Knowing your graduation path Soar Like an Eagle Knowing your graduation path and beyond
Graduation Requirements 24 or 18 credits 2.0 unweighted GPA Testing requirements: Algebra EOC or PERT math (97) FSA ELA or ACT 19 in Reading or SAT ERW of 430 or Reading of 24
Graduation Course Requirements 4 credits English 4 credits math (must include Algebra and Geometry) 3 credits science (must include Biology) Social Studies: World History, US History, Govt./Economics HOPE * Art * Online ** 8 electives *can also be waived through 2 credits of ROTC ** online requirement presently met by HOPE on SLHS campus
Oops… I failed a class Fail for semester but can still possibly pass for the year Credit recovery through e2020 Credit recovery through FLVS or LVS C or better and F will be replaced with new grade in GPA. Original F will still show on transcript but will no longer factor into GPA. Can also grade forgive courses in which a grade of D is earned (or C if taken in middle school) NCAA does not accept courses coded as credit recovery courses. Must take the initial credit option through FLVS or LVS Visit the Florida Virtual School Website to sign-up
Want to play college sports? NCAA: NAIA:
Advanced Placement Courses AP courses are rigorous, college-level classes in a variety of subjects that give students an opportunity to gain the skills and experience colleges recognize. - College Board Website Universities require that you earn a 3 or higher on the AP test to be awarded the college credit. The credit is awarded by the University at their discretion. The credit is awarded at the High School when you pass the class
Dual Enrollment at Lake Sumter State College Courses become part of high school transcript but also begins college transcript 3.0 unweighted GPA Pass all 3 sections of PERT or earn equivalent test scores on ACT or SAT Complete application Must have own transportation (other than online courses)
Early Admit Take all your senior classes at LSSC Can take no classes at SLHS or on FLVS/LVS Must have 3.5 unweighted high school GPA Must have 3.0 LSSC GPA
Dual Enrollment at Lake Technical College 2.0 unweighted GPA Pass required tests Take academics at SLHS Electives are courses at Lake Tech Must have own transportation Information on programs offered: opportunities/dual-enrollment
Bright Futures Eligibility FAS 3.5 GPA 4 English credits 4 Math Credits Alg I and above 3 Natural Science credits 3 Social Science credits 2 World Language credits 100 Com Service Hours 1290 SAT/ 29 ACT FMS 3.0 GPA 4 English credits 4 Math Credits Alg I and above 3 Natural Science credits 3 Social Science credits 2 World Language credits 75 Com Service Hours 1170 SAT/ 27 ACT GSV/ GSC 3.0 GPA in non-elective HS courses 3.5 in Career Technical classes Take a minimum of 3 Career Technical Classes General Requirements for Bright Futures 30 Com Service Hours Meet Test Score Requirements on SAT, ACT, or PERT
SAT and ACT College entrance exams (for 4-year colleges and universities Often needed for scholarships Concordant scores will fulfill graduation testing requirements Must register and pay to take the exam (fee waivers available under certain circumstances) Saturdays Not given at SLHS
SAT at SLHS Special partnership with College Board Test is free to all juniors Given on a school day Wednesday, March 1 Study at
Remind Effective way to keep informed Text: 81010 Message: @slhs-2018
Girls/Boys State Sponsored by American Legion For Juniors Weeklong event in summer in Tallahassee Free Experiential learning in government and leadership Application and interview process Above average academic achievement Indicate interest to Mrs. Mitchell by Friday, February 24th.
What’s Next? College / University State College Technical School Military (ASVAB list) Work Florida Shines:
Florida State Universities University of Central Florida (UCF) – Orlando University of Florida (UF)– Gainesville Florida State University (FSU) – Tallahassee University of South Florida (USF) – Tampa/St. Pete University of North Florida (UNF) – Jacksonville Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) – Fort Meyers Florida Agricultural and Mechanical (FAMU) – Tallahassee Florida Atlantic University (FAU) – Boca Raton Florida International University (FIU)– Miami University of West Florida (UWF) - Pensacola New College – Sarasota Florida Poly Tech - Lakeland
State Colleges Lake Sumter State College Valencia State College Over 50 more throughout the state 2 + 2 Much more cost effective than directly to 4-year institution Many 2-year (AAS) and certificate programs
Technical Schools Lake Tech: West side Tech: Programs/Pages/Career-Certificate-Programs.aspx Accreditation
Financial Aid Scholarships: Bright Futures: Fastweb: College Board: SLHS: Grants Loans FAFSA: