Welcome to Parent Orientation Dunlap Middle School Welcome to Parent Orientation
Introductions Zac Chatterton– Principal Holly Creel – Asst. Principal Terri Hadley– Counselor Linda Kier- Secretary Kim Wulfekuhle - Office Assistant Kathy Johnson – Parents Club
DMS SMART Goals By May 19th, 2017 90% of DMS students will have a sense of belonging to the larger Dunlap Middle School community. During the 2016-2017 school year, DMS teachers will collaboratively provide social awareness activities for students throughout the year in order to promote responsible global citizenship.
Chromebooks Beginning 2017-2018
Counseling Services Mrs. Hadley Panther Pride Period Individual Counseling Group Counseling Study Skills Communication Teachers Parents Students Faculty members
Characteristics of a Middle School Child Peer Pressure Disorganized Forgetful Emotional Explorers Anxious for independence
How to help your child transition Common fears Stay involved – Parents Club, website, school related events Adapting to different teachers Stress importance of organization and deadlines Homework routine Regular place to study Time management
Daily Schedule School Day: 8:24 – 3:30 43 minute periods PE – dress daily Panther Pride Daily Study Hall (pull out for band, chorus, and orchestra) Exploratory classes French Social and Study Skills Digital Citizenship Art
Expectations & Extracurricular Getting older and more mature Students need to get involved Extracurricular Activities High expectations -academic/behavior Attend every day – give best effort Responsible for actions Discipline procedures
Interscholastic Sports Fall – Baseball – Softball – Cross Country Girl’s Basketball (Sept.-Dec.) Winter – Boy’s Basketball – Volleyball – Cheerleading (7th & 8th) – Poms Spring - Track & Field
Intramural Sports Soccer Basketball Volleyball Bowling Golf
Fall Sport Start Dates Softball: July 24-26 Baseball: July 31- August 2 Cross Country: July 31
Parents’ Club Very Active Service to students and staff Several Committees Second Tuesday of each month – 1:00 pm You are already a member!!
IMPORTANT REMINDERS A current physical, signed concussion and activity forms and insurance waiver form are required for any student interested in participating in athletics (before tryouts). Schedule Pickup – Thursday Aug. 10th from 9:00 am-2:00 pm.
DMS Website www.dunlapcusd.net/dms Announcements Report an absence Homework Hotline Student events And much, much more…
Go Panthers Thank you for coming tonight.