Welcome to Monroe Middle School
Who are we? Students Staff Families Students Staff Families
What is “Middle School”? Middle School is… Designed for early adolescents Transitional experience Increased personal attention Student/Teacher connectedness Preparation for high school experience Create an attitude of success
Middle School Interdisciplinary Teaching Teams Students are on a two year loop Trojan Family Time Social-Emotional Education Exploratory Program Enrichment Program
What does a typical day look like? Every student is scheduled into 7 periods daily: Trojan Family time (TFT) Core Teams of Teachers (4 teachers) Math Language Arts Social Studies Science Exploratory Enrichment
Exploring Talents and Interests Exploratory Classes of nine week rotations Art Choir Physical Education Health Computers and Technology Industrial Technology Water Safety Trojan TV Music World Languages
Enrichment Each day every student in our building has the opportunity for academic intervention or enrichment: Targeted Instruction (Read 180, SuccessMath, Instructional Support) Instrumental Music Electives (Orchestra, Band) Core Enrichment (Activities to Enrich the Core Curriculum)
Educating 21st Century Learners Every Interdisciplinary Team of Teachers has a dedicated cart of computers. Bring your Own Device Policy- Students can bring their own devices to use for research. Inquiry Based Learning Every course at Monroe Middle School asks deep, conceptual questions to develop critical thinking skills. Educating 21st Century Learners
Middle School Interventions Students who are below grade level in Math or Reading will be assigned to either Successmaker Math or Read 180 to increase skill levels SST-Student Success Time SRC (Student Responsibility Center) PowerSchool-Online Progress Reports Variety of Other Individual Academic/Behavioral Interventions
Student Activities/Clubs Geography Bee Spelling Bee Student Council Quiz Bowl Chess NJHS Musical Yearbook Golf Club
Athletics Fall: Winter 2: Girl’s Basketball Wrestling Spring: Cheerleading Football Soccer Volleyball Cross Country Winter 1: Boy’s Basketball Swimming Winter 2: Girl’s Basketball Wrestling Spring: Softball Baseball Track
Parent Involvement PAC – Parent Advisory Council Three for Me – Parent Volunteers Parent Conferences Learning Fairs
MMS School Website http://www.monroe.k12.mi.us/MonroeMS.cfm PowerSchool Parent Portal http://mpsps.monroe.k12.mi.us/public/ Facebook ….. Search Monroe Middle School MMS Newsletter……sent home quarterly Parent Communication
Partnering for Student Success: Now it NOT the time to back off- Students need you now more than ever! Monitor Grades Check Planners Schedule a regular homework time in a quiet place Keep in touch with teachers Monitor your child’s use Facebook and Twitter Like Monroe Middle School on Facebook Read the handbook and support Monroe Middle School policies Read communications from school- Come to Parent Education Nights