Unité 3: Le calendrier Le sommaire: By the end of this unit, I will be able to: Speaking: Say the days of the week Say the months of they year Ask for and give the date Ask for and give my birthdate Ask for and give the time of day Reading: Read a schedule Read an authentic document and recognize cognates. Read an authentic document and tell what the main idea is. Read an authentic document and recognize key information Writing: Create an a schedule for my day Le sommaire: I Can statements for this unit 2 Directions of I Can statements 3 Leçon 1 - days of the week 4 Days of the week practice 5 Reading practice 6 Culture : La Toussaint 7-9 Days Sudoku 10 Reflection on days 11 Leçon 2 - Months of the year 12 Months practice 13-14 Culture and Reading practice 15-17 Listening practice 18 Reflect on months 19 Leçon 3 - La date 20 -21 Practice activities 22-25 Leçon 3 cont. - anniversaire 26 Writing practice 27 Communication interpersonnelle 28 Reflect on leçon 3 29 Leçon 4 - l’heure 30 Practice telling time 31 Leçon 4 cont - asking the time 32 Choice Bingo 33 Time practice 34 Leçon 4 cont. - 24 hour clock 35 Practice 24 hour clock 36 Leçon 4 cont. - time phrases 37 Practice time phrases 38 Reflect on Leçon 4 39 Reading assignment 40-44 Writing assignment 45-46 Unit study guide 47 Résumé de vocabulaire 48-49
Je peux... U3.JP1 U3.JP2 U3.JP3 U3.JP4 U3.JP5 U3.JP6 U3.JP7 U3.JP8 I can say the days of the week. U3.JP2 I can say the months of the year. U3.JP3 I can ask for and give the date. U3.JP4 I can ask for someone’s birthday. U3.JP5 I can give my birthday. U3.JP6 I can ask for and give the time of day. U3.JP7 I can read a schedule and recognize dates and times. U3.JP8 I can recognize cognates in an authentic text and recognize the main idea. U3.JP9 I can recognize specific information in an authentic text. U3.JP10 I can write a short message about an event and a person.
Directions for each I can statement: U3.JP1 - Make a video of yourself saying the months and the days. U3.JP2 - Make a video of yourself saying the days of the week. U3.JP3 - 5 - Make 2 videos with your Paris partner (for each video you should play a different role). Have a conversation where one person asks for today’s date and the person’s birthdate. Each video should have 1 person asking the questions and 1 person responding. U3.JP6- Make 2 videos with your Lille partner. One person will ask what time it is and the other will respond. U3.JP7 - Make a video where you read the schedule provided in class. You must give the date and time for at least 3 activities on the schedule. U3.JP8-9 - Complete the reading assignment in the Unit packet. U3.JP10 - Create an short message about yourself and an event you have planned.
Leçon 1 Les jours lundi (lun) Monday mardi (mar) Tuesday Don’t forget to make flashcards for the new vocabulary! Use the résumé at the end of the unit to help you! Les jours Le jour de la semaine The day of the week lundi (lun) Monday mardi (mar) Tuesday mercredi (mer) Wednesday jeudi (jeu) Thursday vendredi (ven) Friday samedi (sam) Saturday dimanche (dim) Sunday Grammar Note! The French do not capitalize the days of the week, unless they are the first word of a sentence! À l’écoute! Écoutez le vidéo, répétez les mots et répondez aux questions! When the video starts to ask questions, pause the video after each question and answer on the lines below. Use the hints provided to understand the question! (quel = which and vient après = comes after) ___________________________ (donne = give) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pratiquons! dimanche mardi jeudi mercredi vendredi lundi samedi Part 1 : Mettez (put) les jours en ordre. dimanche mardi jeudi mercredi vendredi lundi samedi Try to do this without your notes! Oui! I could do it without my notes Un peu… I tried to do it without my notes, but made a few mistakes Non…. I could not do it without my notes Part 2: Décodez les mots mélangés! DEIJU _____________________ AHDEMNIC _____________________ INDLU _____________________ REIDVDNE ______________________ ADMIR _______________________ ESIMAD _____________________ REMIDREC _____________________ Part 3: Répondez aux questions en français. Suivez (follow) le modèle. Modèle: Quel jour aimes-tu? J’aime samedi. Aimes-tu lundi? Oui, j’aime lundi ou Non, je n’aime pas lundi. Quel jour aimes-tu? ______________________________________________ Aimes-tu mardi? ________________________________________________ Aimes-tu samedi? _______________________________________________ Qu’est-ce que tu préfères, vendredi ou samedi? _______________________________________________________________
Lisez (read) le texte et répondez aux questions en anglais. Are there any days that are not on this calendar? If so, which are not present? What days of the week will there be music? What day of the week is there something special for 3-4 year olds? What day of the week is there something special for 4-5 year olds? What day of the week will there be a photo of a small monster? What do you think this calendar is for. Give at least 1 piece of evidence to support your statement! (SRE response!)
