Challenges in Managing Terminological Resources: The case of an IATE project Elpida Loupaki Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Rodolofo Maslias TermCoord, European Parliament
Contents Project Identity Stakeholders’ Presentation Migration and the Coining of new terms IATE input criteria Data model Challenges: Reliability of resources Future Perspectives Lets start with a brief overview of the issues we are planning to discuss in this presentation:
IATE terminology project Project name IATE terminology project Partners European Parliament, TermCoord & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, MA in Translation Objective Contribution to IATE by 180 terms Domain Migration & Human trafficking Terminology team 18 postgraduate students Project coordinator Elpida Loupaki, Assistant Professor Institutional supervisor Violina Stamtcheva, TermCoord External experts Kostandinos Tsitselikis, Associate Professor in Human Rights & the DGTRAD TermEL My presentation is about an ongoing terminology project. In this first slide, you can see the identity of the project. The terminology team consists of 18 postgraduate students.
TermCoord, European Parliament The Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament coordinates the terminology produced by the translation units by some 1200 translators and assistants in 24 languages through the interactive database IATE. In 2013 the EP translated 2,3 million pages. IATE contains 11,5 million terms and 250 to 350 terms are added every day by the 13 partner Institutions and Services contributing to IATE; Its public version offers for free 8,5 million validated terms to all of you.
Link with TermCoord Cooperation with Universities Traineeships and study visits Resources: EU terminology, GlossaryLinks, DocHound Contribute: to IATE and to our Neologism Database Publish your terminology thesis Join our contacts or add a link to your website Download our booklet, our widgets and add-ons Visit our prezi account: See what we do and our communication and presence in the media Lets start with a brief overview of the issues we are planning to discuss in this presentation:
MA in Translation, AUTH Partners= Schools of English, French, German and Italian Language Aim= to provide students with solid foundations in order to become professional translators Curriculum= includes courses such as General Translation, Specialized Translation, IT in Translation, Terminology Research and Documentation EMT Label The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the biggest university in Greece. From 2004 we offer a Master Degree in Professional Translation and Interpretation. Our Master program received in June the EMT Label of the DG Translation of the European Committee.
Migration and New Terms “ a population movement, encompassing any kind of movement of people, whatever its length, composition and causes” 5,6 millions of new migrants in Europe (UN, DESA 2009) FRONTEX, Greece = gateway According to the Glossary on Migration (International Organization for Migration) migration is a “A process of moving, either across an international border, or within a State.” During the last five years 5, 6 millions of new migrants are estimated to have arrived in Europe (UN, DESA 2009). This number concerns only documented migrants as irregular migration is by definition difficult to be measured. According to data from FRONTEX, Greece is the major gateway of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers from Asia and Africa. As it is usually the case, new realities give birth to new words or collocations. We are currently experiencing in both English and Greek language a proliferation of new terms describing migration and its different modalities as well as terms describing related illegal activities such as ‘human trafficking’,’brain drain’, ‘smuggling’ or ‘bush wife’.
Terminological inconsistency Term ENG Term EL Back translation Voluntary return: Εκούσια επιστροφή, Εκούσιος επαναπατρισμός, Οικειοθελής επιστροφή Voluntary return Voluntary repatriation Willing Return pink card/ red card: Ροζ κάρτα Pink card Undocumented migrant (Vs. illegal/ irregular migrant) Μετανάστης χωρίς νόμιμα έγγραφα (παράνομος μετανάστης) (Illegal migrant) Moreover, in more than one cases we observe inconsistencies in the use of terminological resources. For example, in the case of the ENG term “voluntary return” we documented three available translations they may have slight differences but duplicates are surely a problem in terminology management In the case of “pink card”, which a variant for the term “asylum seeker’s card” the translation in Greek is «ροζ κάρτα» (pink card) but there is also a “red card” ("special asylum seeker's card“) which is also translated into Greek “ροζ κάρτα” (UN Refugee Agency) In our third example terminological inconsistency reflects ideological and political inconsistency. Although the term “undocumented migrant” is preferred and is meant to replace the terms “illegal or irregular migrant” we find even in recent documents the term “παράνομος μετανάστης» to refer to “undocumented migrants”.
Typology of Migration Texts EU texts COM(2010)493 , Directives 2004/81, 2002/90, 2009/52 Technical texts [law texts, public services reports, police instructions, NGOs reports, academic texts] General public texts [NGOs information texts, journal articles, course descriptions, etc.] These linguistic phenomena could be for one thing explained by the fact that there is a multiplicity of sources, meaning texts, coming from totally different environments and with different and many times conflicting interests. One possible categorization of texts referring to migration and human trafficking could be as follows: From all this bulk of written texts we should select the most pertinent terms to be included to the IATE.
IATE: General Input Criteria Added value Relevance Avoidance of duplicates Accuracy of data Single concept Minimum information ‘Best Practices for Terminologists’, 2008, internal document To do so, we used the IATE’s general input criteria as presented in the guide “Best Practices for Terminologists”. These are as follows: Added value= result of terminological processing of the information, Relevance= terms enter must have a past present and future in a EU area, Duplicates= check the IATE, Every entry should deal with one concept only, Minimum info=include sufficient information to enable unambiguous identification of the concept it is meant to establish
Difficulties encountered Time consuming activity Non-efficiency of term extractors Non-existence of sources (esp. in Greek) Credibility of sources Relevance of sources Before presenting the challenges in relation to documentation, I would like to enumerate some of the basic difficulties that we have encountered during this project.
Non-existence of resources Non-existence of equivalence in Greek Examples 1 and 2: bush wife --- child slave --- [women taken against their will and forced to be spouses of soldiers]
Lack of consolidation of the GR term Example 3: “… βοηθά να αποφεύγεται η "άγρα ασύλου" (asylum shopping) σε άλλα κράτη μέλη…” Eurodac, Ex. 4: “…την τελευταία τριετία και γίνεται συχνά λόγος περί διαρροής ταλέντων (brain drain)” In theses cases there was a Greek translation available but the term was not yet consolidated and for this reason the Greek author preffered to introduce the English term in parenthesis. Brain drain = is qlso trqnslqted in Greek as “διαρροή επιστημονικού δυναμικού”
Credibility of resources Example 6 chain migration = αλυσιδωτή μετανάστευση “Σε μικρό χρονικό διάστημα η αλυσιδωτή μετανάστευση των αδελφών Μεταξά και η επιχειρηματική οργάνωσή τους θα είναι εντυπωσιακή.”
Credibility of resources Example 7: chain migration + Future perspectives
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