KUBB – The Swiss Coding Tool for classifications Cindia Duc Sfez Head of Nomenclatures / Register Division Federal Statistical Office, Switzerland
Overview - A NOGA - national version of NACE - B KUBB - online application for codification - C SMS - centralized Statistical Metadata System - D Q & A - Questions and Answers
NOGA (abbr. NOmenclature Générale des Activités économiques) the national version of NACE in Switzerland
Structure of the NOGA 96¦02¦01 Hairdressing salons 96¦02¦01 => National Version => NOGA 96¦02 => Eurostat Version => NACE 96 => UN Version => ISIC
KUBB (abbr. KodierUngsunterstützung für die Betriebszählung und das Betriebs- und Unternehmensregister) The Online Application For Codification
KUBB – Coding Tool for classifications The Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) released in 1996 an application named “KUBB” to help users to find NOGA codes corresponding to a given economic activity The application is available at the following URL www.kubb2008.bfs.admin.ch (no login needed) This application has been improved continually. Nowadays all data contained in KUBB are stored and managed in the centralized Statistical Metadata System
KUBB - Procedure 1. The user opens the internet 2. The user accesses the website kubb2008.bfs.admin.ch 3. The user makes the search 4. The system processes the querie … Watches Wholesale 5. … the website displays the results
«by Structure»
«by Keyword / EN / CPA» «one single word»
«by Keyword / EN / CPA» «multiple words»
Results of the
Results of the
Language & Features Main coding search Regular updates; Multilingual KeywordEnglish Main coding search Regular updates; Multilingual Easy 2 use Keyword Italian Keyword French Keyword German KUBB 2008 – Coding Tool
KUBB Synchronisations
KUBB – Editing Key-Words Program SMS
Coding manual
Coding manual, Results
SMS (abbr. Statistical Metadata System) centralized Statistical Metadata System
Architecture KUBB & SMS NOGA External users External users KUBB METADATA WEB SERVICE
Standards and Formats Classification Index? Caselaws? List of Short Titles? Standard Aggregations?
NOGA 2008 – PUBLIC ACCESS https://sms.bfs.admin.ch/WcfArtefactRegistryService.svc/AnonymousREST/artefacts/SDMX/2.1/structureset/CH1/SET_NOGA_CORR_LV5_02_08/3.0?references=children
CPA v2.1 – PUBLIC ACCESS https://sms.bfs.admin.ch//WcfArtefactRegistryService.svc/AnonymousREST/artefacts/SDMX/2.1/hierarchicalcodelist/CH1/HCL_CPA/2.1?references=children
Questions ?
For any further information, please feel free to contact us : noga@bfs For any further information, please feel free to contact us : noga@bfs.admin.ch
Thank you for your attention ! Thank you for your attention and have fun with the KUBB Thank you for your attention !