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Presentation transcript:


Equality and Inclusion Equality and inclusion has long been a strong feature of Scottish education and continues to be so. The Equality Act 2010 contains provisions to ensure the pro-active prevention of discrimination in Scottish schools related to protected characteristics. These are: Disability, Gender reassignment, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex and Sexual orientation. In addition, responsible bodies are under a duty to prepare an accessibility strategy in terms of section 1 of the Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils' Educational Records) (Scotland Act 2002 which sets out how schools plan to ensure access for pupils with disabilities to school buildings, the curriculum and information. The combination of the presumption of mainstream education and the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 which considers factors which may prevent a pupil from benefitting from learning and can apply to any pupil throughout their learning career, underpin the inclusive approach to learning in Scotland. The barriers to learning are not defined as being within the child. The barriers arise from such factors as the learning environment, health and disability, social and emotional factors and family circumstance.

Additional Support for Learning Additional Support for Learning is the legal framework through which support to overcome barriers to learning is provided in schools. The legislation recognises that some children may require additional support to fully benefit from learning. Whilst additional support needs can arise for any reason, the legislation is focussed on addressing their impact on learning. Education authorities have duties to identify and assess additional support needs arising from the barriers to learning and make provision to meet individual support needs of all children and young people.

SHANARRI Health and Wellbeing Wheel

Important policies to know Curriculum for Excellence lum/whatiscurriculumforexcellence/ GIRFEC SHANARRI How Good is our School 4? 870533.pdf Experiences and Outcomes across levels periences_outcomes_tcm4-539713.pdf Learning for Sustainability rossthecurriculum/themesacrosslearning/sustainability/about.asp

How Inclusive is your Practice?

Aims : Putting the learner at the of learning The vision is that by developing a really excellent education system, we will contribute to the Scottish Government’s priorities for a Fairer; Smarter; Healthier; Safer and Greener Scotland. Through education we are really striving to effect positive societal change that will make Scotland a great place to live for all its citizens.

Equity. What is the difference between equity and equality? Social justice is at the heart of the Scottish school system. It runs through our curriculum and through the professional standards against which teachers evaluate themselves. There still exists too large a gap in attainment between children coming from the most affluent areas and those living in areas of deprivation. This cannot be accepted as “the norm” and Scottish Government’s view “closing the gap” as a priority. This cannot just be achieved by education alone of course, but the vision is that politicians and policy makers, social and health workers, the justice and the welfare systems, universities and schools work together to ensure that everyone gets to see the game regardless of the background into which they are born.

Methodology Active Learning Co-operative Learning Contextualised Learning Interdisciplinary Learning ICT

Assessment and Wider Achievement Assessment is for Learning in ML teaching National 4 and 5 Higher Advanced Higher Languages For Life and Work

Questions and Reflection How new is this to you? What have you noticed so far in your own context? What is your pledge to inclusion?