Montevideo Middle School “A Tradition of Excellence”
Counseling Department What your day will look like. Block schedule, electives, etc.
Counseling Department Help! My baby is going to middle school! Friendship Issues Social Media Hygiene Developmental Change Moodiness Academic Responsibility
6th Grade Athletics Cross Country- Fall Wrestling- Winter Track- Spring All 6th graders are grade eligible 1st semester A passing grade in 3 core subjects is required for eligibility 2nd semester VHSL physical required and must be dated after May 1. (form is available on website and in the front office)
6th Grade Activities Future Farmers of America (FFA) Technology Student Association (TSA) Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Choir during Lab time Chess Club STEM Club Mustang News Network SCA
Chromebooks & Lockers Chromebooks- you’ll receive a charger & carrying case Your responsibility to bring it fully charged to school everyday Locks and Lockers- you will be assigned a locker on the first day of school (hall and gym) Lock it! Practice lockers will be available at August registration Dress Code stuff
Schoolwide Discipline & PBIS Positive Behaviors Excuse me card rewards Model Mustangs Lab time fun End of 9 week Spirit Activity End of year activities Poor Choices Broken Pillars Team meetings Lunch detention BIP Express BIP No Spirit Activity “Not good things”
Tips for parents/kids The shot- MMS must have documentation that you received your tdap shot Communication- Powerschool & parent connect, weekly emails & announcements, etc. Homework hotline.
FAQs- Kids What if my locker won’t open? What if I’m late to class? Who am I going to sit with at lunch? What if I need help with something? Walking in the light, etc
FAQs- Parents Does my child need a cell phone? Insta? Snap? We need your help! Should I bail them out? Slumber parties and shifting friendships! Why is he so moody?
Montevideo Middle School “A Tradition of Excellence”