Heat Energy Part 3 Bring thermos to school to keep water hot (prepare it at lunchtime). Bring ice cubes for students to melt (conduction). Food coloring for convection experiment. Containers with lids, ice cubes, paper plates, bubble wrap, paper towels, foil, cotton balls, wax paper (refrigerator experiment)
Ice Cube Activity We just got in from melting ice cubes. What method worked the best? Why do you think this worked the best? Turn to page 8 in your book and answer the first question.
Refrigerator Experiment In groups, you are going to create a refrigerator You will receive a container, 2 ice cubes, a paper plate, and can choose three of the following items: bubble wrap, foil, wax paper, cotton balls, paper towels The first ice cube will be placed on the paper plate as your control, so you can compare it to the ice cube in your refrigerator to see how well your refrigerator insulated the ice cube.
Refrigerator Experiment Let’s divide up in groups Before we begin, make a plan Will you place all the materials inside the container or outside? Which item will touch the ice cube, if any? Will you pack the materials tightly, or loosely? I am going to give you about 10 minutes to make a plan, one group member to come to me and collect the materials, and then, as a group, construct your refrigerator.
Refrigerator Experiment Your time is up Turn to page 11 in your book What materials did you use? Draw and label a picture showing how you created your refrigerator. Now, leave your control ice cube and refrigerator alone until the near the end of our lesson. We’ll get back to the refrigerator later.
Recap of what happens to molecules in matter
What is Conduction? Tell me What is a conductor? What is an insulator? If we didn’t have time to watch Eureka, let’s watch it now… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yitiw6Y7xZg Or Science Geeks... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMsKIfxliA4
What is Convection? Tell me If we didn’t have time to watch Eureka, let’s watch it now… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfeRaOb_E-s If we did, here’s another short video that’s worth your time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liKcJKjvFcY
Convection Experiment I have 2 containers of water with food coloring in them 1 contains hot water and the other contains cold water. What do you think will happen if I invert a cold water jar above a hot water jar? What do you think will happen if I invert a hot water jar above a cold water jar? Let’s see what happens
Convection Experiment The cold on top, hot on bottom mixed, due to convection The hot on top, cold on bottom did not mix because the hot water is less dense and will remain there. Will it remain there for-ev-er? Why or why not? Let’s see…but it could take a while
Why did this happen? Can you explain why this happened? Turn to page 12 in your books
Radiation Tell me about it… If we didn’t have time to watch Eureka, here’s the link… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgvGC0yQ2Dg Or with the Science Geeks... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nX2Lee5MwY
Back to the Refrigerator Unpack your refrigerator Compare your control ice cube to the refrigerated ice cube Which refrigerators worked best? Why? What would you have done differently? Turn to page 11 in your books let’s record our discoveries.
Review Mr. Parr’s Heat Transfer Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUEPGMnRqGs Mr. Parr’s Heating Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYnP4TGOGRY https://quizlet.com/3329245/heat-transfer-flash-cards/ Quizlet flash card review