National 5 Course German Torry Academy
The course provides learners with the opportunities to develop more detailed skills in Reading, Listening, Talking and Writing develop understanding of how language works use different media effectively for learning and communication use language to communicate ideas and information enhance their understanding and enjoyment of their own and other cultures
Skills The National 5 course develops the skills of creative and critical thinking and encourages pupils to become independent learners. This course builds on the language learning skills developed in the Broad General Education phase in the contexts of ‘Society’, ‘Learning’, ‘Employabilty’ and ‘Culture’.
The course is made up of 2 mandatory units 1) Understanding Language developing the skills of Reading and Listening 2) Using Language developing the skills of Talking and Writing
The course covers 4 areas Society Education Employability Culture. Who should take the course? Pupils would be expected to be ‘Secure’ at Fourth Level Modern Languages Experiences and Outcomes or to have successfully attained and ‘N4’ qualification. This course builds on the language learning skills developed in the Broad General Education phase in the contexts of ‘Society’, ‘Learning’, ‘Employabilty’ and ‘Culture’.
Assessments To gain the award for the course learners must pass the Unit assessments as well as the Course assessments. The Unit assessments will show understanding of Reading, Listening, Talking and Writing and can be combined . The Course assessment (exam) determines the final grade for the course (A-D) and will consist of three parts – 1) A Reading and Writing question paper – Reading will have 30 marks, Writing 20 marks 2) A Listening paper – worth 20 marks 3) A Speaking performance – a presentation and conversation – worth 30 marks. The Reading, Writing and Listening papers will be externally set and marked by the SQA, the Speaking performance will be conducted, recorded and marked internally in line with SQA marking instructions and quality assured. They also have an external exam worth 70% which tests reading, listening and writing, and a performance (presentation and follow-up conversation) worth 30% of the overall award.
Homework Regular homework will be issued consisting of vocabulary, preparation for Speaking and Writing tasks, reading and grammar exercises. Learners are expected to keep up-to-date with new vocabulary and grammar on a regular basis. They will also have reading and writing tasks to complete at home.
Progression within Senior phase Following successful completion of a National 5 exam, pupils will have the choice, on recommendation of the teacher, to continue on to a Higher exam in S6. This would benefit the pupil further in gaining entry to College/ University courses of their choice. In an age of global-minded commerce, foreign language skills are becoming crucial for job-seekers. The ability to speak another language makes you stand out from the crowd, and employers recognise that the skills you have developed make it easier for you to learn other languages
Why learn a foreign language? Multiple government agencies, the travel industry, engineering, communications, the field of education, international law, economics, public policy, publishing, advertising, entertainment, scientific research, and a broad array of service sectors all have needs for people with foreign language skills. The study of a Modern Foreign Language Enhances employability in that it improves communication and literacy skills develops an appreciation of the cultural, political and historical background of our European neighbours. in an age of global-minded commerce, foreign language skills are becoming crucial for job-seekers. makes you stand out from the crowd, and employers recognise that the skills you have developed make it easier for you to learn other languages Many universities and colleges offer modern language modules alongside other degree courses, while careers in teaching, journalism, business, and the media, among many others, value modern language qualifications. AND You may choose to use your languages to travel, or to live and work abroad. The world is your oyster!