ASI Technology Development Scheme Strong Support on Technology Development Double versus support: Mission Pull - Technology Push Main drivers: Strengthening Competencies Scheme Changing Multi Stage Innovation Competitiveness/Non Dependence
Strenghtening Competencies ASI Technology Development Scheme National Missions Platino, Prisma, Cosmo SkyMed etc. Bilateral international Cooperation Israel, Argentina, NASA, Russia etc. European Cooperation (ESA and EC) for Technology Roadmaps: Comprehensive Consensus based Technology Developments National Technology Calls ESA Programs (TRP, GSTP, ARTES, FLPP etc.) EC cooperation (Space Program Committee, PSA SRC on EP and Robotic etc.)
Scheme Changing ASI Technology Development Scheme PLATiNO Mini - Piattaforma spaziaLe ad Alta TecNOlogia New Class of Missions based on Standard Multipurpose Small Platform New mission architectures High Performances Modularity Multiband and multi-sensor mission Competitive Low Cost Highly optimized processes and technologies Status: under phase A parallel contract Launch expected PLATINO 1 - 2019 PLATINO 2 - 2021
Multi Stage Innovation 1/2 ASI Technology Development Scheme National Technology Calls Low TRL on Components including EEE Issued: end 2016 Status: Under TEB 50% Co-financing approach (depending on size and nature of stakeholder) 300K€ max ASI support Very low initial TRL, Radical innovation Medium TRL To be Issued in 2017 Status: Under ASI definition process Medium-High initial TRL Higher budgets Vs the Low TRL Call National Roadmaps Definition TRL – Technology Readiness Level
Multi Stage Innovation 2/2 ASI Technology Development Scheme ESA technology Support Low TRL (Mandatory) TRP - Technology Research Programme Medium – High TRL (Optional) GSTP – general Support Technology Programme ARTES – Telecommunication Programme EOEP - Earth Observation Envelope Programme ETP Exploration Technology programme Etc… European Commission Definition of H2020 WP Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies – Space (multi TRL) SRC EP and Robotic Call and related Roadmap definition (multi TRL)
Competitiveness/European Non Dependance ASI Technology Development Scheme Value Chain Stimulation, Coordination, and Consolidation Last Workshops: Small Satellites, Quantum Technologies and Photonics, Additive Manufacturing, EEE components, Critical Technologies for EU non Dependence IOV-IOD support European Non Dependence Participation to European JTF (ESA - EDA - EC) for the definition of «Urgent List of Actions» (last issue 2018-20) Under favourable conditions stimulation of Second Sources
ASI & EEE Components
1st National ASI Workshop on EEE Components for Space Apps 18-20 January 2016 280 participants, 42 presenters, 22 stands Defined as «The beginning of a new path» To focus, define and foster: National perspectives, European Cooperation with ESA and EC, International framework Evidence needs like on Non Dependance and Double sources Target e.g. PLATiNO Platform
ASIF program ASI Supported Irradiation Facilities ASIF is a national program (started in 2015) for the implementation of an interactive portal/network, web-based gateway, of radiation facilities (ENEA, INFN) to allow users to access dedicated testing/experiments/analysis services. ESA agreed to support ASI in assessing the suitability of these facilities for space application related to irradiation characterization activities Main goals: Increase and transfer knowledge on elementary particles effects from the world of research to space industry and large scientific community Defining testing procedures, protocols according to space models applied for EO, deep space, long-term missions, human space flight Standardizing new test methods, operations
ASI and CAN CASTA CAN - ASIC & Transceiver for Space Applications CANTRAN: 5V CAN transceiver for Space Applications Selectable and programmable slew control (up to 1Mbit/s tx speed) Thermal protection shutdown and thermal warning Stand-by mode current consumption < 600uA Short circuit detection and protection on bus output pins between bus wires Wake up from the bus 3.3V compatible TXD input Space environment (TID: up to 20Krad, SEE: 20MeV/mg/cm2 LET) AmCAN: General purpose MCU with CAN controller 16 bit 80C51 processor 16 I/Os 3 PWM/Timer Interrupt Controller Unit (ICU) and In Circuit Debugger (ICD) UART/LIN controller BIST controller for external and internal memory 2.0B CAN bus controller (16 TX/RX configurable mailboxes) Several redundancies rules in order to obtain SEU protection Auto-diagnostic logic Remote control and re-configuration
ASI space EEE in R&D and CAN in Space ASI and EEE GSTP* 36M€ since 2013 10,1M€ in EEE % 2016 on 2013 +65% 2017 on 2013 +54% (to date) CAN in Space for ASI Space Reliability Space EEE growth STANDARDIZATION + Cost REDUCTION Attention for Applications on New generation Platforms (small, TLC etc.) To Date * Values for Industrial Activities
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