Adam and Christ As by one man Romans 5
Key Connection “For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one (man*) shall many be made righteous” (Rom 5v19 *v15) “And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit…the first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.” (1 Cor 15v45)
Adam and Christ? Adam was… Jesus Christ is… “the first man” (1 Cor 15v45, 47) “the beginning” (Matt 19) special creation from the dust (Gen 2v7) made a “living being” “made in God’s image” (Gen 1v26-27) “a son of God” (Luke 3v48) Father and head of the entire human race Eve called “mother of all living” (Gen 3v20) Jesus Christ is… “firstborn from dead” (Col 1v18, Acts 26v23) “who is the beginning” (Col 1v18) Special creation (Luke 1v30-35, Psa 139v14) “a life giving spirit” (1 Cor 15v46) “image of invisible God” (Col 1v15) God’s “beloved son” (Matt 3v19) “Head” (Col 1v18) and “father” (Isa 9v6) of God’s NEW spiritual creation
Two Family Heads Offspring (In Adam) Offspring (In Christ) CHRIST ADAM Natural Creation Father ADAM Offspring (In Christ) Spiritual Creation Father CHRIST
Adam Christ Vital Parallels Compare and Contrast…Rom 5 & 1 Cor 15 WHY? “By man came death” “in Adam all die” “First man Adam” “First man of the earth” Christ “By man came the resurrection” “in Christ all made alive” “Last Adam” “Second man Lord from heaven” WHY? Because it is vital to understand how death came into the world in order to see why Jesus had to go through it and how he overcame it!
Man When Created God Man Man being made “very good” is in harmony with his Creator. God God out of Love creates a race of people to reflect His Glory. Man
By Man Came Death God SIN Man Man has wronged God. God’s just sentence on sin subjects man to death God SIN God who is Righteous and Holy is “light and in Him is no darkness”. Man
Sin’s Consequences “Naked… they went and hid themselves” (Gen 3v7) This was an external flag of inward effect of sin. Sin had brought about a change... 3v7 = “Eyes were opened and they sewed fig leaves together…” Serpent’s carnal logic had aroused in them a desire/lust towards sin... A tendency towards evil that remained inflamed 3v17-19 = “Dying thou shalt die…unto dust shalt thou return” By divine judgment, they were made subject to death. They were now mortal, dying creatures. Bro Roberts – “Humanly speaking God had 3 choices…”
By One Man Man ORIGIN of sin in God’s world. Man, not God’s creation, to blame. “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Rom 5v12) “Dying thou shalt die” God’s righteous sentence on sin! Death a consequence! Mortality = THE death that came by sin. All inherit effects (innocently). “Death REIGNS” (v14) OVER ALL as “Sin REIGNS unto death” (v21) V11 – “THROUGH whom we have received the atonement”. HOW THROUGH Christ? Well...look at it as the same way that we all found ourselves in he SAME need... V12 – “THROUGH one man sin entered...” “The sin” – v13-17 speak of this ONE TRANSGRESSION, the fall of Adam. “The death” is the JUDGEMENT of God on that sin in the beginning “dust thou art unto dust thou shalt return”. A statement of MORTALITY, now inherent in human nature. This “Law of sin & death” so powerful that all subjects inevitably will sin (Rom 3v23). Except Christ (“made strong” Psa 80)
Bro Carter (1) ‘Adam sinned and was punished with death. His children inherit mortality and also a tendency to sin so inevitable in its sin-producing power that Paul can say that through Adam’s sin all sinned, and therefore all die through him’ (eg as a consequence) Letter to the Romans (J Carter)
Why is this legacy so important to understand? In Adam ALL Die Adam was made subject to death. This became a physical law of his being. So all from Adam innocently inherit the consequences of Adams’ sin… Romans 5… “So death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (v12) “Nevertheless death reigned” (v14) “Through the offence of one many be dead” (v15) “Judgment following one trespass brought condemnation” (RSV v16) “For if by one man's offence death reigned by one” (v17) “As one man’s trespass led to condemnation for all men” (RSV v18) “By one man's disobedience many were made sinners”(v19) “That as sin hath reigned unto death” (v21) Why is this legacy so important to understand?
Paralleled Legacies Christ Adam Obey Sin Life Die “For the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of Him who subjected it in hope” (Rom 8v20) Adam Sin Die Christ Obey Life “For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the one shall the many be made righteous…that, as sin reigned in death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 5v19)
Our connection to death & life Fall of Adam Effect on ALL (In Adam) Death reigns v12 Clarification of Type/Shadow Supremacy of Antitype (v13-17) Work of Christ Effect on ALL (In Christ) Grace Reigns v18 Flow of Thought
Key Connection “One man's disobedience …obedience of one” (Rom 5v19 *v15) “The first man Adam … last Adam… first man …the second man…” (1 Cor 15v45)
Sharing Their Legacy “BY ONE MAN” “THE MANY” “By one man sin entered” (v12) “The offence of one” (v15) “By one man Jesus Christ” (v15) “By one that sinned” (v16) “By one to condemnation” (v16) “By one man’s offence” (v17) “Death reigned by one” (v17) “Reign in life by one, Christ” (v17) “By the offence of one” (v18) “By the Righteousness of one” (v18) “By one man’s disobedience” (v19) “By the obedience of one” (v19) “THE MANY” “Many be dead” (v15) “Abounded unto many” (v15) “Many offences” (v16) “Many made sinners” (v19) “Many made righteous” (v19) One Man – These are the CHANNELS through which the work of God is funnelled to those CONNECTED with these representative federal heads.
