Making India A Healthy Society Fitrise Making India A Healthy Society
There is simply insufficient insulin available (Insulinogenic). CAUSES OF DAIBETES There is simply insufficient insulin available (Insulinogenic). The insulin that is available may be abnormal and therefore doesn’t work properly. The receptors on cells in the body that normally respond to the action of insulin fail to be stimulated by it – this is known as insulin resistance (Insulinotropic). In response to this more insulin may be produced, and this over- production exhausts the insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas.
Factors Causing Risk of Diabetes Hereditary or Inherited Traits Age above 50 Poor Diet Obesity and Fat Distribution Lifestyle (Lack of physical activity or exercise) Stress or Emotional Disturbance Drug Induced (Clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine and ziprasidone) Infection Hypertension
Type 1 Diabetes (Juvenile Diabetes): Types of Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes (Juvenile Diabetes): Type 1 diabetes is an auto immune disease, which means the bodies system for fighting infection turns against Pancreas. It is also called insulin dependent diabetes. The immune system attacks the insulin- producing beta cells in the pancreas and destroys them, hence the production of insulin is affected severely, resulting in patients to take insulin injections every day in order to Metabolize sugar to normalize blood glucose levels. Non access of insulin to a type 1 diabetic patient may result in the patient lapsing into a life-threatening diabetic coma also known as diabetic ketoacidosis. Type 1 diabetes most often develops in children and young adults, but can appear at any age.
Types of Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes: The most common form of diabetes is Type 2 Diabetes. Sometimes also called non-insulin dependent diabetes. This form of diabetes accounts for 90 to 95% of people with diabetes. It is associated with older age, obesity, family history, previous history of gestational diabetes, physical inactivity or ethnicity. Recently type 2 diabetes is also being increasingly diagnosed in children and adolescents. In type II Diabetes, there are two symptoms, one is known as “Insulinogenic” where in the Insulin is not properly secreted by β-cells, and the other one is known as “Insulinotropic” where in the available Insulin is not properly utilized by the body.
Types of Diabetes Gestational Diabetes (GDM): Its the form of diabetes consisting high blood glucose levels during pregnancy and is associated with complication in the period immediately before and after birth. It occurs more often in African American, American Indian, Hispanic American and among women with family history of diabetes. GDM usually disappears after pregnancy but women with GDM and their offspring are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes within 5 to 10 years.
Symptoms of Diabetes Diabetes Type 1: The primary symptoms are nausea and vomiting. In later stage, called ketoacidosis, fast weight loss. Dehydration is also usually observed due to electrolyte disturbance. Diabetes Type 2: Increased fatigue Polyuria (Frequent urination) Polydipsia (Increases thirst) Polyphagia (Increased Hunger) Weight Loss Blurry vision Irritability (feeling tired and uneasy) WHEN ALARMING SYMPTOMS ARE IGNORED AND THE SAME STATUS IS MAINTAINED, IT STARTS DAMAGING BODY ORGANS SUCH AS HEART, KIDNEY, EYE, FEET AND SKIN LEADING TO SEVERE COMPLICATIONS IN THE BODY
FITRISE – A BOON TO MANKIND “FITRISE” is a wonderful product from MM Healthcare for diabetics. It helps in the management of high Blood pressure, acidity and acts as an anti-oxidant. Our “FITRISE” is pure natural formulation, primarily an extract of Stevia and Multivitamin. There are no side effects at all as this is herbal in nature. Besides, protective, it also serves as preventive measure. We advise to take 20 drops in morning before breakfast and in evening after dinner with a glass of water. Please note that every 10 seconds one person is being inflicted with diabetes and equal number is dyeing due to diabetes directly or indirectly. Our body has an organ known as “Pancreas” having “Beta” cells which secretes “Insulin”. The function of Insulin is to convert the glucose/sugar of our blood into energy by metabolizing with glycosides. The “FITRISE” green nectar to Diabetics is a herbal extract from the plant of Stevia and Multivitamin, works on cause, by rejuvenating and reactivating “beta cells” of pancreas to secrete insulin naturally.
FITRISE – NECTAR TO DIABETECS Fitrise works equally effectively for both “Insulinogenic” and “Insulinotropic” patients. Thus “FITRISE” enables the insulin to become sensitive to have proper metabolism with glycosides. The patient who is suffering from diabetes for more than 5 years, is likely to develop secondary failure. Once secondary failure starts despite of taking mediciines, sugar is never controlled. If sugar persistently remains on higher side, it will create other complications like heart attack, blindness (Retinopathy), Gangrene (Neuropathy) and sex problems. Therefore, diabetes is known as silent killer. There is no remedy for secondary failure in any pathies; one has to suffer from the complications over the life. However, there is silver lining and that is “FITRISE” nectar to diabetics, which rejuvenates and reactivates PANCREAS to secrete insulin naturally and cures permanently to enjoy better and bliss of healthy life.