Greenbriar Middle School Welcome Parents and Guardians It Begins with Me…and Ends with Us
Welcome to Greenbriar… Home of the Yeomen Administrators Ms. Schissler - Principal Ms. Hoek - Assistant Principal Mr. Griffen – Administrative Intern Counselors Mr. Clark Ms. Senger
“It Starts with Me…. and Ends with US! Our Slogan “It Starts with Me…. and Ends with US!
Welcome to Middle School…. Our Enhanced Program Student centered – Places students at the center of the learning process Places students on “Teams” to create small communities for learning A “school within a school” Interdisciplinary Teaming Provides inviting, safe, supportive environment
This We Believe…. All students have the responsibility to develop their strengths and talents and become self-sufficient lifelong learners. All students should respect and value individual differences. All students have the ability to learn and can be successful! Greenbriar Middle School provides an environment that is safe, inclusive, and supportive of all.
Guidance Department…. The role of the school counselor Oversee testing, registration Facilitate student mediations Counsel students Meet with parents Student schedules Assist Home Liason with attendance
Student Schedules…. School Day is made up of 9 periods of 42 minutes each 2 periods of math (blocked) 2 periods of language arts (blocked) 2 periods of science/social studies (blocked) 1 period for lunch 2 periods of encore (P.E., Health, Art, Music) and learning labs
Sample Student Schedule Period Time Class 1 8:05 – 8:47 Language Arts Homeroom/2 9:51 – 9:33 3 9:37 – 10:19 Science/Social St 4 10:23 – 11:05 5 11:09 – 11:51 Lunch 6 11:55– 12:37 Math 7 12:41 – 1:23 8 1:27 – 2:09 Encore/Learning Lab 9 2:13 – 2:55
4 Exploratory Courses in a rotating wheel format Encore Classes… 4 Exploratory Courses in a rotating wheel format 2 Learning Labs Day 8th Period 9th Period A P.E. Health B Learning Lab ART C Music = Vocal, Instrumental, or Music Appreciation
P B I S – Positive Behavior Intervention Support Rewards Positive Office Referrals Behavior Bucks can be exchanged for incentives Pencils, erasers, games, candy Quarterly Assemblies and raffles
Morning Arrival…. Building opens at 7:15 am Breakfast is available at 7:15 in the cafeteria Students are supervised in “bus rooms” Bus information was mailed home in August. Any questions, call the transportation department.
Cafeteria…. Parents can access MySchoolBucks online at View student’s account balances Make deposits Account deposits are taken before school or after the lunch line
Reporting an Absence…. Call the attendance hotline when your child will be absent The line is available 24 hours per day Absences must be reported by 10:00 a.m. Unexcused absences will result in follow up with our Home Liaison and possible truancy filing
Home Access Center…. Access through the PCSD website Parents can view student’s classwork, grades, teacher notes Login information will be mailed home to guardians and students from the Department of Information Systems for new students Returning students use the same password and usernames If you forgot your username or password, Students receive passwords in homeroom
Dress Code Students will have these options if they are out of dress code Change into a gym shirt and/or shorts Parent contact Find appropriate clothing to change into at school Combination of the above options
Dress Code No hats, bandanas, or jackets during the day Appropriate coverage - no bare midriff or revealing tops No sagging pants Appropriate shoes - no slippers or shoes with wheels No chains Inappropriate insignias, emblems, and/or gang related colors shall not be worn during school day or at school functions
Dress Code Anything that causes an interruption of education (as determined by administration) in the classroom will not be permitted
Electronic Devices Refer to page 19 in the student agenda book for more detailed information regarding electronic devices Students bring phones to school at their own risk Take precautions to protect your personal property District is not responsible for lost or stolen phones
Electronic Devices Phones must be kept on silent during class If it disrupts a class, it will be confiscated 1st: pick up by student in office at end of day and Lunch Detention 2nd: pick up by parent and PM detention 3rd: pick up by parent and Megadetention 4th: ISI (1, 3, 5)
The Everywhere Classroom 1-1 Technology transforms learning in our school Advance student learning Ensure students are college and career ready Take Ohio Assessments online All students will receive a Chromebook
Athletics…. Athletic Director Mr. Porach Fifth and Sixth grade students may participate in the intramural program Seventh grade students may participate in interscholastic sports
Physical Education Dress Athletic Clothing Shirt Please place name (first or last) on back of t-shirt Gym Shoes Athletic shorts or sweatpants. No jeans on P.E. days. Lock is strongly recommended for locker room if they need to change Can only use this locker during their gym period Please place your valuables in your hall locker
Locks and Lockers…. Lockers are located in the main building Locks are not provided Master combination locks can be purchase through the school for $6.00
Get Involved….. Ensure your child gets the most out of their experience at Greenbriar Middle School Encourage your student to participate in our many clubs and activities Monitor your child’s grades on HAC
Upcoming Events…. Meet our Staff Night: August 24th 6:00-7:30 PTA Fundraiser Kick-Off: August 25th School Picture Day: September 1st