Keeping Your Fish Populations Healthy
Healthy Fish Populations
Big Fish Eat lots of high energy food and spend little energy getting it.
Many Fish Eggs survive Young find food and shelter Don’t get eaten
Four Factors Affecting Fish Populations Habitat Introduced Species Pollution Harvest Talk will give a broad plain language overview of the four things that affect the health of fish populations (habitat, introduced species, harvest, pollution) how these things are interlinked through the food chain and how each affects a fish population plus some take home messages about each. Does that sound okay?
Hunt, Hide, Rest, and Reproduce Habitat Hunt, Hide, Rest, and Reproduce Food Source
Hunt, Hide, Rest, and Reproduce Habitat Hunt, Hide, Rest, and Reproduce Food Source
Change habitat Kill fish Reduce food Poor food Introduced Species Change habitat Kill fish Reduce food Poor food
Change habitat Kill fish Reduce food Poor food Introduced Species Change habitat Kill fish Reduce food Poor food
Pollution Render Fish Unsafe to eat Change Available Food Change the Habitat Kill fish
Harvest Loss of large fish Remove more than can reproduce Remove enough to change the food web