The NHS Pension Scheme (England & Wales) Alan Fox National Pensions Officer UNISON
Its an unfunded scheme just like the state pension
Cash rich or cash poor?
Membership breakdown and average pension figures The average pension in payment is £7,675 per year The average pension accrued by an active member is £5,586 per year Source: 2012 valuation report published June 2014
Scheme composition
The three schemes – 1995, 2008 and 2015 1995 Scheme Scheme in operation before 1 April 2008. Final salary scheme with 1/80th pension build up rate and tax-free cash sum in addition of three times pension value. Normal Pension Age of 60. Maximum of 45 years membership 2008 Scheme Scheme for new entrants from 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2015. Final salary scheme with 1/60th pension build up rate and can convert pension for tax-free cash up to 25% maximum limit. Normal Pension Age of 65 and maximum of 45 years membership 2015 Scheme The current scheme for new starters. A Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) scheme with a 1/54th pension build up rate. Each years pension earned increases every year up to retirement by inflation plus 1.5%. Normal Pension Age equivalent to individual State Pension Age. No membership limit
What scheme are you in? You would have moved to the 2015 Scheme from the 1 April 2015 unless you: Were in the 1995 Scheme at the 1 April 2012 and were aged 50 or over Were in the 1995 Scheme with Mental Health Officer or Special Class status at the 1 April 2012 and were aged 45 or over Were in the 2008 Scheme aged 55 or over at the 1 April 2012 If you satisfy any of the above you remain in the 1995 or 2008 Scheme until your retirement. You do not move to the 2015 Scheme If you just missed out on this you are likely to have Tapering Protection which means you can stay in the 1995 or 2008 Scheme for longer but would move to the 2015 Scheme at some point Tapered Protection: If you were more than 10 years but less than 13 years 5 months from your NPA as at 1 April 2012 you are entitled to Tapered Protection. This means you will move to the new 2015 scheme at a date later than the 1 April 2015. See for the exact date No Protection: If you are a member of the 1995 or 2008 Section and were, at the 1 April 2012, more than 13 years 5 months away from your NPA you will move to the new 2015 Scheme on the 1 April 2015
2015 scheme example Based on Sheila who has full-time earnings of £18,000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 1 Pension £333 £345* £357* £369* Year 2 Pension N/A £345 Year 3 Pension Year 4 Pension N/a Total Pension £678 £1,035 £1,404 * Re-valued at 3.5% assuming 2% CPI plus 1.5%
Contribution rates for 2015-2019 Tier FTE Earnings Band Gross Contribution Rate 1 Up to £15,432 5% 2 £15,432 -£21,477.99 5.6% 3 £21,478 -£26,823.99 7.1% 4 £26,824 - 47,845.99 9.3% 5 £47,846 - £70,630.99 12.5% 6 £70,631 - £111,376.99 13.5% 7 £111,377 + 14.5% Employer contribution rate is 14.38%
Net contribution rates for 2015-2019 FTE Pensionable Pay Net Contribution Rate £10,000 4% £15,000 £20,000 4.48% £25,000 5.68% £30,000 7.44% £40,000 £60,000 7.5% £80,000 8.10% £130,000 8.70%
Retirement ages Your Normal Pension Age in the 2015 Scheme is your State Pension Age Your Normal Pension Age is the age you can draw your pension without any reduction for early payment applying This will be 66 from October 2020, 67 from 2028 and 68 from 2046 You can check your State Pension Age at You can retire from age 55 but your pension will be reduced in doing so
Transition members Former 1995 and 2008 scheme members still retain a pension age of 60 or 65 on this service Likewise Special Class and MHO members still retain a pension age of 55 on their 1995 scheme service Former members of the 1995 scheme can retire and draw their pension without having to draw their 2015 scheme pension Any member who draws their 1995 scheme pension cannot re-join the NHS Pension Scheme 2008 and 2015 scheme members have the option of Drawdown A final salary link still applies to 1995 and 2008 scheme pensions
Early retirement reductions Your pension is reduced if you draw it before your Normal Pension Age (NPA). The % reductions for the 2015 Scheme are as follows: The 1995 Section factors in contrast are as follows: Years Early 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reduction (%) 16 20 24 27 31 34 37 40 43 45 Years Early 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Reduction to pension 14 18 21 25 28 31 34 37 % Reduction to Tax-free cash 12 15 17 20 22 27
Tax-free cash You are entitled to draw a tax-free cash sum from the NHS Pension Scheme in addition to an annual pension The annual pension is taxable (if you exceed the Personal Allowance) which is currently £11,500 1995 Scheme members receive a tax-free cash sum of 3 times their annual pension value, and can elect to receive more. 2008 Scheme and 2015 Scheme members can receive a tax-free cash sum by exchanging some of their pension The cash for pension conversion rate is 12:1 meaning that you lose £1 of pension for each £12 of tax-free cash claimed You can see the maximum amount of tax-free cash you can claim on your Annual Benefit Statement
Commuting pension for cash To work out the maximum tax-free cash sum you can claim you multiply your annual pension by 20, add any automatic tax-free cash sum, and then your maximum lump sum is 25% of this value So for example if you are a member of the 1995 Scheme with a pension of £10,000 a year and an automatic tax-free cash sum of £30,000 the maximum amount of tax-free cash you can take is £57,500 You then take any automatic sum away from your maximum entitlement and divide by 12 to see what your reduced pension would be In the above example, if you took £57,500 tax-free cash your pension would reduce from £10,000 a year to £7,708 per year
