Description of Science Operations on HLY1702


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Presentation transcript:

Description of Science Operations on HLY1702 Robert S. Pickart Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution Last updated March 17, 2017 Outline I. Brief overview of Science: Motivation and goals. Operations: CTD, water sampling, net tows, benthic work, underway measurements, marine mammal and sea-bird observers, additional operations.

The Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO)

Pacific water inflow to the Arctic

The Distributed Biological Observatory / Northern Chukchi Sea Integrated Study DBO-NCIS Primary Aims Occupy DBO lines 3, 4, and 5 Carry out a process study investigating the northeast shelf “hotspots”

Circulation scheme based on the 2010-11 ICESCAPE Program

DBO-NCIS HLY1702 Black dots: DBO stations Red dots: Shelf survey stations

Components of DBO-NCIS Cruise Physical Oceanography CTD R. Pickart Water Sampling from the Rosette L. Cooper (O-18) C. Mordy (nutrients/chlorophyll/oxygen) J. Cross (carbon) Mesozooplankton and Larval Fish J. Duffy-Anderson Benthos/Sediments J. Grebmeier Underway Measurements R. Pickart, J. Cross Upper Trophics K. Kuletz (seabirds) Sue Moore (marine mammals) Outreach E. Arnold (NPR), NOAA teacher at sea Components of DBO-NCIS Cruise Lead PIs for each group

CTD Operations

CTD Operations A CTD cast will be done at every station. An MST will run the winch and deck personnel will deploy and recover the package. The STARC team will provide a 1-db averaged downcast CTD file immediately after each cast (using a batch script of Sea-Bird processing routines) Our usual mode of operation is that the science party will be responsible for: --pre-cast set up of the acquisition computer --manning the acquisition computer during the cast and guiding the package to the bottom and back --providing a person on deck to help launch and recover the package if necessary --preparing the package for the next cast

CTD Operations Details Primary System Seabird frame SBE9plus CTD w/ dual temperature (SBE3) and conductivity (SBE4) sensor pairs SBE11plus deckunit Transmissometer Fluorometer altimeter (rated for at least 3000m depth) SBE43 O2 sensor 24-position pylon with 12 liter bottles silicon o-rings Backup System Spare 24 x 12 liter package Computers we will use Healy’s acquisition computer running Sea-Bird's acquisition software. We hope that there is a backup acquisition computer. we will provide the computer/software for post-cast processing and in-situ calibration of the CTD data CTD Operations Details

CTD Operations Details Sensor Calibrations It is our understanding that the CTD sensors were calibrated after the 2016 field season, and will be calibrated again after the 2017 field season

Water sample Operations

Water Chemistry After each CTD cast, water samples will be collected from the Niskin bottles on the rosette. On average, the water sampling will take 10-15 minutes and necessitates the use of Hazmat chemicals in the CTD hanger and main lab The Niskin bottles should have silicon o-rings or similar non-toxic o-rings It is our understanding that the 12 L bottles have external springs If the 30 L bottles have internal Teflon coated springs, they should be inspected (although we will not be using this package on the cruise)

Water Chemistry Details 1. Salts We will collect a limited number of salt samples. It is our understanding that the ship has salt bottles and standard water, and that the ship will supply a person to run the autosal 2. Oxygen-18 No special needs 3. Nutrients 4. Dissolved oxygen This requires the use of Hazmats in the CTD hanger and storage in the lab (sodium hydroxide/sodium iodide solution and manganese chloride solution) 5. Chlorophyll This requires the use of a freezer (preferably -80oC)

Water Chemistry Details 5. Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Total Alkalinity (TA) This requires the following: DIW dispensing system (18-Ohm) Compressed gas tank storage in the wet lab (ultrapure N2) Functioning fume hood Use of Hazmats in the CTD hanger and storage in the lab (hydrochloric and phosphoric acid, mercuric chloride)

