Curricula Series, Joint Task Force on Computer Engineering Curricula of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and IEEE Computer Society, 15 Dec 2016 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Introduction ACM-defined sub-disciplines of Computing: Computer Engineering Computer Science Information Systems Information Technology Software Engineering Rapidly changing landscape of computer technology. Each discipline requires different body of knowledge. 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Introduction FTN in the past ACM-defined sub-disciplines of Computing: Computer Engineering Computer Science Information Systems Information Technology Software Engineering Computing and Control Engineering 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Introduction FTN today ACM-defined sub-disciplines of Computing: Computer Engineering Computer Science Information Systems Information Technology Software Engineering Computing and Control Engineering RA SIIT, PSI ACM recommends separate curricula for all five disciplines. 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Goals Top-down education – start with top-level introductory courses. Avoid subject “islands” – create learning paths and make each course part of a learning path. Prepare the student for academic and professional work. Balance the number of courses in each semester. Move the “center of gravity” to 3rd education year. Introduce practical laboratory courses. Align with ACM-IEEE recommendations and foreign study programs. 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Structure of the Study Program General courses Four (4) English language courses, of which 2 general language courses which can be changed for German language, 1 oriented towards engineering (“English for specific pursposes (ESP)”), 1 oriented towards academic skills (“Academic English”). Four (4) mathematical courses with the topics recommended by ACM-IEEE. Physics – to bring the basic scientific and experimental skills. Academic Serbian language course to improve academic skills. Entrepreneurship course to improve professional skills. 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Structure of the Study Program Required study paths Top-level of computer engineering knowledge (2 courses) Software design (2 courses, up to 5 electives) Including the software laboratory courses (3 courses) Hardware, digital and computer system design (4 courses) Algorithm design (3 courses) Signal processing systems (3 courses, 1 elective) System software (3 courses) Computer networks (2 courses, 1 elective) Laboratory course (idea) – 100% of the points are earned by practical tasks and applied knowledge. (1 in each of the first 3 years) 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Structure of the Study Program Elective study paths Intelligent computer systems (3 electives) Software in automotive engineering (2 electives) Computer-based system control (2 electives) These paths can be taken by choosing the respective electives in the 3rd and 4th education year. Paths are not binding – students can choose other course combinations. (Paths are just a recommendation) 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Positioning of the Study Program MIT Course Proposed study program course 18.01 Calculus 1 Matematička analiza 18.03 Differential Equations 8.02 Physics 2 Osnovi elektrotehnike 18.06 Linear Algebra Algebra 6.042 Math for Computer Science Diskretna matematika 6.01 Intro to EECS 1 Uvod u računarsko inženjerstvo 1 6.02 Intro to EECS 2 Uvod u računarsko inženjerstvo 2 6.004 Computation Structures Projektovanje digitalnih sistema 6.005 Elements of SW Design Osnovi SW; Projektovanje SW 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms Projektovanje algoritama 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Positioning of the Study Program MIT Course Proposed study program course 6.033 Computer System Engineering Projektovanje računarskih sistema 6.034 Artificial Intelligence Osnove sistema sa računarskom inteligencijom 6.046 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (different content) Paralelno programiranje Nelinearno programiranje i evolutivni algoritmi CS Lab SW Lab predmeti (x3) 2 electives (izborni predmeti) 6.UAT / 6.UAP Diplomski rad i praksa 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Alignment with ACM/IEEE - Math Code Body of knowledge Courses ECTS CE-ACF Analysis of Continuous Functions 1 6 CE-LAL Linear Algebra CE-DSC Discrete Structures CE-PRS Probability and Statistics 4 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Alignment with ACM/IEEE – Core Subjects Code Body of knowledge Courses ECTS CE-CAE Circuits and Electronics 2 13 CE-CAL Computing Algorithms 3 20 CE-CAO Computer Architecture and Organization CE-DIG Digital Design 1 6 CE-ESY Embedded Systems CE-NWK Computer Networks 11 CE-PPP Preparation for Professional Practice 5 CE-SEC Information Security CE-SGP Signal Processing 19 CE-SPE Systems and Project Engineering 16 CE-SRM Systems and Resource Management 14 CE-SWD Software Design 32 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
Future work Documents are being prepared for accreditation of the proposed study program for Bachelor level. Corresponding Master level is also being prepared. Plan is to apply to NNV FTN in the following months to be included in the FTN’s next accreditation process (2017). First generation of students: academic year 2018/19 (or after the accreditation process completes at FTN). 23 Feb 2017 TREND 2017
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