December 25th / The Birth of Christ THE FIRST CHRISTMAS December 25th / The Birth of Christ 336AD – 1st recorded celebration of Christmas – Constantine (1st Christian Emperor) Pope Julius 1 declares December 25 – Christ birthday. (Nicene Council -325AD) Winter Solstice – Saturnalia - Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (birthday of the unconquered sun) birthday of the Pagan Sun god Mithras The Annunciation – March 25 Symbol – Light in Darkness – What Time of Day Was Christ Born? - Carols
THE FIRST CHRISTMAS Matthew’s Birth Story 80-90AD – 31 verses – Joseph’s Point-Of-View Genealogy - from Abraham to Joseph 14 Generations from Abraham to David 14 Generations from David to the Exile 14 Generations from Exile to Messiah Mary with Child. Angel visits Joseph in a dream. Jesus born in Bethlehem and Wise Men led to Jerusalem by a star. Herod is afraid, Priests and Scribes identify Bethlehem. Herod sends Wise Men. Star leads them to Bethlehem. They do homage to the Christ child – bring gifts. Wise Men warned in a dream not to return to Herod. Angel in dream warns Joseph to flee with Mary and Jesus to Egypt. Herod orders the slaughter of the Innocence. Herod dies and the Angel of the Lord tells Joseph that it is safe to return to Israel. Later an Angels tells Joseph to make Galilee the family’s new home.
THE FIRST CHRISTMAS 5 Dreams That Offer God’s Guidance Four to Joseph One to the Magi. 5 Prophetic Fulfillments Mary’s Virginal Conception Birthplace of the Messiah Departure of the Holy Family From Egypt Slaughter of the Innocents Henry Ossawa Tanner ‘Flight to Egypt’ Nazareth – Jesus the Nazarene Parallel’s the Birth-Story of Moses: Pharaoh = Herrod Drowning of Jewish Males = Slaughter of the Innocents Dreams & Wise Men Flight From and To Egypt
THE FIRST CHRISTMAS Luke’s Birth Story 80-100AD – 132 verses Dedication to Theophilus The angel Gabriel announces the birth of John to Zechariah. He scoffs and is made mute. Gabriel appears to Mary and announces the birth of Christ. Mary visits Elizabeth. Unborn John greets Jesus. Mary sings the Magnificat. John is born. Elizabeth & Zechariah name him. Zechariah sings the Benedictus. Joseph & Mary journey to Bethlehem. Christ is born in a manger. Angels appear to the shepherds and proclaim the Messiah. Shepherds go to Bethlehem and worship Christ, then praise God. Jesus is circumcised and then presented at the temple. Simeon recognizes him as the Messiah and sings The Nunc Dimittis. Anna says prayers of thanksgiving for the Messiah. 12-Year old Christ at the Temple. Genealogy – From Christ to Adam.
THE FIRST CHRISTMAS Luke’s Themes Elizabeth & Zechariah = Abraham & Sarah John vs. Jesus Elizabeth, Mary, & Anna Hymns: Mary – the Magnificat Zechariah – The Benedictus Simeon – The Nunc Dimittis 5. Peace, Good Will to Men 6. Most Familiar Story: Census Angels Shepherds Manger 7. Longest Story – extends further into Jesus’ childhood.
Context – The Roman World THE FIRST CHRISTMAS Context – The Roman World
THE FIRST CHRISTMAS Context – The Jewish World
THE FIRST CHRISTMAS Who was the King of the Jews? Elizabeth Nourse ‘Mother & Child’ Who is the Son of God? How is the birth of Christ relevant for us today?