Zooplankton and Larval Fish Operations

Zooplankton Net Tows Zooplankton multi-net tows will be conducted off the stern using the ship’s spare drum of 0.322 conducting cable (2000m necessary) A Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 49 FastCAT Profiler or SBE 19 SeaCAT will be attached to the wire above the Bongo frame(s) to provide real-time tow data A scientist will be stationed in the lab to monitor the FastCAT and inform the winch operator when the desired gear depth is reached (either 200m or 5-10m above the bottom)

Benthic Operations

Benthic Sampling Two types of benthic sampling will be done: van Veen grabs and Haps coring These will be conducted off the stern using the 9/16 trawl wire Five van Veen grabs and three Haps cores will be done at select “process stations”

Benthic Sampling Details The benthic sampling requires the following: two walk-in climate-controlled rooms at 1oC space in the walk-in refrigerator space in the walk-in freezer deionized water system working

Underway Measurements

Underway Measurements It is our understanding that the STARC technicians will be running the multi-beam during the cruise, and that the Knudson system will be operational as well We will use both the 75 KHz and 150 KHz vessel-mounted ADCPs throughout the cruise. Jules Hummon will monitor the data quality during the cruise and process the data post-cruise We will use the underway CTD/pCO2 data and draw samples from the underway seawater line It is our understanding that the meteorological sensors are operational

Upper Trophics

Upper Trophics There will be two seabird observers and one marine mammal observer on the cruise These observations will be conducted from the bridge

Additional Operations

Additional Operations We will launch three pop-up buoys (small anchored floats that are tossed over the side... no crane necessary) We will deploy an UpTemp0 buoy (25m sensor string beneath a buoyant float…no crane necessary) If possible we will do a calibration exercise adjacent to a Saildrone (an autonomous surface vehicle)


There are 29 DBO stations and 67 shelf stations for total of ~100 stations CTD: a single cast at all stations Zooplankton: all DBO stations and every 2nd shelf station [20 min per station] total of ~60 stations Benthos: process stations (5 grabs + 3 haps) at all DBO stations and every 3rd shelf station [50 min per station] total of ~50 stations

21 day cruise from Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor, 26 August – 15 September Need to pick up 3 scientists in Nome on the way north on 28 August Scientists can stay on the ship starting the evening of 23 August

Timeline February: cruise plan presented at AEWC winter meeting March: complete cruise questionnaire and hold teleconference 29 May – 4 Jun: onload in Seattle May: medical forms / foreign national forms due 27 Nov – 3 Dec: offload in Seattle

Physical oceanography (CTD/ADCP) 1. Robert Pickart, WHOI Peigen Lin, WHOI Lola Hernandez, WHOI Leah Trafford, WHOI 5. Min Li, WHOI student 6. Astrid Pacini, WHOI student Hydrography (rosette sampling) 7. Lee Cooper, CBL/UMCES 8. Lou Codispoti, HPL/UMCES 9. Chris Pave, HPL/UMCES student 10. Calvin Mordy, PMEL/NOAA 11. Jessica Cross, PMEL/NOAA Mesozooplankton and larval fish 12. Morgan Busby, PMEL/NOAA 13. Franz Mueter, UAF student 14. TBD, UMCES student Benthos 15. Jackie Grebmeier, UMCES 16. Chelsea Wagner, UMCES 17. TBD, UMCES student 18. TBD, UMCES student 19. Eric Collins, UAF 20. TBD, UAF student Upper Trophics 21. Kathy Kultez, USFWS 22. TBD, USFWS 23. Sue Moore, NOAA/NMFS Management and Outreach 24. Jeremy Mathis, Director, NOAA Arctic Research Program 25. Elizabeth Arnold, Univ. Alaska Anchorage, past NPR reporter 26. Possibly NOAA teacher at sea 27. NOAA Sea Grant student #1 28. NOAA Sea Grant student #2 29. NOAA Sea Grant student #3 30. NOAA Sea Grant sutdent #4 Science party as of 3/8/17 Chief Sci: Bob Pickart <> Co-Chief Sci: Jackie Grebmeier <>