IX International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics Welcome to “Diffraction 2016” IX International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics
71 registrants 50 + 9 talks
51 registrants 40 talks
68 registrants 61 talks
60 registrants 57 talks
111 registrants 100 talks
92 registrants 82 talks
106 registrants 102 talks
90 registrants 80 talks scheduled
89 registrants 82 talks scheduled
Two special attendees Uri Maor (?-2016) Nikolai Zotov (1941-2016)
International Advisory Committee M. Albrow Fermilab M. Anselmino Torino J. Bartels Hamburg S. Brodsky SLAC A. de Roeck CERN V.S. Fadin Novosibirsk R. Fiore Cosenza M.B. Gay Ducati Porto Alegre K. Goulianos New York W. Guryn BNL L.L. Jenkovszky Kiev V. Khoze Durham B. Kopeliovich Valparaiso K. Kumerički Zagreb P.V. Landshoff Cambridge E. Levin Tev Aviv A. Levy Tel Aviv L.N. Lipatov St. Petersburg A. Martin Durham L. McLerran BNL Z.-E. Meziani Philadelphia P. Newman Birmingham N.N. Nikolaev Jülich R. Orava Helsinki K. Passek-Kumerički Zagreb E. Predazzi Torino C. Royon Saclay A. Sabio Vera Madrid A. Santoro Rio de Janeiro R. Schicker Heidelberg J. Soffer A. Szczurek Cracow
Conveners Diffraction in ep collisions: Douglas Ross, Marta Ruspa Diffraction in hadron-hadron collisions (experiment): Christina Mesropian, Risto Orava Diffraction in hadron-hadron collisions (phenomenology/theory): Boris Kopeliovich Spin Physics: Zein-Eddine Meziani, Jacques Soffer Diffraction in nuclear physics: Wlodek Guryn Progress in QCD: Dmitry Ivanov, Larry McLerran
Sponsors Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy) Università della Calabria (Italy) DESY, Hamburg (Germany) EMMI, Darmstadt (Germany) CERN, Geneva (Switzerland)
Organizing Committee Conference Secretary M. Capua Cosenza A. Papa Cosenza (chair) E. Tassi M. Rossi Solano Torino Conference Secretary R. Bertelli INFN-Frascati
Some novelties in the program: looking beyond Diffraction general overview talks about LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS) and recent progress in the theoretical predictions for LHC 2) casting an eye on future colliders
Some practical information Common location for coffee breaks, lunches and dinners (see timetable for timing) Lunch/dinner tickets for “externals” Internet: WiFi “Santa Tecla Free Wi-Fi” (no password, just registration) Speakers: talk upload through Indico or by memory stick well ahead of the scheduled time 2) signature on the copyright transfer
The official flag of Sicily Our logo Idea and realization: Ada and Marcella, Guido Dallago Triskele or Triskelion (= three legs) with gorgonèion in a coin from Siracusa at the time of Agatocle (III century BC) Celebrative coin dedicated to Marco Claudio Marcello (I century BC) after the conquest of Sicily The official flag of Sicily
Thanks for the attention and enjoy the workshop