La Toussaint en France La Culture As you watch the video, answer these questions. What is the date of La Toussaint? What will the cemeteries be full of? What does La Toussaint mean in English? What are “Les vacances de la Toussaint”? What do the French do on la Toussaint? Can you buy any flowers to put on the graves? If not, which ones should you buy? Can you offer chrysanthemums to people in France? Explain. Where does the tradition of chrysanthemums on graves come from? Do the French celebrate Halloween? Compare it to American Halloween. La Culture
Making Connections: Mini-project! Now that you know what “La Toussaint” is, look back at the calendar on page 6. Why might there be so many activities for children during this time? Answer in English. Mini-project! Directions: Search Google images for “Les vacances de la Toussaint 2017”. Find a schedule of activities for kids. Look it over and write out the schedule in English. Use wordreference.com to help you. Be prepared to share your schedule with a classmate! Draw you schedule below and write out the activities in English.
Comparing Cultures: Think about what you have learned about La Toussaint and Halloween in France. In English, write a short explanation of the similarities and differences. Then explain which culture you prefer and why.
Réfléchir (reflect): In English, explain what is La Toussaint and one thing you remember about the days of the week. At this time, you are ready to complete U3.JP1! Read the directions and complete it on our next work day or do it at home!
Leçon 2 Les mois Les mois The months janvier January février February mars March avril April mai May juin June juillet July août August septembre September octobre October novembre November décembre December Grammar Note! Just like the days of the week, the French do not capitalize the months of the year.
Pratiquons! décembre juin mai janvier octobre mars avril août février Part 1 : Mettez les mois en ordre. décembre juin mai janvier octobre mars avril août février juillet septembre novembre Try to do this without your notes! Oui! I could do it without my notes Un peu… I tried to do it without my notes, but made a few mistakes Non…. I could not do it without my notes Part 2: Look at the pictures on this page. Write the month of the year that would be the best month do this activity.
Un message caché Directions: Find all the words in the list provided. After you have found all the hidden words, find the letters that have not been used. They will spell out a hidden message août avril décembre dimanche février janvier jeudi juillet juin les jours __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ les mois lundi mai mardi mars mercredi novembre octobre samedi septembre vendredi
La lecture Lisez le texte et marquez ce que vous comprenez! Read the text and mark what you understand with English notes. Any words count! Anything you understand or even thin you understand, write what you think it means!
