Advancing Advanced Learners Verissimo Toste November 2015
refining using expanding motivation progression learning Aims Professional Development
Who are they? occupations require higher than average command of English Professional Development
Who are they? qualifications students with qualifications at or above … English degree CAE CPE BEC Higher IELTS 6.5+ C1 / C2 Professional Development
Who are they? Characteristics confident in their ability to improve highly motivated willing to take risks independent high aspirations Professional Development
Who are they? Coursebook Professional Development
refining level of English current mistakes current difficulties noticing these Professional Development
Find the mistakes. There are nine mistakes, but say there are ten. Professional Development
He atributed his success to it's appeal to children. Professional Development
I think its time to discus this question in more details. Professional Development
The desire for power has ruined many good people. Professional Development
The government decides it would cost more money to change policy then to leave current law stand. Professional Development
She can first finish their homework, than go to practice. Professional Development
What word is it? There are nine mistakes, but say there are ten. Professional Development
The buzz was calm in the lagoon. Vocabulary Word formation The buzz was calm in the lagoon. There is hot and cold buzz in all the bedrooms. He buzzed down his speech in order not to offend. Don’t forget to buzz the plants on the weekend. What is “buzz? water Professional Development
Opportunities … … to practice … to notice … to improve using Opportunities … … to practice … to notice … to improve Professional Development
adjective verb noun sentence
adjective verb noun sentence
drink health teenagers know problem We know that teenagers who drink may have a problem with their health. It is well known that drink is a problem for teenagers’ health. Teenagers who drink do not know that they may have a health problem. How can we be sure that what we know about teenage drinking is connected with health problems? Maley, A. Advanced Learners OUP
stock market share children social media
communicating effectively expanding communicating effectively Professional Development
Speaking / Writing A bad journey Speaking: Think about a bad journey you’ve had. Decide what you’re going to say. Work in groups of three or four and tell each other about your experience.
Speaking / Writing An opinion piece Writing: Read the piece arguing for cosmetic surgery. Write your own piece to provide the argument against cosmetic surgery
Communicative Competence Context linguistic grammatical accuracy pragmatic grammatical forms and function discourse linking ideas strategic taking risks fluency information gap of real communication
Communicative Competence Challenge them to improve How appropriate was the language you used? What could you improve? Did you avoid any language? linguistic
Communicative Competence Challenge them to improve Did the language match to what you wanted to communicate? Did you express your attitude? Did you express how you felt? pragmatic
Communicative Competence Challenge them to improve How easy was it to understand you? What did you do to make it easier to understand? discourse
Communicative Competence Challenge them to improve Did you play it safe? Is it what you really wanted to get across? Did you take any risks? Did you improve? strategic
Communicative Competence Challenge them to improve Was it easy for you? Did it feel comfortable? Were there any surprises? fluency
Challenge them to improve Communicative Competence Context linguistic pragmatic Challenge them to improve discourse strategic fluency
motivation progression learning Looking back Professional Development refining using expanding motivation progression learning Professional Development
Advancing Advance Learners Verissimo Toste November 2015 Thank you
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