Creating Sustainable Funding Creating Programs that Keep on Giving
Your Group Needs Money to Operate
Where do We Start? Showcase what the Master Gardeners do for the community
What does your County need that your Group can Provide?
There are Variety of Programs Educational Programs Plant Sales Cookbooks & Publications Plant Shows or Events Equipment or Tool sales
Every County needs some type of Gardening Classes Consider what you would like to teach Consider the experts in your group How big of a class can your group handle? What would you charge? Does your county need a series of Classes? Set the time to be held same time each year. Pick-up donations, refreshments, sign-in, etc.
TYPES OF CLASSES Series of Vegetable Classes Series of Flower Classes Class on Flower Arrangement Class on Beginning Landscape Design Hands-On Fruit Tree Pruning Seminar Turfgrass Management Class(es) Building Raised Beds Seminar Herbs & Their Use The types of classes are endless
Plant Sales
Cookbooks & Publications Master Gardener Cookbooks sell very well It takes a group effort It does take work and coordination Small How-To Publications Think outside the box
Plant Events and Shows Host a yearly event County Fair plant judging Spring of Summer Flower Show Herb & Vegetable Luncheon / Dinners Do your members have a Specialty
Host Seminars Your group can host a variety of Seminars Construct Rain Barrels Build Raised Bed Kits Make Garden Labels Host a Garden Preparation Class Sponsor a Garden Tool Event What does your county need / want?