2017-2018 Comprehension questions Main Idea: What is the main idea of this text? Write a SRE response! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key vocabulary: Find the French words for the terms listed below. They are listed in the order they appear in the text School calendar Return to school vacation All Saint’s Day Christmas Winter vacation Spring vacation Summer vacation End of classes Supporting Details: Step 1: If you can find the detail listed below in the text on page 14, put a check mark on the small line to the left. If you cannot find the detail, put an X. Step 2: If you were able to find the information in the text, on the longer line to the right, write (in English) the information you found. The first one has been done for you. ______ The school year this calendar represents ___________________________________ ______ The date of the first day for school for students ______________________________ ______ The date of the first day of vacation for All Saint’s Day __________________________________________________________________________ ______ The dates of Christmas vacation for students __________________________________________________________________________ ______ The day of the week a student from Paris goes on winter vacation _______________ ______ The day of the week a student from Rennes comes back from Spring vacation ___________________________________ ______ The day when students graduate from school. _______________________________ ______ The date summer vacation begins ________________________________________ 2017-2018
Cultural Comparison: Fill in the venn diagram with the differences and similarities between the French school year and the American school year. Personal Reflection: Look at the differences and similarities you found for your Venn diagram. Using this information, explain which calendar you prefer and give at least 1 example to support your answer. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
À l’écoute! Directions: Listen to the song (without watching the video) once and check check off the words that you hear (not all of them will be said!). Then go back and watch the video as you listen. Check to see if you heard all the correct words. Monsieur Quoi de neuf marché calendrier panier mars bonjour juin Madame décembre année petit mois content salut Au revoir douze
Réfléchir (reflect): In English, explain how the French school year works. What months are they on summer vacation? At this time, you are ready to complete U3.JP2! Read the directions and complete them on our next work day or do it at home!
Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? Leçon 3 Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? Grammar Note! When giving the date, you must include “le” before the number! The order must always be: le + number + month C’est le huit mars. Quel jour sommes-nous? Attention! When answering “Quel jour sommes-nous”, you can also answer with “Nous sommes mardi”. C’est mardi!
Example: July 5th = le cinq juillet La date en français Giving the date in French is similar to what we do in English. When you give or write the date in French, the number comes BEFORE the month. Example: July 5th = le cinq juillet In French, when using the shortened form, the day comes before the month again. In English we start with the month and follow it with the day. French is the opposite. Example: In English July 5th, 2017 = 7/5/2017 (month/day/year) In French July 5th, 2017 = 5/7/2017 (day/month/year) Pratiquons! Directions: Dessinez un ligne entre les dates. Draw a line between the number form of the date and the correct word form of the same date. 9/7 Le deux mars 10/12 Le neuf juillet 15/3 Le trois décembre 3/12 Le trente-et-un octobre 31/10 Le sept septembre 7/9 Le quinze mars 2/3 Le dix décembre La date en français (encore) When it is the first of the month, in English we say “It is the first of December.” We don’t say “It is the one December”. In French, you must do the same! When it is the first of a month you must use “le premier” (prem-ee-aye), which means “the first”. Example: 1/12 = C’est le premier décembre
5/8 ______________________________________________________________ Pratiquons! Directions: écrivez la date en français. The dates are given in the shortened French form. Write out the date in word form (spell out your numbers!) in French. Don’t forget the “le” in front of the date for each of these! 5/8 ______________________________________________________________ 18/1 _____________________________________________________________ 9/9 ______________________________________________________________ 1/4 ______________________________________________________________ 25/2 _____________________________________________________________ 1/6 ______________________________________________________________ Bataille navale! Directions Directions: Game Setup: Mark your boats by coloring in the boxes for each size boat on the top half of your sheet. Boats can only be horizontal and vertical. No two boats can share a square. See the example below. Fold paper on the dotted line with a hard crease. This is your game board. The top section is where your boats are at and the bottom section is where you will mark your guesses. Game play Now you will work with a partner to play the game. The person who’s first name starts with the letter closest to Z goes first. Player 1 picks a day and a date and says them to their partner in a sentence (Example: C’est lundi, le 4 juillet). The partner looks at the corresponding box where the two intersect and looks to see if they have a boat there. They let their partner know if it was a hit, miss, or if their boat is sunk. Then the players switch roles. Example Board: You respond “touché” because your boat is in that location. 1 janvier 2 mars 3 avril lundi mardi mercredi Your partner calls: C’est mardi le premier janvier” Put an X in this spot because your partner hit this part of your boat! This is an example of a 2 boat
Écrivez les dates en français. Pratiquons! Écrivez les dates en français. July 1st __________________________________________________________. October 3rd ______________________________________________________ March 18th _______________________________________________________ December 25th ____________________________________________________ August 28th _______________________________________________________ April 13th _________________________________________________________ May 15th _________________________________________________________ Directions: Remplissez les lignes avec le mot correcte. Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Sandrine: Salut! Comment tu ____________________________? Marc: Je _____________________ Marc. Et toi? Sandrine: Je m’appelle ___________________. Comment _______________ Marc? Marc: Pas mal! Et ___________? Sandrine: Bien merci! Marc, quel jour ______________________________? Marc: C’est mercredi. Sandrine: Merci!! Ben….. Quelle est la _________________ aujourd’hui? Marc: Aujourd’hui c’est __________ douze avril. Sandrine: Oh! Mon anniversaire est la semaine prochaine! Marc: Ah oui? Quelle est la date de ton ___________________________? Sandrine: ____________ le dix-sept avril! Marc: Super! Tu __________ quel âge? Sandrine: J’___________ quatorze ans! Mon fête est samedi. Tu veux venir? Marc: Bien sûr! Merci. À bientôt! Sandrine: À ___________________ Marc!
