Renaissance What? Know as the “rebirth” of classic Greek and Roman culture in Europe. Golden Age of arts, literature and sciences. When? 1300’s-1500’s. Begins in Italy in the mid-1300s and spreads northward throughout Europe.
Renaissance continued… Why? Cities of Italy were thriving centers of trade and manufacturing. Merchants in these cities had great wealth and were willing to use it to promote art and education. Patrons Those who supported the arts. Medici family of Florence Italy.
People of the Renaissance Michelangelo Italian sculptor, engineer, poet and architect. Best known for the mural of the Sistine Chapel and the statue of David.
Leonardo da Vinci One of the most famous names of the Renaissance. Painter, sculptor inventor, architect, musician and engineer. Studied human anatomy, created sketches of flying machines and underwater boats centuries before there development. Most famous painting Mona Lisa.
William Shakespeare Niccolo Machiavelli English writer from the 1600s representing the Northern Renaissance. Wrote extensively on the human experience of joy and sorrow. Romeo and Juliet & Macbeth. Niccolo Machiavelli Known as the father of political science. Author of the Prince. Outline for how rulers could obtain and keep power.
Printing Press Technology By 1300s printing technology had reached Europe from China. Development of movable type by 1400’s allows German printer Johan Gutenberg to print large quantities of Bibles for the first time in 1456.
Impact of the Printing Press Books become more available. Literacy increases. Ideas spread rapidly.
Humanism New way of thinking during the Renaissance which placed and emphasis on the achievements of the individual. Instead of religious issues humanists examined worldly issues.
Reformation What? Push for change in the Catholic Church which will result in the breaking away and the establish of new Christian faiths. These faiths will be known as Protestant sects of Christianity. When? Europe in the 1500s.
Why? Renaissance led to people questioning the authority of the Catholic Church. Strong Monarchs who wanted to increase their power and support reforms. Problems in the church. Leaders more like Kings then representatives of god. Charged fees for performing religious ceremonies .
People of the Reformation Martin Luther German monk who posted the 95 Theses calling for reform of the Catholic Church. Focused on the sale of Indulgences Followers will break form the Church and start own Christian faith and be called Lutherans. John Calvin Reformer who believed in Predestination, God had already determined who would be saved.
Counter Reformation Council of Trent Ignatius Loyola Began in 1545 as a way to reform the Catholic Church tried to end abuses and set up schools to train clergy. Ignatius Loyola Founded the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits. Emphasized strict obedience to Catholic authority as well as spiritual and moral discipline.
Effects of Reformation Religious & Political Disunity: Rulers often chose a religion for their nation, some states remained Catholic others became Protestant. Anti-Semitism Reformation brought persecution to several groups especially people of the Jewish faith by both Catholics and Protestants.
Inquisition Church trials that falsely accused many Europeans of being against the Catholic Church. Rise of Nations States Following the decline of the Feudal System and much of the power of the Catholic Church rulers began to promote nationalism. Growth of the English and French Monarchies.
Reformation in England Henry VIII King of England who became upset with the Catholic Church that refused to provide him an annulment of his marriage. Had parliament pass several laws breaking with the Catholic Church and created the Anglican Church or the Church of England. Elizabeth I Henry’s daughter who establishes England as a Protestant nation.