Warm Up August 18th Find the Fib Correct each sentence below on page 27. A monarchy is a government ruled by a religious leader. A government ruled by a small group of people is called an autocracy. The United States has a parliamentary democracy. All citizens can vote in an autocracy. Citizens get to vote for the next monarchy of their country.
Compare different forms of government.
What is Government? Government is a system of ruling. Government is a characteristic of a civilization. The Mesopotamian city-states were the earliest forms of government.
Classifying Governments Government is a particular system used for controlling a country or state. When determining how governments should be classified it is important to answer these questions: 1) Who rules? 2) In whose interest do they rule? 3) How do they rule?
Types of Governments
Representative Democracy: Also known as a Republic. The citizens have the right to vote for representatives. The representatives then have the responsibility to vote on laws and policies on behalf of the citizens.
Representative Democracy (Republic): The citizens have the right, responsibility and duty to cast a vote. Each Senator, Representative, and Presidential Candidate must be elected by the people.
2 main forms of democratic governments . . . Presidential Parliamentary
Presidential Democracy (definition) • Executive branch is independent from the legislature • Head of the executive branch (president) elected by citizens, not the legislature
Presidential Democracy Citizens vote for EVERY branch of gov’t
Parliamentary Democracy (definition) executive branch is dependent on legislative branch Head of executive branch (Prime Minister) elected by the legislature, not the citizens
Parliamentary Democracy Citizens DO NOT vote for Executive Branch Prime Minister Parliamentary Democracy Parliament
Autocracy: Rule by ONE person. Dictator Absolute Monarchy
Monarchy Rule by a king or queen. Power is inherited: passed between parent and child. Constitutional Monarchy: King or Queen holds little government power, holds ceremonial power. Modern England: Queen Elizabeth Absolute Monarchy: King or Queen holds all of the power. England and Spain during the Middle Ages.
Absolute Monarchy: King holds all of the power and makes all of the decisions. Power is inherited: passed from father to son. Only first born son becomes king, other sons are princes. Saudi Arabia is a modern Absolute Monarchy. King Salman of Saudi Arabia
Autocracy: One person has unlimited power. Often a dictatorship where a leader secures power through violence. Can be absolute monarchy with sole leader being born into family of rulers. Dictator or absolute monarch controls all 3 gov’t. powers. No elections (dictator may be elected initially, but then may cancel free elections).
Dictatorship: a form of government where a country is ruled by one person or leader, and exercises complete control to ensure their power remains strong.
Dictatorship: Most dictators begin as military leaders or communist leaders. They become dictators when they gain complete control. M. Zedong- China J. Stalin- Soviet Union A. Hitler- Germany
Oligarchy: Form of gov’t where power is held by small group— often the wealthy Rulers are usually richer and more powerful than the rest of the people Some communist nations such as China could be considered oligarchies
Oligarchy: Some nations would classify the American republic as an oligarchy because: Many US Senators and Representatives are wealthy Many government officials are from families with government backgrounds Many families in politics have attend elite schools and have upper class backgrounds
Theocracy: Rule by the Few Religious Leaders A government headed by religious leaders. In ancient city-states, theocracies were common, with government officials serving as religious leaders as well. Ancient Egypt would be classified as a Theocracy since the Pharaoh was considered a king and a god.
Theocracy: Rule by the Few Religious Leaders By 2007, only two theocracies existed in the world: Vatican City Iran Vatican City is the governmental and spiritual center of the Catholic Church. Although located in the heart of Rome, Italy, it is an independent state headed by the Catholic pope.
Theocracy: Rule by the Few Religious Leaders Iran changed from a monarchy to a theocracy in 1979. That year, Iranians expelled their hereditary ruler and formed an Islamic republic headed by a religious leader known as the Ayatollah Khomeini. As Iran’s supreme leader, the Ayatollah put into practice his belief that “in Islam, the legislative power and competence to establish laws belong exclusively to God Almighty.” The Ayatollah is the governmental leader, religious leader, and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
1.) Consider the situation: HOT Questions 1.) Consider the situation: In an ancient kingdom, the people were tired of being treated unfairly by their king. The people of each village united and chose chiefs to voice their complaints to the king. What type of government did the villagers demonstrate by their actions? A.) Autocracy C.) Representative Democracy B.) Direct Democracy D.) Monarchy 2.) What do an Autocracy, Absolute Monarchy, and Oligarchy have in common? A.) They are elected by the people B.) Power is shared amongst the government and the states C.) The people hold the power D.) A single leader or small group control the government. 3.) What is the difference between an Absolute Monarchy and a Constitutional Monarchy? A.) In a Constitutional Monarchy, the people vote for the King or Queen. B.) In a Constitutional Monarchy, the king or queen’s role is mostly ceremonial as they don’t hold any governmental powers. C.) In an Absolute Monarchy, the King or Queen are responsible for writing the constitution for the people. D.) A Constitutional Monarchy has no King or Queen.
HOT Questions 4.) In which form of government do the citizens make decisions for the government? A.) Oligarchy C.) Representative Democracy B.) Direct Democracy D.) Monarchy 5.) Which state best describes a socialist government? A.) The national and state governments share power. B.) Private property is abolished and the government owns all of the businesses. C.) A Dictator controls the country. D.) The government controls basic industries and provides services at no cost to citizens. 6.) Identify the following types of government: A.) A- Socialism B-Communism B.) A- Direct Democracy B-Representative Democracy C.) A- Constitutional Monarchy B-Representative Democracy D.) A- Oligarchy B- Autocracy