Notes : la date de l’anniversaire Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? C’est le douze juin. Extra vocabulary Other ways to ask and answer this question include: C’est quand ton anniversaire? Mon anniversaire c’est le…. Sondage! Directions: Go around the room and ask your classmates what is their birthday and their age. Mark their answers in the table below. You will use this information to write a short paragraph comparing yourself and your classmates. Comment tu t’appelles? Tu as quel âge? Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?
I was able to complete the task. I can write in complete sentences. À l’écriture! Read the model paragraph. Then create a paragraph of your own that is similar (but not exactly the same!) and compare you and your classmates. You should write a minimum of 3 sentences. Modèle: J’ai treize ans mais Sophie a douze ans. Daniel a aussi douze ans! Mon anniversaire est le vingt-neuf janvier mais l’anniversaire de Claire est le vingt janvier. Claire a treize ans et j’ai aussi treize ans! Key vocab to help you: Aussi = also mais = but When you want to say “________’s birthday”, you must say “l’anniversaire de ________” Réfléchir: Look over your writing above and rate yourself on how you think you did. 1 2 3 4 5 I was able to complete the task. I can write in complete sentences. I can use new words in my writing. 2/1 - You show little to no mastery of this skill. 3 - You show some mastery of this skill, but much improvement is need. 4 - You show some mastery of this skill, but there are still a few errors. You are still hesitant when completing this task. 5 - You show complete mastery of this skill. There are no errors and you can complete the task with confidence.
Communication Interpersonnelle: Madame will give you a sheet that has several famous French people. It will have their name, their career and their birthdate under each of the pictures. With your Rennes partner, you will be trying to fill on the missing birthdates for the photos that don’t have the date listed. Career vocabulary: joueur = player chanteur/chanteuse = singer Roi = king Reine = queen Ingénieur = Engineer Couturière = fashion designer To play: You will ask, “Quelle est la date de l’anniversaire de _________________________ (person’s name)”. Choose one of the photos that does not have a birthdate! Your partner will respond “C’est le # ______ (mois)”. On your sheet of paper, write down the birthdate you heard. Then switch roles. When finished, check your papers to see if you heard the dates correctly and fix the errors you made. Madame will call on students to give her the birthdates of certain people! Make sure you can answer!
Réfléchir (reflect): What was the best part of this unit and why? At this time, you are ready to complete U3.JP3-5! Read the directions and complete them on our next work day or do it at home!
