Implementation of Smart Cities mission DAVANAGERE SMART CITY LIMITED Review : Implementation of Smart Cities mission State: Karnataka Date: 20.01.2017 DAVANAGERE SMART CITY LIMITED
SPV & PMC * In charge arrangement Name of the city Date of Establish- ment of SPV No. of Human Resources appointment Date of Issue of LOA for PMC No of RFPs Completed by PMC CEO CFO CS OTHERS Davanagere 19.05.2016 01 01* 11* 05-12-2016 - * In charge arrangement
Funds,Etc Name of the city Central Share Transferred (Rs in Cr) State Share Transferred (Rs in Cr) Equity (To be enhanced to Rs 200Crs) PFMS opened (Yes/No) Davanagere 194.00 Yes
Projects-Core Infrastructure Smart Water: 24 x 7 Water supply “JALASIRI “ ADB/GOK Assisted project. For bulk water supply DPR is approved and tender invited on 27-12-2016 For distribution system DPR is finalized and tender to be called Sanitation: Integrated SWM 5 Packages have been formed in Davanagere city for segregated primary collection, secondary collection and transportation including street sweeping and desilting of storm water drains . Dumping site restoration : About 33 Acres of city corporation Davanagere owned land is available for processing of solid waste of about 150 TPD. DPR of Rs 27.00 Cr has been prepared for scientific processing and disposal of solid waste.
Projects-Core Infrastructure Waste water recycling: Approximately 50 MLD sewage is being generated in the city. Construction of 20 MLD STP of SBR Technology is completed. Construction of another 20MLD +5 MLD of STP, laying of main pipe line and laterals are under progress (Under ADB/GoK Assisted projects)
Visible, Feel, Experience Projects Name of the city Smart roads in Areas(ABD) (No) Implementation Status Smart Integrated command & control centre Implementation status Davanagere 10* DPR is under preparation 01** DPR to be Prepared Note: * Total station survey completed for all the roads. Collected data on ongoing projects in the ABD w. r. to Sewerage, Electricity and water supply. ** As the same is part of PMC mandate, PMC has started the study on the basis of MoUD’s RfP and RfP’s of other cities.
Project-”Smart’’ Solutions Name of the city Proposed Projects(No) RfP Under preparation Work Started (Nos) Discuss-Plan of Action for Rfps under preparation Physical progress (% Completed) Davanagere 09 07 02 Rfp documents being prepared in consultation with PMC 20%
Projects--ABD Name of the city Projects Proposed (No) Rfps under preparation Work Started (Nos) Physical progress (% Completed) Davanagere 05 02 Nil Note: Old City Bus Stand re-development : Grid Survey completed. Identified components of the project. Economic rejuvenation of the Mandipet Area : Survey completed. Drawings are being prepared
Convergence-GoI, State Government, Others Name of the city : Davanagere Name of Ministry/ Department/Others No.s of Projects Cost of Projects (Rs Cr) Status GoI/GoK / ADB(AMRUT&JALASIRI) 24x7 water supply: 1) Bulk water supply improvements 01 89.00 DPR approved Tenders invited 2) Distribution improvements 335.00 DPR finalized To be tendered GoI/GoK (SBM) 2.00 Work Under Progress GoI/GoK(Housing for all) 177.00 GoI(NULM) 1.50 PPP (Smart city projects) 04 160.00 DPR to be Prepared
Projects-Modules, Packages prepared from separate projects Name of the city Projects Proposed In SCP(Total No) Integration possible(No) Not possible (No) Manner of integration Davanagere 10 03 07 Water supply, UGD, SWM projects
Finance-projects pipeline Creation of pipeline of projects(nos):- Nil
Progress in appointment of Transaction advisor Finance-Bonds Name of the city Credit rating- status Bonds Issue-plan Progress in appointment of Transaction advisor Davanagere Credit rating agency has been appointed. M/s CRISIL RfP received on 25/10/2016, RfP being customised for City requirement ---
Finance-PPPs and JVs Name of the city Proposed PPP in SCP (total nos) Process Started Likely date of bidding Proposed private Finance ( ) in bidding Davanagere 08 Nil DPR to be prepared -
MIS-Excel worksheets, Gantt charts No of Gantt Worksheets(Proposal wise milestones) Davanagere-4 Roads Roof top solar MLCP Old bus stand SmartNet- Davanagere--01
CBUD Progress Name of the city Status Of VCF policy revision Status of property tax rationalization Status of NRW reduction Status of Waste water Recycling Davanagere Policy will be framed during the preparation of DPRs Property Tax will be revised during 2017-18 After implementation of 24 x 7 water supply project 20 MLD STP is under trial run
Milestone for 25 June 2017 (City wise) No of projects likely to be started: 10 smart roads Central command centre Roof top solar on Government buildings (min. 10 buildings) No of projects likely to be completed: 01 Wifi hotspots across the city List of Visible & felt outcomes for peoples: IT connectivity with wi-fi enabled services. One city one App for the city.