Woodhome PBIS
What is PBIS? “PBIS” is short for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports. PBIS is a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.
What does PBIS have to do with Woodhome? Effective classroom management and preventive school discipline are essential for supporting teaching and learning. PBIS goes further by emphasizing that classroom management and preventive school discipline must be integrated and working together with effective academic instruction in a positive and safe school climate to maximize success for all students.
PBIS is not: PBIS is: ...a canned program in a box for purchase. ...a support to address proactive systems changes in the "way schools do business." ...throwing out the baby with the bathwater. ...a way of taking all the great initiatives already implemented in the school and tying them together into a framework that works toward a common language, common practice, and consistent application of positive and negative reinforcement. ...being sickeningly sweet to children and giving them stickers. ...teaching, modeling, practicing, and rewarding appropriate behavior and having clear consequences for targeted behaviors. ...ignoring inappropriate behavior. ...achieving full staff "buy-in" on consistent implementation of office discipline referrals. If it is not okay to cuss in classroom "A", then it will not be okay to cuss in classroom "B". ...something a bunch of people made up for the new pendulum to swing in the educational field. ...rooted in evidence based practices which adults use to respond to the interventions needed to address behavioral and academic competence for each and every student.
Reflection Time
Back Down Memory Lane Think-Pair-Share Think: What were some misbehaviors I observed in class last year? Pair: Student’s behavior really pushed my buttons in the classroom last year? Share: What is the most common behavior in your group?
Respectful On-time Accountable Responsible Safe ROARS Respectful On-time Accountable Responsible Safe
Example of Matrix
Skit Time!!! We will form groups based on the colors on each index card. Orange: Classroom Pink: Auditorium Yellow: Lockers Green: Bathroom Blue: Hallway Purple: Cafeteria Refer to the matrix. Prepare skit on examples of Roaring and non-examples. (1-2 minutes.) Time: 5 Minutes to prepare.
Changes Made to PBIS SOARR -> ROARS Tweets to Paws Class Dojo – Grades 3-8 Unified Color Chart – PreK-2 School-Wide Expectations School-Wide Redirection
Shifting the Mindset It’s not how we react…. It’s how we respond. Consequence -> Redirection
School Wide Expectations Together we will set 5 school wide expectations.
Middle School Expectations Arrive promptly and enter quietly Be prepared with all materials and stay on task. Follow all directions the first time given. Remain in assigned area. Be kind and respectful toward yourself and others.
Please Group by Teams PREK-2ND 3RD-6TH 7TH &8TH
School Wide Redirection Together we will come up will a Multi-Step Redirection System.
Cool Down Area Where one goes to: Rules: Regain composure Maintain control when upset Do calming thing /Classwork Rules: Adult can send a child Child can remove him/herself Set the timer before you send them there
Examples of Materials in the Cool Down Area
Class Dojo Grades 3rd -8th Will be connected throughout the school First Quarter- Students will earn group points. 2nd-4th Quarter- Students will earn group and individual points. 3 dojo points=1 paw 5 dojo points= 2 paws
What Now? ClassDojo Point System Warm-Up: 5 points Explicit Teaching: 10 points Small Group: 10 points Exit Ticket: 5 points Transitions: 8 points Lining up and Entering the Classroom: 5 points
Examples (cont):
Examples (cont):
Please Group By Teams PreK-2 3-6 7-8
Rewards Group Work! Paw Exchange Step 1: Write three rewards for following expectations. Step 2: Decide on a “price” for it. Step 3: Share Time: 5 min.
Let’s Start Our School Year On One Accord This should be on every PBIS Board: Expectations Rewards for Following Expectations Consequences for breaking expectations PBIS Pledge Matrix Dojo Point conversion Chart (Gr: 3-8) Stop Light Chart (Pre-K- 2)
My Commitment for PBIS this month is____________________. Circle Time!!!! My Commitment for PBIS this month is____________________.