L’heure Leçon 4 Telling time in French is very similar to how we tell time in English. In English we say the hour and then the minutes, the French do the same. The big difference is that in French, you must put a word in between the hour and the minutes. When giving the time in French, you must add the word “heure” or “heures” in between the hour and the minutes. You use “heure” when there is only one hour (any time it is 1:00) For the most part, you use “heures” instead of “heure” when giving the time. Remember you can’t hear the “s”, so this only really matters when you are writing the time! Example: In English - 3:24 “three twenty-four” In French - 3h24 “trois heures vingt-quatre” The symbol used when writing time in French is an “h”. In English, we put a colon (:) between the hour and the minute, but the French use the “h” to stand for the word “heure”. Pratiquons! Directions: Lisez l’heure et écrivez l’heure en numéro. Read the time and write the time in shortened number form. Don’t forget to put the “h” instead of the “:”! Use the model to help you! Modèle: deux heures cinq 2h05 Quatre heures quinze __________ Onze heures dix ____________ Dix heures vingt-trois ___________ Huit heures trente-six ___________ Une heure quatre ____________ Trois heures quarante-cinq ___________ (quarante = 40) Sept heures seize _____________
Pratiquons! Regardez l’horloge et écrivez l’heure. Look at each clock and write out the time in French. Write the time in a complete sentence. Use the model to guide you. Helpful words: Il est = it is Quarante = 40 Cinquante = 50 Modèle: Il est cinq heures.
Quelle heure est-il s’il vous plaît? How to ask for the time Il est trois heures sept. À quelle heure est le film? How to ask when something is taking place Le film est à deux heures quinze! When asking about the time, you ask “Quelle heure est-il?” and to respond, you always start with “il est” and then give the time in the format we learned previously. If you want to know the time of an event, you must the following question: “À quelle heure est _______________ (the event)” When answering this question, you must use the following type of response: “_______________ (the event) est à # heures.” The important word to not forget is “à”. This word means “at” in this context.
But Madame will not wait for you if you are doing two boards! Choice Bingo On the slip of paper provided, write a time in French. Write neatly! When finished, raise your hand and Madame will come around to get your slip of paper. After you have finished your slip of paper, look at the front board. Madame will be writing times in number form on the board. Use a marker or pen and choose from these times to fill in the bingo board below! You have 2 bingo boards! You can play on both or just one! Your choice! But Madame will not wait for you if you are doing two boards! The boards must be completely different!
Pratiquons! Answer each question with the time given. Quelle heure est-il? (3:14) ______________________________________________ À quelle heure est le match de foot? (2:15) ___________________________________________________________________ Quelle heure est-il? (6:10) ______________________________________________ À quelle heure est le film? (7:25) ___________________________________________________________________ À quelle heure est le dîner? (5:20) ___________________________________________________________________ Quelle heure est-il? (1:17) ______________________________________________ Pratiquons! Use the calendar below to answer the questions. Answer in complete sentences! Juillet lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche 7h15 2h20 1h36 8h10 8h40 À quelle heure est le match de basket? ______________________________________________________________ À quelle heure est le voyage? ______________________________________________________________ À quelle heure est le dîner? ______________________________________________________________ À quelle heure est le concert? ______________________________________________________________
The 24 hour clock In France, most schedules and clocks use the 24 hour clock. Instead of marking morning and night with AM or PM, the French use a 24 hour clock to show when it is different parts of the day. They know that anything after 12h00 is in the afternoon, and anything after 18h00 is in the evening. When you use a 24 hour clock, you have to subtract 12 to figure out what time it is. In English, we say that 12:00 AM is midnight, but on a 24 hour clock, midnight is marked by 0h00. Example: 21h00 is 9:00pm. You get this by subtracting 12 from 21. You know it is PM because the number is past 12. Pratiquons! Tell what time it is using AM and PM for each time given. Use the model to guide you. Modèle: 18h00 = 6:00 PM 0h00 = ________________ 15h00 = _______________ 6h00 = ________________ 13h00 = _______________ 22h00 = _______________ 9h00 = ________________ 12h00 = _______________ 17h00 = _______________ 1h00 = ________________ 10h00 = _______________
Times the movie is showing: Directions: You and your family are in France and want to go see a movie. Look at the times listed for the movie and create a list of times the movie is showing using AM and PM times. Times the movie is showing:
Les phrases When telling time, we often use phrases that are conversational. This means we use them mostly when we are speaking rather than we are writing. In French, there are a few key conversational phrases used when telling time. The two phrases above are the most important to know, but there are a few other phrases to know as well. Although these phrases are not as popular as they once were, they are still used by some in conversations. Réfléchir: In English, explain what the three phrases above mean. Explain when you use them and what is a good way to remember each of them.
