The Work of the Holy Spirit CCS
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Creation (Gen. 1:2, Psalm 139:13-14) Inspiring the Scriptures (2 Peter 1:20-21; Ezek. 2:2) Empowering (Judges 6:34) Teaching (Nehemiah 9:20) Possibly Momentary (Judges 16:20, Psalm 51:11) Prophetic (Isaiah 61:1 [Luke 4], Joel 2:28-32 [Acts 2])
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament Ministers with Jesus (Matt. 4:1) Empowering (Acts 1:8 ) Restraining (2 Thess. 2:6-7) Convicts (John 16:8) Teaching (John 14:26) Testifies (Matt. 12:31) Permanent ministry (John 14:17, Eph. 1:13-14)
The Holy Spirit in John 14-16 Clearly a strong Trinitarian Passage! Chapter 14 14:16 – He helps and counsels & is with/in us forever 14:17- in us, yet not recognized by the world 14:26 – sent in Jesus’ Name (proceeds from Father in name of Son) Teaches Reminds 14:27 – brings peace
The Holy Spirit in John 14-16, cont. Clearly a strong Trinitarian Passage! Chapter 15 15:4 – Abides with us 15:5 – Impotent without the Spirit 15:6 – Cast out without the Spirit 15:7- Grants our desires according to God’s will 15:11 – Gives us joy 15:22 – Convicts us of sin 15:26 – Proceeds from the Father (and Son) and testifies of Him
The Holy Spirit in John 14-16, cont. Clearly a strong Trinitarian Passage! Chapter 16 16:7 – He helps us 16:8 – Convicts the world of Sin, in righteousness and judgment 16:13 – guides us in all truth 16:14 – glorifies Christ by revealing the Father and Son to us
So . . . How much does the Holy Spirit do in our lives? Why do we so quickly forget about Him . . .
The Work of the Holy Spirit CCS