Everything you need to know about Middle School Middle School Counselor Visits March, 2017
Principals 3 per building Carl Ben Eielson Ben Franklin Discovery Head Principal: Brad Larson (Grade 8) Asst. Principal: Dean Wilson (Grade 6) Asst. Principal: Cathy Selberg (Grade 7) Ben Franklin Head Principal: John Nelson Asst. Principal: Shane Martin (Grade 7, 8) Asst. Principal: Oak Reile (Grade 6, 8) Discovery Head Principal: Linda Davis (Grade 8) Dean of Students/Asst. Principal: Dan Shultis (Grade 7) Asst. Principal: Amy Herrick (Grade 6)
Counselors 3 in each building Groups Classroom lessons Carl Ben Eielson Rachel Johnson (A-G) Mary Beth Stensgard (H-N) Kylie Wallender (O-Z) Ben Franklin Lannette Christmann (A-G) Patti Bathie (H-N) Jeanne Keller (O-Z) Discovery Cindy Johnson (Grade 7) Sean Napton (Grade 8) To be announced (Grade 6) Groups Classroom lessons Individual support
Nurse At each building Monday-Thursday
Teams 3-4 Teams as 6th Graders 3 teachers Language Arts Block Math, Science, Social Studies
Advisory 1 period of the school day Music Intervention time Team-building A B C D E F Band/ Orchestra Choir Team Band/ Orchestra
Music Band, Choir, Orchestra Sectionals Large Group Opposite PE (ACE/BDF) Large Group Advisory Jazz Band, Honor Choir, Chamber Orchestra, Talent Show
Gym Every other day (ACE/BDF) Needs: Opposite music days T-Shirt Shorts Shoes (Do not need to be left at school) DEODERANT Opposite music days Lockers with locks
Breakfast Available at all schools Every day to purchase: Milk, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Bagels, Muffins
Lunch More options—Ala Carte Lunch: $2.30 this year Milk, Salad Bar, Fresh Fruit & Veggies
Passing Time 4 minutes between classes Use bathroom Go to locker Get to class Recess
Join Something Clubs Intramurals Sports Teams Student Leadership Music
Clubs & Activities Before and after school Generally 1 day a week Examples: Art Club, Chess Club, Science Club, Martial Arts, Talent Show, Yugio Club, Lego League Drama
Sports Fall Winter Spring Cross Country Volleyball Wrestling Basketball (girls) Spring Basketball (boys) Swimming Track & Field
Intramurals Before school Sign up to participate (@ CBE) Be at school before 8 Basketball, Weight Room, Soccer, Floor Hockey, Kickball, Dodge Ball, Whiffle Ball, Flag Football, Volleyball, Tennis
One-to-One Initiative Personal Learning Devices Internet Access Google Accounts Assignments Acceptable Use Policy
Lockers In Team Center Combination Backpacks Cell Phones
Responsibility More independence Switching classes/teachers Homework Make-up work
Back-to-School Come to schools in August Back-to-school activities Introduction to middle school
Electives Music/PE Art/FACS *Show registration card and how they will mark selection. Students write: DUE TO TEACHER BY: DATE Music/PE Music Options: Band, Choir, Orchestra, General Music Every other day (ACE/BDF) Art/FACS 1 Semester each