Il est neuf heures et demie. ________________________________ Pratiquons! Read the time given and then write it out in numeric form using AM and PM times. These times are using the 24 hour clock which means you will have to change some of these times in order to use AM and PM correctly. Il est neuf heures et demie. ________________________________ Il est vingt-et-une heure et quart. ____________________________ Il est midi. ______________________________________________ Il est trois heures moins le quart. ____________________________ Il est une heure et demie. __________________________________ Il est minuit. _____________________________________________ Il est quatorze heures moins le quart. _________________________
Réfléchir (reflect): What is one part of telling time that is difficult for you? How could you improve on this skill? At this time, you are ready to complete U3.JP6-7! Read the directions and complete them on our next work day or do it at home!
Reading Assignment (U2.JP8-9) Directions: Read each paragraph. Then in English, write a 1-2 sentence summary of what you think the paragraph is about. Be ready to share your ideas with the class! On this page I used the article about the voting for the 2017 French presidential elections. You can buy this article here. Or, if you are using several of these units, you can buy the whole collection of articles I am using.
Don’t forget the back of this page! Key Vocabulary: Find the French word for each of the words listed below. The words are in the order in which they are found in the text. (words marked with * are challenging! Do your best!) Presidential Elections ________________________ To vote _______________________________ (this is only 1 word!) today _____________________________ campaign____________________________ Social media* _______________________________ tomorrow* ______________________________ extraordinary _________________________ Traditional parties________________________________ Traditionally ____________________________ United States*_____________________________ number _________________________________ crucial _______________________________ When finished with this assignment, turn it into the bin. You must get a 8 out of 10 between this task and the next in order to get U3.JP8. U3.JP8 I can recognize cognates in an authentic text and recognize the main idea. Scoring 1 - Student was able to find 2 or less of the key words. 2 - Student was able to find 3-4 of the key words. 3 - Student was able to find 5-6 of the key words. 4 - Student was able to find 7-8 of the key words. 5 - Student was able to find 9-12 of the key words. If you are not using the same text as me, you will need to change the vocabulary here! Don’t forget the back of this page!
Main Idea: What do you think is the main idea of this text Main Idea: What do you think is the main idea of this text? Use the SRE paragraph model to respond! (S=statement R=reason E=evidence) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scoring 1 - Little to no effort to understand the text. Student shows no understanding of the text and did not give a paragraph response. 2 - Student was not able to comprehend the main idea of the text. OR paragraph is poorly written and impedes understanding. 3 - Student shows some understanding of the main idea, but is not exact. Paragraph has little to no evidence. Reasoning is unclear. 4 - Student was able to figure out the main idea and gives one example from the text to support their statement. Evidence may not be very strong, but it shows some understanding of the text. 5 - Student was able to figure out the main idea and gives a few pieces of evidence from the text to support their statement.
