Windchill WorkGroup Manager (WGM) for Inventor installation Windchill 10.2 M030 Revised 6/18/2015 Vaughn McDaniel
Process Overview Prepare for update Upload or Check-In all work Close all programs Uninstall existing WGM Install Prerequisites Install WGM WGM Configuration Verification
1 Prepare for Update Prepare for update Uninstall existing WGM Upload or Check-In all work Close all programs Uninstall existing WGM Install Prerequisites
Prepare for update Upload or Check-In all work. Ask Users if everything is Checked In or Uploaded to Windchill. After this locally modified files will be removed. Close all programs
Un-Install Existing WGM, clear data Launch existing Windchill (WGM) Workgroup Manager Client and access Tools > Application Management. Remove all registered applications. Uninstall the Windchill Workgroup Manager Client using Start > Programs > PTC Delete the Windchill Workgroup Manager Client installation :\Program Files\PTC\wgm. Clear the Java plug-in cache: From the Windows Start menu, access the Java Control Panel: Windows 7 64-bit: Control Panel > Java On the General tab, in the Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings. Click Delete Files. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the files. Clear local Cache by deleting %Userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\PTC\Windchill Workgroup Manager (This is a hidden folder which must be shown: ) Delete Browser Cache following - WC001 - How to clear Internet Explorer web browser and Windchill cache.docx
Install Prerequisites Java Version 7 Update 40 – (1.7.0_40) 32 bit and 64 bit required Install x86 and 64 bit Java From one of these locations: \\akus2206\cam\eng\Windchill Info\ \\akus2506\mon\engineering\Windchill info\ \\akus2406\eng\ENGINEERING-APPLICATIONS\Englewood_ENG_Software\ Autodesk Inventor 2014 64-bit and/or Creo Schematics 2.0 Internet Explorer 9,10,11 New users need to be added to this group to map Environment Variables - UX_AKUS_INVENTOR-CAD
Stop local file Sharing Stop sharing the folders used by Windchill File System To list all shared folders on computer Right click on Computer Select Manage Select Shared Folders > Shares Stop Sharing any folders in the file path by right click on folder name and select Stop Sharing Stop Sharing the C$ and C:\Temp
2 Install WGM
Installing the WGM As user, login to PC Install WGM from one of these Network locations and following steps on next slides \\akus2206\cam\eng\Windchill Info\ \\akus2506\mon\engineering\Windchill info\ \\akus2406\eng\ENGINEERING-APPLICATIONS\Englewood_ENG_Software\PTC Executable: \WGM_10_2_30_6\CLIENT\setup.vbs
Accept any/all of the Java security messages Installation Accept any/all of the Java security messages Install to default Location: C:\Program Files\PTC\wgm NOTE: If OS is x64, and setup defaults to install to Program Files (x86), Cancel the installation; Internet Explorer 64-bit was not used, and software will not function correctly.
Keep Default settings Keep clicking next until able to click Install Wait for installation to complete. ~ 5 min.
3 Configuration
Setup KNA Configuration WGMCLIENT.INI file Copy/replace the wgmclient.ini file from the install root to the desktop, then to client install location FROM one of these locations \\akus2206\cam\eng\Windchill Info\WGM_10_2_30_6\ \\akus2506\mon\engineering\Windchill info\WGM_10_2_30_6\ \\akus2406\eng\ENGINEERING- APPLICATIONS\Englewood_ENG_Software\PTC\WGM_10_2_30_6\ TO: Desktop C:\Program Files\PTC\wgm
WGM Configuration – Register CAD Applications Launch the WGM: Start Menu\Programs\PTC\Windchill Workgroup Manager Check for any Error messages Register CAD Applications The Register Application dialog should appear (You can also access by selecting Tools - Application Manager and the Register button) Select Autodesk Inventor 2014 or Creo Schematics Click Register Click Close Close Application List dialog
Register Windchill Login as user. User login prompt should appear. Windchill username and password are synced to network/email/AD account Set Name to Windchill in Register New Server dialog, click OK Windchill should now be available
Verify Installation - Inventor file storage Verify Homepage is to KNA Inside Verify Cache location - The Cache location is where Windchill stores the file locally WGM -> Tools -> Server Manager – Cache tab Verify the U: drive is not being used, as this will cause excessive LAN traffic. Contact ADMIN Files Cache location (default is U:\ this will change to C: drive) ADMIN: Environment Variables set this Cache location (should be set by Group Policy UX_AKUS_INVENTOR-CAD) PTC_WLD_ROOT %AppData%\PTC\Windchill Workgroup Manager\wldroot PTC_WF_ROOT %AppData%\PTC\Windchill Workgroup Manager\wfroot PTC_VFS_ROOT %AppData%\PTC\Windchill Workgroup Manager\vfsroot PTC_WFS_ROOT C:\Temp\PTC_WFS_ROOT
Great Job! Final Test Close all Applications Launch Inventor or Creo Schematics and check WGM also Launches PTC Windchill tool bar is present Great Job!
4 Using the WGM The end users guide
Inventor Icons Most Windchill actions are available from the Inventor Menu Bypass the WGM, when possible, by using the commands in Inventor Open from Windchill FASTEST way to get an Inventor file open (case sensitive, ‘.ipt, .idw’ required: ex. APW2005.ipt) Use Custom Check In until more comfortable with the background actions Do not use New CAD Document Pop-ups display WGM messages Windchill Workgroup Manager for Autodesk Inventor Administrator's and User's Guide
Make a difference Thank you
ADMIN Click the Start Installation button: ONLY IF DIRECTED BY ADMIN USE BELOW From Windchill Login to Windchill using Internet Explorer 64-bit: username: us1name (ex. us1jdoe) password: Same as PC/email Navigate to Quick Links -> Software Downloads – Windchill Workgroup Manager Click the Start Installation button: