Sex, test and treat: Implementing an incentivized community-driven intervention to promote the uptake of HIV testing services among clients of sex workers. Authors: Flavien T. Ndonko1, Ghislaine Fouda1, Denise Ngatchou2, Honorat Gbais1, Serge Billong3, Jean Elat Bosco MD3, Daniel Levitt MPH4, Stefan Baral, MD, MPH, MBA5 1. CARE Cameroun, YaoundE, Cameroon - 2. Horizons Femmes, YaoundE, Cameroon – 3. National AIDS Control Committee, Cameroon – 4. CARE International (USA) – 5. Center for Public Health & Human Rights / Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Background and results In Cameroon, HIV prevalence among FSWs is estimated at 36%, and HIV testing uptake among clients of FSW is suboptimal. Female sex workers (FSW) and their clients face elevated risks of acquisition and transmission of HIV and other sexually- transmitted infections globally. A community-led referral recruitment approach was developed to increase uptake of HIV testing services (HTS) among FSW clients, FSWs were provided a small incentive to promote HTS to their clients, who could access the services directly at, or near sex work hotspots.
Lessons learned Many clients are satisfied to have this service available in a discrete place and no crowd as the case with mass screening. Some clients have never been tested before and are happy to do so because they were convinced by the FSW FSW fill useful to the community with this new role as they mobilize clients to know their status. Some even fill that they will be less stigmatized in the future because they are often considered as those spreading diseases around They can also gain some extra money from this job, which is very motivating for them.