You must get a 4 or 5 to earn U3.JP9. Supporting Details: Step 1: If you can find the detail listed below in the text on page 14, put a check mark on the small line to the left. If you cannot find the detail, put an X. Step 2: If you were able to find the information in the text, on the longer line to the right, write (in English) the information you found. ______ the date the article was written _______________________________________________ ______ the day of the week it is when the article was written ______________________________ ______ if the candidates can campaign ______________________________________________ ______ what the French cannot post on social media ___________________________________ ______ on what date the French will be voting _________________________________________ ______ times the voting offices will be open ___________________________________________ ______ how many of the candidates come from the traditional parties _______________________ ______ the name of the Republican candidate _________________________________________ ______ the name of the Socialist candidate ____________________________________________ ______ what the two traditional parties are called _______________________________________________________________________________ ______ Percent of French who voted in 2012 __________________________________________ ______ Percent of Americans who voted in 2016 ________________________________________ ______ who won the vote __________________________________________________________ ______ how many women are expected to vote this year _________________________________ If you are not using the same text, you will need to change these details to match your selected text. Scoring 1 - Student was able to correctly identify 1-3 supporting details in the text but little to none of the details are correct. Student shows no comprehension of the text and may seem to be guessing. 2 - Student was able to correctly identify 4-5 supporting details in the text and most of the details given are correct. The mistakes made show the student is struggling with comprehension. 3 - Student was able to correctly identify 6-8 supporting details in the text and most of the details given are correct. The mistakes made are mostly logical. There may be a few missing details but they can recognize that the information was in the text. 4 - Student was able to correctly identify 9-11 supporting details in the text and most of the details given are correct. The mistakes made are logical. 5 - Student was able to correctly identify 12-14 supporting details in the text and almost all the details given are correct. You must get a 4 or 5 to earn U3.JP9.
Turn in this page with your letter! Writing Practice You will be given a lined sheet of paper. You are writing a short message about a public event you have planned that will be celebrating a famous person. You must tell the audience a little about yourself and give the date and time of the event. You must also give a few details about the person (age, name, birthday). Réfléchir: Think about the activity you just completed and answer the questions below. How easy was this activity for you? (1 really hard - 5 piece of cake) 1 2 3 4 5 How often did you have to use your notes? Never A few times Often What is one way you could improve before you complete the written assessment? What can you do to help yourself make this improvement?
Scoring 1 - Student was not able to complete the task and put very little effort into completing the task Task is not complete and there. There is not enough material to assess student’s ability. 2 - Student was not able to complete the task. Writing is very choppy and repetitive. Student does not attempt sentences, but there is some logic to the order of words. There are numerous grammar and spelling mistakes, many impede understanding. 3 - Student was able to complete the task with several errors. Writing is very choppy and/or repetitive. Student attempts sentences but shows no mastery of creating a complete thought. There are several grammar and spelling mistakes, some may impede understanding. 4 - Student was able to complete the task with some errors. Writing is choppy and/or repetitive. Student tries to writes with some sentences, but does not always accomplish this. There are some grammar and spelling mistakes, but none impede understanding. 5 - Student was able to complete the task with little to no errors. Writing is beginning to look natural and have some fluency. Student writes with sentences most of the time. There are grammar and spelling mistakes, but none impede understanding.
All “Je peux” tasks must be completed before the unit test! Study up! This is the end of the unit! You will be tested on all vocabulary and culture in this unit! All “Je peux” tasks must be completed before the unit test! Quiz review: You need to be able to: Recognize all the vocabulary for this unit. Answer questions about the culture sections of this unit. La Toussaint French school year Voting for the last Presidential Election Listen and recognize dates and times Quiz format: All are multiple choice How should I study? Use your flashcards to practice recognizing the vocabulary. Reread the culture sections and activities in the packet and look over your answers. Listen to the months and days songs on PSL to practice them! Practice the vocabulary with a friend or family member!
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Mon anniversaire c’est le... Résumé de vocabulaire Le français L’anglais lundi Monday mardi Tuesday mercredi Wednesday jeudi Thursday vendredi Friday samedi Saturday dimanche Sunday un jour A day la semaine The week Les jours de la semaine The days of the week janvier January février February mars March avril April mai May juin June juillet July août August Le français L’anglais septembre September octobre October novembre November décembre December un mois A month Quelle est la date? What is the date? Quel jour sommes-nous? What day is it? C’est... It is... Le premier The first Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? When is your birthday? Mon anniversaire c’est le... My birthday is... Quelle heure est-il? What time is it? Il est # heures. It is # o’clock une heure an hour
Résumé de vocabulaire Le français L’anglais À quelle heure est….? What time is ___________? minuit Midnight (12:00am) midi Noon (12:00pm) et demie Half past (:30) et quart Quarter past (:15) moins le quart Quarter to (:45)