Two Family Heads “Many” (In Adam) “Many” (In Christ) CHRIST ADAM Natural Creation Father ADAM “Many” (In Christ) Spiritual Creation Father CHRIST
Point of Comparison We innocently inherit Adam’s mortality without having committed (or guilty of) his CRIME. “In Adam” we share the disabilities that came by his sin We inherit and partake of Jesus’ ETERNAL LIFE having not done (or able to do) his perfect RIGHTEOUSNESS. “In Christ” we share the blessings that came by his righteousness
Point of Comparison We innocently inherit Adam’s mortality without having committed (or guilty of) his CRIME. “In Adam” we share the disabilities that came by his sin We inherit and partake of Jesus’ ETERNAL LIFE having not done (nor able to do) his perfect RIGHTEOUSNESS. “In Christ” we share the blessings that came by his righteousness
Sin’s Dominion God has created man to have dominion over creation… “Fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea…” (Gen 1v27) Now sin had dominion over man… “So that, as sin has reigned unto death…” “Death reigned from Adam till Moses…” (Rom 5v21, 14)
Sin’s Dominion Broken “We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God…. therefore let not sin REIGN in your mortal body…for sin should not have DOMINION over you” (Rom 6v9-14) “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet” (Psa 8v4-6) Jesus had to come CONNECTED to the problem (sin and death) in order to LEAD us out of it!
Death Defeated Christ’s Death Christ’s Resurrection Jesus IN Adam Inherits our mortal nature That came by Adam’s sin Under death’s dominion Right he submit to death God’s judgement upheld Body of sin destroyed Christ’s Resurrection Jesus is SINLESS Sin’s dominion broken Raised up by God Death’s “hold” broken Newness of Life (Immortal) The LAST Adam But FIRST for those “IN Christ” “A JUST God and a SAVIOUR” (Isa 45v21)
Bro Carter (2) ‘It is by “man” in both cases. The second man must be a descendant of the first man. He must work his way out of the evil into which the first brought all. Only by being in the evil, subject to the effects of sin, can he come out of it. Death can be overcome only by one coming under its dominion. So mankind is involved in the consequences of the “fall” of the “man” and of the “rise” of the “man”. “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all made alive”. In Adam – by physical descent from him, by generation – all die. In Christ – by union with him, be regeneration – shall all be made alive’. Letter to the Romans (J Carter)
Last Adam Significance… It was vital Jesus come “in Adam” “These are the generations” – Gen 5, Matt 1, Luke 3 To share the consequences that came by Adam Isa 53, Heb 2v14 Serpent in wilderness (Num 21, John 3v14, 1 Cor 15v55-56) Battle and defeat sin in very place it came to reign Gen 3v15, Rom 8v1-3 LAST Adam…eg break cycle Adam introduced! Gain dominion & share victory with “his brethren” Psa 8, 1 Cor 15, Heb 2 Be the FIRST and HEAD of a new creation…new legacy! “The Last Adam became a Life (Eternal) giving spirit”
End of Adam’s Legacy 1 Corinthians 15 “Death swallowed up in victory” Isa 25v7-8 “Oh death where is thy sting” Hos 13v14 “Sting” = Serpent. Gen 3v15, Num 21 “Victory through Jesus Christ our Lord” Heb 2v9-18
In Christ ALL made Alive By baptism (Rom 6) “Baptised INTO Christ” “Baptised INTO his death” “Buried WITH HIM by baptism” “Planted TOGETHER” “We shall live WITH HIM” “Alive to God THROUGH Jesus” Isaiah 45 – “In Yahweh I have righteousness & strength” “Now is Christ RISEN…become firstfruits” Acts 26v23, Rom 8v11, Col 1v18, Rev 1v5
A New Legacy “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, Father of Eternity, The Prince of Peace.” (Isa 9v6) “I and the children who you have given me” (Isa 8v18, Heb 2v13) “See his seed…” (Isa 53v10)
Amazing Allegory Gen 2v21 – “God caused2 a deep sleep1” Sleep = symbolic of death “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept” (1 Cor 15v20-22) “Not my will, but thine be done” “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory”
Legacy of Love Gen 2v21 – “Took one of the ribs” Heb: side (Ex 25v12) John 19v34-35 Gen 2v7 – “Breathed in breath of life…living soul” 2 Tim 3v16-17 Col 3v1-17 Rom 5v1-11 Gen 2v22-23 = Marriage Rev 21v1-7
THM Take Home Messages Man brought sin and death into God’s creation Adam’s legacy is death! Jesus came to share the mortality that came by sin This is vital as he had to be the END of this cycle Jesus the “last Adam”! We can be part of his resurrection by baptism Christ’s legacy is “life and peace” Our life must reflect Christ’s life – resurrected life! This is an amazing and sure HOPE!