"The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse." –James Madison
The legitimate exercise of authority in a state. Authority – Power that people recognize as legitimate. Legitimate – Appropriate and lawful. State – (A country or nation) A body of people living in a defined territory, organized politically, with sovereignty. (the power to make and enforce law without the consent of higher authority) Our concept of a “state” is different today.
Many Governments Exercise Three Basic Kinds of Power Legislative Power – The power to make law and public policies. Executive Power – The power to execute, enforce and administer the law Judicial Power – The power to interpret the laws, determine their meaning and settle disputes.
Proclaimed the Divine Right of Kings Theory King James I - Stuart Family King of England from 1603–1625 Proclaimed the Divine Right of Kings Theory Kings are Chosen by God Born with Power Kings are only accountable to God, not to any person. Subjects who argue with the King are committing blasphemy against God.
“The prince“ - Niccolo Machiavelli Controversial, condemned by the Pope. Focused on how Monarchies should keep power The quote “The end justifies the means” has been used to describe his book. Princes should keep absolute control by any means possible.
Social Contract Theorists & Enlightenment Thinkers Thomas Hobbes John Locke Jean-Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu
A Social Contract is An agreement among people defining the rights and duties of individuals with each other and with the government. Social Contract Theorists Emerged during the period of Enlightenment. scientists were questioning math and science. Social Contract theorists were questioning assumptions about government.
Thomas Hobbes Hobbes challenged Divine Right Theory Did not challenge Monarchy - Any government is better than no government. examine the State of Nature: Life without institutions, a primitive state before governments.
Hobbes wrote the Leviathan Pessimistic - Man in the state of nature is essentially equal and at “war” Without government, life would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” A constant struggle to survive against the evil of others
Hobbes believed people should enter a Social Contract out of fear, people want to be ruled. People give up rights and liberties in order to control society and to safeguard property. Individual obedience is necessary in order to stop the greater evil of an endless state of war.
An Essay Concerning John Locke Human Understanding. Second Treatise An Essay Concerning John Locke Human Understanding Second Treatise of Civil Government Men enter into a social contract with the government to preserve life, liberty and property and to assure justice. From this state of nature people would not choose an absolute monarchy, they choose a society governed by standing laws, with power distributed among different groups. If the government acts improperly it breaks the contract with the people. Revolution in some circumstances is not only a right, it is an obligation.
Jean Jacques Rousseau The sovereign exists to safeguard the citizens, and the social contract is an agreement among the people. People renounce their natural rights Rights are redefined and individuals gain civil rights as citizens of the community. People give up their personal will for the general will. Government is only legitimate through agreement and people must periodically revisit the laws, and renew their consent. Ideal state is small enough to allow the citizens to know one another. The state has legitimate power only if it obeys the general will.
Baron de Montesquieu “On The Spirit of Laws” 1748 Admired British system Separation of governmental powers into three divisions Tyranny can be avoided by dividing political power among different groups. (Separation of Powers) Tyranny can be avoided by keeping watch on the other branches of government (checks and balances) These would prevent anyone from gaining a monopoly of power.
Forms of government Unitary – a “centralized government” All powers belong to a single central agency Usually due to size of country being small England, Japan, Spain
Forms of Government Confederation – alliance of independent states. Ex: U.S. under the Articles of Confederation, Civil War South, Switzerland, European Union
Forms of Government Federal – powers are divided between central government and regional governments. U.S., Mexico, Canada
Who Holds Power: Democracy Autocracy Oligarchy Monarchy Dictatorship Anarchy Republic
democracy In a democracy, the government is elected by the people. Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to have their say over who runs the country. It is distinct from governments controlled by a particular social class or group (aristocracy; oligarchy) or by a single person (despotism; dictatorship; monarchy). A democracy is determined either directly or through elected representatives. Examples of Representative Democracies: U.S., Russia, Chile, Rwanda, Indonesia Examples of Direct Democracies: Greece under Pericles, New England town hall meetings, California’s ballot proposition system.
Republic A republic is a country that has no monarch. The head of the country is usually an elected president.
Autocracry Government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism (domination through threat of punishment and violence)
Oligarchy A government in which a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power.
Monarchy king, queen, emperor or empress. The ruling position can be passed on to the ruler’s heirs. In some traditional monarchies, the monarch has absolute power. But a constitutional monarchy, like the UK, also has a democratic government that limits the monarch's control. Constitutional Monarchy examples: Morocco, Laos, Bahrain, Jordon, Japan, United Kingdom Absolute Monarchy examples: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Vatican City
Dictator A country ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control. In a military dictatorship, the army is in control.
Anarchy Anarchy is a situation where there is no government. This can happen after a civil war in a country, when a government has been destroyed and rival groups are fighting to take its place. Anarchists are people who believe that government is a bad thing in that it stops people organizing their own lives.
Totalitarianism a country with only one political party. People are forced to do what the government says and not allowed to leave the country