Ill-health early retirement If your employment is terminated through ill-health you may qualify for an ill-health early retirement pension A Tier 1 pension would apply if the medical evidence suggests you are permanently incapable of undertaking the duties of your job role. This is simply payment of the pension you have earned to date A Tier 2 pension is the higher award as it also gives a 50% service enhancement to your Normal Pension Age (2/3rds for 1995 Section members). You also have to show that you are permanently incapable of undertaking regular employment however Applications are made through your employer – AW33E Form
Redundancy If you leave employment by reason of redundancy you can claim your pension if 55 or over (possibly 50 for 1995 scheme members) Your pension will however be reduced for being paid early unless you use some or all of your severance payment to buy-out the reduction It’s possible that your severance payment may not be enough to buy out the reduction in full in which case you accept this or use other savings to buy-out fully Alternatively you can just elect for the maximum severance payment and claim a reduced pension or simply leave drawing your pension until your Normal Pension Age so no reduction applies Interests of Efficiency - No reduction applies if you leave employment in the interests of service efficiency (although you don’t get a severance payment)
If you die is anything paid out? Survivors pension if at least 2 years membership Lump sum payment of twice pay A short-term pension is payable for 6 months equivalent to rate of pay This will be paid automatically to your spouse/civil partner unless you elect otherwise – DB2 Form If living with a partner – need to complete a PN1 Form
Can you buy extra pension? Additional Pension AVC’s ERRBO What is it? Fixed annual pension Pot of money Can draw pension early with no reduction Cost? Factors supplied by scheme actuary Up to you Depends on age and years want to buy-out Lump sum or regular payment? Both Regular only Reduced if paid before NPA? Yes – reduced in same way as pension No You retain the value of what bought Can employer pay? Yes – only by lump sum Yes
What happens if your pay reduces? Any pension you have built up in the 1995 or 2008 Scheme will still be linked to your Final Pay at retirement If your pay band reduces through no fault of your own you can make a “pay protection through no fault of your own” claim via completion of an “SM R9 App” form. This needs to be made within 3 months of your pay reducing. If your pay band reduces because you step down to a less demanding job role you can make a Voluntary Protection of Pay claim via completion of the same form. This election needs to be made within 12-15 months of your pay reducing and your pay must reduce by at least 10%. An SM R9 App Form must be returned to your employer. Both of the above protections apply to 1995 Scheme members but Voluntary Protection of Pay does not apply to 2008 Scheme members
Pension Statements All NHS staff are now entitled to a Total Reward Statement (TRS) which includes an Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) Your TRS will provide personalised information about the value of your employment package and includes details of your remuneration and benefits provided locally by your employer Your ABS will show the current value of your pension and allows you to keep track of where you are at You can view your Statement via your Electronic Staff Record or by registering on the Government Gateway at Also don’t forget to add your State Pension! The new State Pension is currently £159.55 a week
What happens if your employment is transferred? If you are TUPE transferred to a private contractor then under New Fair Deal you should be entitled to remain in the NHS Pension Scheme Your new employer would be required to seek a Direction Order via application to the NHS Business Services Authority to admit transferring employees to the NHS Pension Scheme Contracting authorities should ensure their tendering documentation makes clear reference to this provision Directions should usually take 3 months to be granted
The retirement process You should give your employer at least 4 months notice of your wish to retire They will provide you with an AW8 Form that you should complete and return to them at least 3 months before your retirement date Your employer completes parts 1-6 and is responsible for sending this to NHS Pensions You will start to receive monthly pension payments 1 month in arrears from your actual retirement date Any tax-free cash sum due should be paid on your retirement date
Further Info/Contacts The NHS Pension Scheme website – 1995 and 2008 scheme guides 2015 scheme guide Early retirement reduction factors All relevant forms Calculators (i.e. Early retirement, Additional Pension) Knowledge Base NHSPS contact details: Address: NHS Pensions, PO Box 2269, Bolton, BL6 9JS Telephone: 0300 3301 346 Email: Complaints: NHS Total Reward Statements -
UNISON’s Pensions Unit UNISON has a Pensions Unit dedicated to dealing with issues concerning our member’s pension schemes and rights We have 2 full-time pension officers plus secretarial support We’ll always do what we can to accommodate requests for presentations and pension surgeries but obviously our resources are somewhat limited We also deal with pensions casework and are more than happy to advise/assist in any way we can All cases should be referred to us via the appropriate area/regional officer with a fully completed CASE Form and all relevant paperwork Alan Fox leads on NHS Pensions for UNISON and can be contacted via Branches