DO OLDER PEOPLE NEED ‘REGENERATION’? Pat Thane Kings College, London
Did people in the past grow old? Estimated average numbers aged 60 and over: Ancient Rome: 6-8% Medieval Europe: 5-8% England 17th century: 6-8% France, Spain, England 18th century: 10% Estimated average numbers aged 60 and over: Ancient Rome: 6-8% Medieval Europe: 5-8% England 17th century: 6-8% France, Spain, England 18th century: 10% England 19th c: 5%; France 10%.
% population aged 65+, Gt Britain 1881 4.6 1911 5.2 1931 7.4 1951 10.9 1971 13.2 1981 15.1 1991 15.7 2001 18 2011 2016 17
The Ageing Population Growing numbers of people over 60. 2016 c. 15,000 aged over 100 : 70% increase since 2005. UK high birth rate, 1940s- c. 1968; fall to 2001; rise to now. Immigration keeps age structure in balance.
Average life expectancy at birth, UK Year of birth males females 1871 44 49 1901 51 58 1941 69.6 75.4 1961 73.3 79.1 1991 76 80.8 2001 78 82 2011 2014 78.5 79 82.4 83.2
Unequal life expectancy 2012-14 Males at birth: Kensington and Chelsea, 83.3. Blackpool, 74.7. Females at birth: Chiltern, 86.7.Middlesborough, 79.8. Males at 65: Kensington and Chelsea, 86.6. Manchester, 81. Females at 65: Camden, London,89.6; Manchester, 83.8.
UK: Healthy life expectancy at 65 1981 average, males : 10 years; females 12. 2006 average, males : 13 years; females 14.5 17 year socio-economic gap in disease-free life expectancy 20% workers not fit to work to 65. Source: Marmot Review Fair Society, Healthy Lives (2010)
Diversity of Older Generation Rich and poor; healthy and frail Diversity of Older Generation Rich and poor; healthy and frail. Women outlive men. 1.8m pensioners in poverty 1.2m on brink of poverty Cultural diversity: Bangladeshi and Pakistani pensioners at high risk of poverty.
Paid Work 2013: 16% 65-74 age group in paid work, full or part-time. 2001: 8.7%. Discrimination against older people at work. Source: Office of National Statistics
UK Unpaid work of people 65+-2011 30%, regular volunteers in voluntary organizations 65% regularly help older neighbours 30% help neighbours under 65 49% care for children, including grandchildren 28% Voluntary Service Overseas aged over 50 Value: £10b pa, formal volunteering; £34b informal. Source: WRVS ‘Gold-age pensioners’ 2011.
UK Grandparents- 2010 1 in 3 working mothers relied on grandparents for childcare 1 in 4 of all working families 43% children under 5 with working mothers 42% aged 5-10. 31% grandparents saved to help grandchildren buy a home 16% in 60s, 30% in 70s gave financial support to grandchildren Source: Grandparents Plus/Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2010.
Contribution to economy Over 65s contribution, net of pension, social services and health care costs, £40bn pa, in taxes, donations to charities, spending, volunteering. Source: WRVS 2011.
Ageing and Health Care Discrimination: over 65s receive poorer care for stroke, cancer. Women over 70 not called for breast cancer screening, though most at risk of breast cancer. Cuts to operations most affecting older people: cataracts, joint replacement.
Conclusion Medical intervention should complement social, cultural and attitudinal change, to increase equality, end discrimination and negative stereotyping of older people, if more older people are to be ‘regenerated’ to lead fit, active lives to later ages.