Welcome to Del Mar College
How have you changed the lives of your student learners?
How did you plan to make this happen?
How will you improve the quality of the ways you serve your students?
How will anyone know what you did?
WEAVE Document ->To provide opportunities to increase intellectual capacities; to develop aesthetic awareness; to expand the dimensions of personal, social, ethical, and cultural development and to develop qualities essential to good citizenship.
-> General Ed Outcomes -> Strategic Planning Element -> Institutional Priorities ->Examine social institutions and processes -> A-1: Assure academic quality across the curriculum for transfer preparation. ->MS-5: Provide opportunities for lifelong learning, personal enrichment, and general education
-> Measure -> Target Performance Level -> Findings -> Key Terms and Concepts Scores -> Establish consistency in the essential historical content that students in HIST 1301 and 1302 classes are expected to master. 70% of students will obtain 60% on the Concept Exam. -> The exam for 1302 was completed and a pilot exam was administered in the Spring 2007 semester. The exam for 1301 will be completed by the end of the Fall 2007 semester. In the Spring 2008 semester a pilot test will be administered for the 1301 concept exam.
->The members of the History faculty will evaluate and assess the History concept exam and asses and edit questions that require modification. -> Strength ->Attention needed -> At program discretion.
Audit Reports Data Entry Status Overview Data Entry Status Details Data Entry Status Audit Measures Needed Findings Needed Actions Needed
Institutional Priorities Strategic Plan General Education Outcomes Sort Reports Institutional Priorities Strategic Plan General Education Outcomes Student Learning Outcomes
Annual Reports Executive Summary Progress on Outcomes/Objectives Contributions to the Institution Highlights Teaching Activities Research and Scholarly Activities Public/Community Service International Activities Challenges Learning Outcomes Actions Completed
WEAVEonline Web-based Unit Planning Features and benefits Comprehensive documentation for each program All aspects of institutional effectiveness addressed Cyclical, ongoing, longitudinal tracking of program successes and challenges Easy to share with colleagues Ensures timely confirmation and approval of every step Easy to use Easy to document for SACS review Promotes collaboration within and across all academic and administrative units and builds institutional commitment to continuous improvement in the College
WEAVEonline Web-based Unit Planning Features and benefits The power, convenience, and efficiency of the Web supporting your planning, assessment, and improvement processes at all levels of the institution Institution-wide understanding of and commitment to quality improvement Streamlined management and easy accessibility for all users at any time from any location Alignment and collaboration within and across academic and administrative units Actions taken tracked over time Easy documentation of data for accreditation and program review
WEAVEonline Web-based Unit Planning Questions? Please contact the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness: David Andrus, Director dandrus@delmar.edu Research Associates: Jane Haas jhaas@delmar.edu and Sushil Pallemoni: spallemoni@delmar.edu Colleen Pike, Research Assistant: cpike@delmar.edu